
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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No 1 (2023)
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9-21 583

Teacher education and professionalism are believed to be key to school reform in Kazakhstan (OECD, 2014). As a part of the school reform initiatives, Kazakhstan has been actively investing into teachers’ in-service professional development, teachers’ social support and school infrastructure. Interestingly, however, pre-service teacher education has not been part of those reform initiatives (Yakavets et al., 2017). Whilst teacher professionalism has been actively discussed at the in-service level, there is little to no research on it at the pre-service level. As such, this study aims at exploring future teachers’ professional identity i.e. what factors can influence the development of teachers’ professional identity at the pre-service level. A case study was conducted to explore Year 4 (graduating year) students’ experiences in one pedagogical university in Kazakhstan. The study outcomes indicate a link between pre-service-teachers’ professional identity, quality of students’ professional experiences and their emotions. The development professional identity is viewed as highly emotional process, wherein pedagogical universities must integrate self-reflection and emotional awareness in their academic programmes.

22-33 513

Research background: The global nature of modern education and international cooperation in the study of giftedness creates a need to build close ties with organizations that support the gifted and share best practices in this area.

The purpose of the study: to summarize data on the system of organizations that support gifted children in European countries.

Research methods: the main research method was the search and analysis of the activities of organizations of various types that support gifted children in European countries, as well as the identification of the theoretical and methodological foundations of their activities.

The results of the study presented in the article: The article describes the system of public organizations that provide assistance, training, support to gifted children in European countries. An overview of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study and teaching of gifted children in European countries is given : the differential model of F. Gagne, the concept of multiple intelligences of H. Gardner, the enrichment model of D. Renzulli SEM, the educational models "Turniquet" and "Aktiotop". The activities of both pan-European and international and regional organizations are described. Most organizations are nongovernmental associations of educators, researchers and parents of gifted children. In particular, the specifics of such organizations as the European Council for High Ability (ECHA), the European Talent Support Network (ESTN), the non-profit organization for people with a high intelligence quotient Mensa, Internationalen Centrums für Begabungsforschung (ICBF), the International Panel of Experts for Gifted Education (IPEGE), Associação Nacional para o Estudo e Intervenção na Sobredotação in Portugal (ANEIS), Magyar Tehetségsegítő Szervezetek Szövetsége (MATEHETSZ), Elternverein hochbegabter Kinder in Switzerland (EHK) and Associazione Genitory Education to Talent in Italy (AGET).

Conclusions: It is noted that the ideas of personalization of education are widespread, which is realized through mentoring, coaching and the opportunity for a gifted child to independently build his own learning process. The article fixes the network principle of support for the gifted, which is becoming a pan-European trend, including assistance not only to children, but also to parents and teachers who work with them. The largest universities in Europe, powerful public and charitable organizations are involved in work with gifted children. The purpose of this article is to summarize data on the system of organizations that support gifted children in European countries.

34-45 444

According to UNESCO officials, the Urgent Safeguarding Register currently contains 76 elements of intangible cultural heritage whose viability is threatened. Some of them are elements related to traditional crafts. According to the author's field research and interviews with craftsmen from various regions of Kazakhstan, some types of traditional Kazakh crafts are in dire need of urgent protection. Among them are tufted and lint-free carpet weaving, bone carving, production of natural strings for musical instruments, some techniques of jewellery art and others. In this regard, this article analyzes the practice of supporting, protecting and defending traditional crafts in the global context, which will allow not only to get acquainted with modern trends in this field, but also to outline the main points of the traditional crafts protection strategy in Kazakhstan. This aspect is considered by the author through the prism of the Kazakh pile carpet weaving. There is no doubt that the viability of traditional crafts depends on a set of well-designed measures for their protection, including not only financial mechanisms but also the entire promotional infrastructure: from the use of marketing technologies to the development of educational manuals for the education system. The main concentration of the article is focused on the elements included in the List of ICH in need of urgent protection and analysis of practices of support, protection and conservation of traditional crafts in the global context. Geography of the countries that have initiated inclusion of their elements in this list is quite extensive and their experience in this direction seems promising for Kazakhstan. After all, crafts are associated with deeper layers of traditional culture: the worldview, representations, rituals, etc.

