
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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The article presents the main problems of intercultural competence in learning. In the era of globalization, one of the urgent problems of cross-cultural competence is their transformation in learning. In the class there are students with different cultural values and they can feel a sense of their inferiority, which leads to increased alienation, to the desire to create inter-ethnic tensions in the process of relations with others. Teachers must create a stabilization and approach the learning of cross-cultural competence correctly. Thus, intercultural communication is one of the constituent parts of cross-cultural competence in studying the problem of safe and conflict-free interaction of ethnic groups by instilling the skills of tolerant and conversational attitudes towards each other.

About the Authors

A. К. Кapanova

PhD student, instructor


A. A. Мukhametzhanova

Senior Lecturer



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For citations:

Кapanova A.К., Мukhametzhanova A.A. FEATURES AND PROBLEMS OF CROSS-CULTURAL COMPETENCE IN TEACHING. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2019;(2):119-123.

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