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Digitalization in teaching academic painting in professional art education


The article considers such a trend in art as Digital art, or digital art. This research was conducted at at the Luhansk State Academy of Culture and Arts named after Mikhail Matusovsky at the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts at the Department of Easel Painting. The purpose of the article is to analyze and compare the characteristics of traditional and digital forms, as well as to consider a combined method that contributes to improving the quality of education. In the course of the research, the methods and techniques that are used in practical classes in the disciplines of "Academic Painting", "Easel composition", "Plastic anatomy" for the preparation of students in the specialty "Easel painting" are highlighted. The article also defines the problems and relevance of the use of digital technologies in the visual arts and the educational process. The specific features of digital painting in comparison with traditional painting are considered. The study addresses the issues of changes in the education system with the advent and spread of computer technology. Maximum contact with the viewer occurs with the help of traditional works. They set up tactile and physical communication. The interrelation and complementarity between digital and traditional forms is traced, the problems of combining traditional and digital technologies are investigated. It is proved that the foundation in the educational process and at all stages of learning is academic painting. As a conclusion, the author points out the importance of a combined approach in the learning process, which will allow the student to become a professional with modern tools. 

About the Author

K. A. Parkhomenko
Luhansk State Academy of Culture and Arts named after Mikhail Matusovsky
Russian Federation

Konstantin A. Parkhomenko - teacher of the Department of easel painting, Department of graphic design.

3, Goduvantseva str., Lugansk.


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For citations:

Parkhomenko K.A. Digitalization in teaching academic painting in professional art education. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2023;(3):65-81. (In Russ.)

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