
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

Published since 2006.

Number and date of initial registration No. 6204-Zh dated 08.08.2005.

The journal was registered on February 12, 2018. Certificate No. 16900-Zh on registration, re-registration of a periodical printed publication, information agency and online publication of the Information Committee of the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan, number and date of initial registration - No. 6204-Zh dated August 08, 2005.

Registered on 12.06.2023 on the basis of certificate No. KZ11VPY00071805 on registration or re-registration of periodicals, news agencies and online publications in the Information Committee of the Ministry of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The journal is registered in the International Center for Registration of Serial Publications ISSN (UNESCO, Paris, France), the journal is assigned the number 2306-5079.

The languages of the publication are Kazakh, Russian, and English. Frequency– 4 times a year.

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Current issue

No 2 (2024)
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10-23 85

This article explores the intersection of education, economics, and culture during the COVID-19 period. The study aims to understand the challenges experienced by countries, focusing on analyzing education conditions through the lens of socioeconomic status in relation to COVID-19. This study integrates quantitative and qualitative research conducted during the three-year COVID-19 period. An integrative literature review (Torraco, 2005) is employed to generate new perspectives and frame emerging concepts on the impact of COVID-19 on education. After a search in four databases, 49 empirical research studies in 36 developing and developed countries were selected for rigorous analysis. The study reveals that the digital divide, poverty, and gender inequality were significant educational challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. Students from low socioeconomic families, particularly those residing in rural areas and with strong religious traditions, faced vulnerabilities within the education system. They experienced limited access to quality education and faced gender-based discrimination. In some cases, these circumstances led to heightened risks of suicide and other mental health issues. This review highlights the primary role of the educational resource deficit in generating socioeconomic disparities due to unequal allocation. The authors argue that policymaking processes should prioritize the needs of the most vulnerable student groups, including female teachers, in the post-COVID-19 period. Additionally, there is a need for empirical research on the long-term effects of COVID-19, commonly referred to as "long COVID-19" on most vulnerable groups of students.

24-35 33

The article in its targeted focus by the author considers problematic aspects of studying issues related to the implementation of digital transformation processes in the field of education in the Republic of Belarus, taking into account the predictive analysis of the presented risks and threats arising before society of the emerging era of digitalization. In many ways, it is objectively and correctly implemented forecasting that is the reference position for making balanced decisions in determining the strategic directions for the development of education in its short and long term. Analysis of existing publications in this field in the Republic of Belarus allows us to conclude that there are insufficient in-depth and systemic studies that, in their interdisciplinary nature, would overcome the methodological inconsistency of the problem of predictive analytics in assessing the risks and threats associated with the processes of digital transformation in the educational sphere, including taking into account psychological and pedagogical problems. A comparative analysis of the studies of Belarusian scientists, the conceptual provisions of state programs in the field of digitalization of education, together with the concretization of the used conceptual and terminological apparatus, allowed the author to determine the necessary methodological grounds for scientific search. Within the framework of scientific reflection, when taking into account the theoretical and methodological approaches developed in psychological and pedagogical science, the author highlighted the foundations of the predictive analysis carried out based on a clear understanding of the leading trends in the development of modern education. The article highlights the determinants - the factors that determine the dynamics of the technologization of the educational sphere, the specifics of the integration of innovative information and communication technologies into the educational activities carried out by its subjects. The noted provisions, along with the definition of risks and threats to digital transformation of processes in the education system of the Republic of Belarus, made it possible to comprehend the conditions for their minimization and overcoming the imperatives of the proposed requirements for their implementation

36-45 52

The article describes the phenomenon of abusive behavior based on the research of American psychologists. Determining the relevance of the topic, the author provides links to disappointing statistical indicators for victims of domestic violence and indicates that, mostly, women and children become such victims. The paper provides links to well-known American researchers in the field of abusive behavior. It is shown that thanks to their research, the nature of abusive behavior, the main causes of its occurrence were described, the psychological features of the abuser were identified and his psychological profile was compiled. Based on research in the field of abusive behavior and describing the abuser as a person who seeks to gain and strengthen his power over the victim, various forms of such behavior are considered, including the "dark triad" as a deviant component of emotional intelligence (non-clinical narcissism, nonclinical psychopathy and Machiavellianism) and sadism. Based on the analyzed information, the article presents a psychological portrait of the abuser based on some deviations of his behavior. The article also provides an overview of the comprehensive experience that has been accumulated in the United States to solve problems with domestic violence, and measures related to providing psychological assistance to victims of such violence

46-56 28

The article provides data on the similarities and differences between the memorial lamentations of the Kazakh people and those of different peoples of the world. A comparative analysis of who performs the crying and how, what exactly is given special importance in this ritual, is carried out. The substantiation of the significance of the memorial cry is given. It is written about the place of mourning in every historical epoch. It is investigated how important the reputation and dignity of any person is after the death of a brother or friend. A comparative analysis of the use of metaphors, comparisons, and epithets in memorial lamentations is given. The article presents a comparative analysis of women's cries among Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Turkmens, Kyrgyz, Bashkirs, Karakalpaks, Russians, Georgians, Lithuanians and Latin American Indians. The author gives examples of classical works of the past, including the 11th-century Turkic poet Mahmud Kashgari, the 12th-century Georgian poet Shota Rustaveli, the 18th-century Turkmen poet Maktumkuli, Kyrgyz poetry in the works of Shokan Ualikhanov. A special place is occupied by materials related to zhoktau (lamentations), from the works of Kazakh poets Abai Kunanbayev, Mashkhur Zhusup Kopeev, Orynbai Bertagyuly Oralkhan Bokey, Mukagali Makatayev, modern poet Kalkaman Sarin. In the course of studying the topic, comparative, textual, cultural-historical, mythopoetic and other methods of analyzing literary works were used


58-69 36

The purpose of the article is to consider augmented reality as a method of attracting attention and providing quality education. The article describes the features of augmented and virtual realities. It describes the use of augmented reality (AR) in the learning process of painting students in the study of the discipline "Copying and technique of easel painting". The significance and effectiveness of modern technologies in creating copies of paintings in the museum environment is revealed. AR is a technology that allows combining virtual objects with the real world, creating unique opportunities for learning and forming creative thinking. Mobile devices have gained popularity as an educational tool, and many educational institutions are utilizing them in educational activities to enhance learning. The use of augmented reality as a means of teaching art and comprehending its "depth" is explored. Many museums use virtual reality, augmented reality or interactive exhibits to make the visit more interesting and engaging for visitors. It is important to remember that a successful audience expansion strategy requires constant analysis and adaptation. AR and VR are also pushing the boundaries of art education by providing opportunities to learn and interact with artists and works of art from around the world. Through these technologies, students can visit virtual museums and galleries, study and analyze artworks, and interact with the artists themselves. The use of augmented and virtual reality technologies in education helps to improve the accessibility of learning for all categories of students. Thanks to the ability to study remotely, students can receive quality education regardless of their location or physical limitations. This is especially important for people with disabilities to whom traditional forms of learning may be inaccessible or partially accessible. One of the main advantages of using augmented and virtual reality technologies in art education is the possibility of creating an immersive educational environment. With the help of virtual reality, students can immerse themselves in and interact with the virtual world, allowing them to better understand different art concepts and techniques. It is concluded that augmented reality in the educational process improves the quality of education and allows the student to more easily master and consolidate the educational material.

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