
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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In the years when the Kazakh people were part of the USSR, two reforms related to the translation of writing were carried out. Representatives of the foremost intelligentsia, having comprehensively conducted a historical analysis taking into account the linguistic peculiarities of the Turkic peoples, introduced the Latin alphabet to the scene of spiritual culture. Representatives of the public education, conducting propaganda among the wide population, made a significant contribution to the introduction of the Latin script. In 1940, according to the the law on the shift of “Latinized” Kazakh script to a new alphabet based on Russian graphics, Russian graphics (Cyrillic) came into effect. Transition of Kazakh language to the Latin script will contribute to improving the competitiveness of our country on the world stage and the establishment of good relations with developed countries.

About the Author

O. S. Serikova
Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University

Master student of the 2nd year of study, specialty 'Preschool education and upbringing'



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5. Әміржанов Н. Латын әліпбиі негізіндегі қазақ жазуының графикасы мен орфографиясы.Алматы. 2010

6. Төреқұлов Н. Жаңа әліппе. Қазақ-қырғыз үшін жаңа әліппе. М.: СССР халқының орталық баспасының қырғыз секциясы, 1924.

7. Dotton, Zura. (2017) Language Policy and Language Planning in Kazakhstan: About the Proposed Shift from the Cyrillic Alphabet to the Latin Alphabet. The University of Arizona.

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For citations:

Serikova O.S. HISTORICAL ANALYSIS OF ALPHABETIC REFORM OF THE SOVIET KAZAKHSTAN. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2018;(4):62-66. (In Kazakh)

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