
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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The relevance of the topic of the scientific article is due to the fact that the problem of socialization of children, which is one of the main priorities of our state, needs to find possible ways to prevent it. The fundamental and essential factor of successful social adaptation to changes and assimilation of new knowledge is the family. The formation of the child's personality, his idea of social "role" depends on psychological comfort as a result of adequate relationship in the family and the pedagogical culture of parents. In the adaptation of the child, an important role is played by the personal characteristics of parents, which in a psychotraumatic situation can prevent the establishment of harmonious contact of the child with others. In this regard, it becomes urgent to develop such forms of socio-psychological work, which could overcome many of the intrapersonal conflict and problems of parents, to create favorable conditions for the formation in the minds of new ideological positions and attitudes to successfully solve the problems of their children.

About the Author

M. R. Eraly
Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University

2nd year master student of the specialty "Psychology"



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For citations:

Eraly M.R. THE ROLE OF THE FAMILY IN THE SOCIAL ADAPTATION OF CHILDREN OF PRIMARY SCHOOL AGE. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2019;(4):302-306. (In Russ.)

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