
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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One of the representatives of the movement “Alash” was an eminent scientist, educator, social activist, doctor Zhumagali Tleulin. He was one of the first Kazakh specialists in the medical field, the author of works on eye and infectious diseases. Zh. Tleulin not only made a huge contribution to preserving the health of the population of the republic, he was the organizer of the first training courses for Kazakh specialists for schools and other institutions in the history of Northern Kazakhstan. He also owns the organization of studying the history of Kazakhstan in the North Kazakhstan region.

About the Authors

B. A. Chakenova
Kazakh Pedagogical University named after Abai

PhD student of the specialty «6D011400 - History»


M. Ch. Kalybekova
Kazakh Pedagogical University named after Abai

PhD in History, Associate Professor, Department of History of Kazakhstan



1. Afanasyeva A. Explaining and managing epidemics in imperial contexts: Russian responses to plague in the Kazakh steppe in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Moscow: National Research University Higher School of Economics. Working papers. Humanities. 2017. Pp.1-15

2. Қазақ газеті 1914 ж. №70 саны, Алматы, 2009. -261 б.

3. Қазақ газеті 1914 ж. №57 саны, Алматы, 2009. -133 б.

4. Тлеулин Ж. Науқас һәм оның емделуі. Қазақ, -2015. -№99.

5. ҚР ҰҚК АҚДА., 6-қ., 06610-іс, 2-том, -Пп.400-405.

6. Қойгелдиев М. Алаш қозғалысы, -Алматы, -2017, -126 б.

7. Дулатова Г. Аманат. Жұлдыз, -1994. - №3-4

8. Найманбаев А. Тұлға бейнесі.Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университеті «Хабаршы» - №3 (51), -2014. -27 б.

9. Қойгелдиев М. Қазақстандағы советтік билік баламасыз билік пе?. Қазақ үні. 28 наурыз 2018.

10. ҚР ҰҚК АҚДА., 6-қ.,06610-іс, 2-том. -Пп. 408-409


For citations:

Chakenova B.A., Kalybekova M.Ch. SOCIO-POLITICAL AND EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES OF ZHUMAGALI TLEULIN. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2018;(4):97-101. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2306-5079 (Print)