
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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Kazakhstani trilingual education policy places high priority on effective language teaching and learning, one of the ways to achieve which is to use language learning strategies. The article gives different definitions of language learning strategies varying due to periods in which scholars were trying to convey the full significance of the technique used. As well, the article contains the classification of language learning strategies according to the function and language skill, which they are responsible for, with examples and clarifications.

About the Author

Kh. Delovarova
Suleyman Demirel University

Master of education, Senior lecturer



1. Schunk, D. H., & Swartz, C. W. (1993). Goals and progress feedback: Effects on self-efficacy and writing achievement. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 18

2. Oxford, R. (2011). Teaching and researching language learning strategies. Harlow: Pearson Education.

3. Dickinson, L. (1987) Self-Instruction in Language Learning, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

4. Vygotsky, L. (1962). Thought and language. Cambridge MA: MIT Press.

5. Oxford, R.L. (1990) Language Learning Strategies. What Every Teacher Should Know, Boston: Heinle and Heinle

6. Rubin, J. (1975). What the “good language learner” can teach us. TESOL Quarterly, 9(1)

7. Weinstein, C. and Mayer, R. (1986) The teaching of learning strategies, in M. Wittock(ed.) Handbook for Research on Teaching, New York: Macmillan.

8. Chamot, A.U. (1987) The learning strategies of ESL students, in A. Wenden and J. Rubin(eds) Learner Strategies in Language Learning, Hemel Hempstead: Prentice-Hall

9. Wenden, A. (1987) Incorporating learner training in the classroom, in A. Wenden and J.Rubin, Learner Strategies in Language Learning, Hemel Hempstead: Prentice-Hall

10. Cohen, A. (1998) Strategies in Learning and Using a Second Language, London: Longman.

11. Macaro, E. (2001). Learning strategies in foreign and second language classrooms. London: Continuum.

12. Gascoigne, C. (2002a) Reviewing reading: Recommendations versus Reality. Foreign Language Annals 35 (3), 343-384

13. Bloom, M. (2008) Second Language Composition in Independent Settings: Supporting the Writing Process with Cognitive Strategies. Language Learning Strategies in Independent Settings, GB: Cromwell Press Ltd.

14. Klapper, J. (2008) Deliberate and Incidental: Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Independent Second Language Learning. Language Learning Strategies in Independent Settings, GB: Cromwell Press Ltd.


For citations:

Delovarova Kh. TO THE PROBLEM OF LEARNING STRATEGIES IN TEACHING AND LEARNING ENGLISH. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2018;(4):86-90.

Views: 345

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