
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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Turkish elementary school students’ views about environmental pollution at school


This study aimed to explore Turkish elementary school students’ the views about environmental pollution at school. In this study, a phenomenological research design from the qualitative research methods was used. Study group included a total of 60 students studying in the 2-4th grades of a state elementary school in Balıkesir in Turkey. Environmental Pollution Form was used in data collection. Content analysis technique was used in data analysis. The student answers to each question were analyzed under code and category. According to study results, the students explained the concept of environment with natural beauties such as nature, forest, mountain, sea, soil, and they stated that the environment consisted of living and non-living beings. They mentioned that environmental pollution included soil, air, and water pollution, and they mostly associated environmental pollution with garbage, chemicals, fumes, and bad smells. They saw people as the reason for this. Most of the students described the environment in their school as dirty. The students did not obey the rules, environmental awareness was not developed enough in the students, garbage was thrown on the ground, the school servants did not clean the school well enough, etc. could be said among the reasons for this. It has been observed that the students used trash cans to prevent environmental pollution in their schools and warned people who threw garbage in the environment. They emphasized that the school administration and the teachers also took the necessary precautions in this regard, but that the students should be more sensitive about this issue and the school servants should clean their surroundings more. They suggested that the number of recycling bins should be increased and penal sanctions on those who litter when necessary should be imposed. The students stated that resources should be used sparingly since they are limited, which could also help prevent environmental pollution.

About the Authors

Gülcan Çetin
Balikesir University

Gülcan Çetin - Corresponding author, Prof. Dr., Balıkesir University Faculty of Necatibey Education, Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Biology Education,

10100 Balıkesir.

Yasemin Sayan
Balikesir University

Yasemin Sayan - Balikesir University, Balikesir Vocational School, Child Development Program,

10100 Balıkesir.


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For citations:

Çetin G., Sayan Ya. Turkish elementary school students’ views about environmental pollution at school. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2023;(3):10-20.

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