
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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The skill of the playwright Baydilda Aidarbek in depicting images of the past and modern times


This article is devoted to the work of B. Aidarbek. He was born in the Suzak district of South Kazakhstan region (1959) and worked as a school teacher until retirement. Baydilda Aidarbek was previously better known for his poetry, and now he began to find his place in modern Kazakh drama. A deep scientific analysis of the plays of this author has not been carried out until today. The purpose of the article is to reveal the playwright's skill in depicting the past and modern times, in creating vivid images. In the work on the article, the author used the methods of reflection, analysis and comparison. The scientific novelty of this study consists in a detailed analysis of B. Aidarbek's dramaturgy. During the research, the author interviewed the playwright. Along with creativity, the author's path was filled with teaching. So, in the play "Mentor" ("Ustaz") the complex aspects of pedagogical work are revealed. In the plays "The Golden Throne of the Golden Horde", "Returned Happiness", "Jahid", "The Trial of Fate", "The Height of Aliya", "My Soul is my Honor", "The country begins from the Cradle", "Sin and Punishment", "Fulfilled Desire", "The Limit of Lies", "Love and friendship" ("Altyn ordanyn altyn tagy", "Kaita oralgan bakyt", "Zhahid", "Tagdyr taukymeti", "Aliyanyn biigi", "Zhanym – arymnyn sadagasy", "El bolamyn desen, besigindi tyze", "Kune men zhaza", "Oryndalgan tilek ", "Otiriktin shegi", "Mahabbat pen dostyk") and other works are reflected the moral issues of the past and present. These plays were shown on the stages of the people's theaters of the Sozak district, Shymkent, Taraz, Kyzylorda and Almaty.

About the Author

K. A. Zhakibaeva
Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

Kalipa A. Zhakibayeva - proofreader-specialist, Department of Monitoring of scientific publications.

050000, Almaty, 114 Gogol St. 


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For citations:

Zhakibaeva K.A. The skill of the playwright Baydilda Aidarbek in depicting images of the past and modern times. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2023;(3):49-63. (In Kazakh)

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