
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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The problems of the new Kazakh Latin alphabet are considered in the article. Studies on actual issues of the alphabet from Y.Altynsarin to the present day are analyzed. A written system is a sing of the culture of a nation that speaks the same language. Writing is classified from cave walls, rocks and painting systems, the most modern recording systems, graphic or ideographic systems, syllables, abhad and alphabetic systems (alphabets). The real ones are used mainly for translation. At the moment the languages and systems of writing alphabetical objects were used by the Turkish and Kazakh people, living on different geographical scripts, so they could not use the each others`s information directly in their written languages. The results of experimental work of phonetics researchers of Kazakh Turkish languages are used in the article.

About the Author

Murat Zheretoyul
University of Ankara

PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Languages, History, Geography, Modern Tùrkic Languages and Literature




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For citations:

Zheretoyul M. KAZAKH LATIN ALPHABET AND OTHER VIEWS ABOUT THE LETTER. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2018;(1):70-77. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2306-5079 (Print)