46-59 425

In 2022 Yakutia celebrated the 100th anniversary of its formation. The article gives a brief overview of the development of professional music education in Yakutia from the origins to the formation of higher educational institutions in the field of music. The history of the oldest educational institutions of the republic is given; the first Republican music school, the Yakut Music College (college). In Yakutia, the starting point of the third stage of piano education was 1993, when the Higher School of Music of the RS (Ya) was opened - an educational institution with a three-stage system of education - primary, secondary and higher. This marks a qualitative leap in the system of music education: for the first time in Yakutia, the training of highly qualified musicians has begun. The main emphasis in the article is on the disclosure of the multifaceted activities of the HSM, which created a new cultural and spiritual environment by organizing an intensive musical life in the republic. The author gives examples of the fact that the competitiveness of HSM graduates is confirmed by their demand abroad. The second part of the article examines the common features of the development of young piano cultures of Yakutia and China. A brief overview of the origin and formation of the piano art of the two countries is presented. Both national piano cultures were formed as a result of the adaptation of the European musical model to their non-European national culture. At the same time, the priority orientation to the development of European piano art did not lead to the loss of national identity.

60-74 426

The article is devoted to the revealing of semiotic approach specificity in the study of media franchises as the results of transmedia storytelling. The transmedia franchises’ research needs a certain revision of some semiotic notions. In particular, the present article deals with the study of iconic signs’ functioning in the media franchises. The classic definition of iconic sign proposed by Ch. S. Peirce and based on some similarity of icon and its object, seems to contradict to the fictional text characteristics as “denotation without denotate” made by G. Gennette, which means that signs of a fiction work don’t have referents in the extratextual reality. In the article the attempt was made to eliminate this collision, using the understanding of the iconic sign by Umberto Eco, on the one hand, and the principle of “minimal departure” by M.-L. Ryan, on the other. The article concludes that the products of fiction are often nothing more than a result of combination of existing objects or of their parts that creates the illusion of a realism of the fictional world’ characters and locations and retains the credibility of the audience members. The article also deals with the specificity of the notion “semiosis” in the transmedia franchises study. In the case of a fictional world that is constantly expanding and detailing thanks to transmedia storytelling, we are dealing with a specific, transmedia semiosis, in which each new work of the franchise is a kind of interpretant for the other texts included in it.


76-88 779

Inclusive mathematics education creates new challenges not only for students but also for teachers. Therefore, the article studies the possibilities of using game technologies in teaching of Mathematics for the 5th grade in an inclusive education. The problems of inclusive education in the UK, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan are differentiated; the offers and methods used in these countries are studied and analyzed. The research was conducted during the lessons for a 5th grade's learner with special needs studying at home in a rural school. It is aimed at awakening of the desire to education for learners with special needs. Difficulties arising in the teaching of Mathematics are identified, effective teaching technologies are selected, and tasks are systematized. The preparation of tasks in an interesting form with using of innovative technologies, such as game technologies, develops the thinking and creative abilities of the learners has been established. In this study, the pedagogical, psychological, and methodological problems and offers for their solution given in foreign and domestic scientific articles, textbooks were used. The conclusions drawn based on the results obtained are aimed as a methodological recommendation to eliminate the difficulties that teachers faced in teaching mathematics to learners with special needs who are home-schooled in rural areas.

89-99 533

The study of Chinese as a foreign language, the formation of foreign language communicative competence in Chinese is a key direction of the modern paradigm of foreign language education based on foreign language competencies. The acquisition of a foreign language is carried out through the types of speech activity. Listening is the most difficult type of speech activity that must be perceived when mastering the Chinese language due to its inherent features. That is why the purpose of our research article was to identify the most common mistakes in learning Chinese, work to eliminate them, identify the approaches used. To achieve this goal and determine the effectiveness of the methods used, experimental work was carried out with students studying Chinese as a foreign language using the numerical research method. According to the results of our research, mistakes made during the hearings are also allowed during pronunciation, and vice versa, mistakes made by students with correct pronunciation lead to their misunderstanding of these sounds during the hearings, in addition, mistakes made during the hearings are systematized, ways of solving them are proposed and according to the methods used, students of the experimental group they showed a higher indicator than the students of the control group.

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ISSN 2306-5079 (Print)