
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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The impact of advanced augmented and virtual reality technologies on the evolution of modern professional art education


The purpose of the article is to consider augmented reality as a method of attracting attention and providing quality education. The article describes the features of augmented and virtual realities. It describes the use of augmented reality (AR) in the learning process of painting students in the study of the discipline "Copying and technique of easel painting". The significance and effectiveness of modern technologies in creating copies of paintings in the museum environment is revealed. AR is a technology that allows combining virtual objects with the real world, creating unique opportunities for learning and forming creative thinking. Mobile devices have gained popularity as an educational tool, and many educational institutions are utilizing them in educational activities to enhance learning. The use of augmented reality as a means of teaching art and comprehending its "depth" is explored. Many museums use virtual reality, augmented reality or interactive exhibits to make the visit more interesting and engaging for visitors. It is important to remember that a successful audience expansion strategy requires constant analysis and adaptation. AR and VR are also pushing the boundaries of art education by providing opportunities to learn and interact with artists and works of art from around the world. Through these technologies, students can visit virtual museums and galleries, study and analyze artworks, and interact with the artists themselves. The use of augmented and virtual reality technologies in education helps to improve the accessibility of learning for all categories of students. Thanks to the ability to study remotely, students can receive quality education regardless of their location or physical limitations. This is especially important for people with disabilities to whom traditional forms of learning may be inaccessible or partially accessible. One of the main advantages of using augmented and virtual reality technologies in art education is the possibility of creating an immersive educational environment. With the help of virtual reality, students can immerse themselves in and interact with the virtual world, allowing them to better understand different art concepts and techniques. It is concluded that augmented reality in the educational process improves the quality of education and allows the student to more easily master and consolidate the educational material.

About the Author

K, A. Parkhomenko
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Luhansk State Academy of Culture and Arts named after Mikhail Matusovsky"
Russian Federation

Konstantin A. Parkhomenko - Lecturer of the Easel Painting Department, Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts

Lugansk, Red Square, 7, Goduvantsev str. 3


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For citations:

Parkhomenko K.A. The impact of advanced augmented and virtual reality technologies on the evolution of modern professional art education. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2024;(2):58-69. (In Russ.)

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