
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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The article the about problems of assessment of quality of education in our country and in Russia, identified ou importance and necessity of their ussing, and examined the toolkits of assessments of quality of education in world. The authors shared with the experiences of the Russian scientist N.N.Naidenova, where consider methods of assessments of multiplex for appraisa of quality of education and determination of system of the structural component. The article outlines the issues of interdisciplinary connection between the measurement of learning outcomes and the use of possible tools for the modernization of education and the quality of the educational process. At the same time, taking into account social and pedagogical factors, the authors analyzed the application of measurement tools that contribute to improving the quality of the educational process. The goals and objectives of international research, in which Kazakh schoolchildren take part, are described, interdisciplinary connections of subjects in mathematics, natural sciences, their ability to interpret, process educational information, reflections and functional literacy, which assess the results of educational achievements in acquiring certain skills by students. The shortcomings and weaknesses of the development of the Constructivite paradigm are reflected, which are used to objectively measure the quality of education both abroad and in Russia.

About the Authors

N. N. Naidenova
Institute of strategy of development of education
Russian Federation

Cand. Sci. (Рedagogy), Prof.


G. A. Muratbaeva
Kazakh State Women‘s Teacher Training University

Dr. Sci. (Рedagogy), Professor



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For citations:

Naidenova N.N., Muratbaeva G.A. INTERNATIONAL AND KAZAKH TOOLKITS OF ASSESSMENTS OF QUALITY OF. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2018;(1):121-130. (In Kazakh)

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