
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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The article substantiates the need for the formation of cognitive strategies in the learning process, which determine the possibility of developing the ability of students to learn. The concept of “cognitive strategies” is analyzed, their relationship with general educational skills is revealed, the need for personal orientation of the educational process as the conditions for their formation is indicated. The structure of the process of formation and development of cognitive strategies of schoolchildren is described, a system of principles that determine the orientation of education on the formation of personal cognitive strategies of schoolchildren is presented. The emphasis is on the fact that the development of personal cognitive strategies of students is carried out through the comprehension and consolidation of personal cognitive experience. A generalization of the practical experience of organizing the educational process made it possible to structure a generalized cognitive strategy for solving a school geometric problem, develop requirements for task systems used in teaching mathematics with the aim of developing personal cognitive strategies for schoolchildren, and offer methodological recommendations on the organization of the stages of the formation of cognitive strategies based on working with task systems.

About the Authors

I. B. Shmigirilova
Manash Kozybaev North Kazakstan State University


Z. S. Kakenova
Manash Kozybaev North Kazakstan State University



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For citations:

Shmigirilova I.B., Kakenova Z.S. COGNITIVE STRATEGIES OF SCHOOLCHILDREN AND THEIR FORMATION IN TEACHING MATHEMATICS. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2020;(2):62-72. (In Russ.)

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