
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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No 2 (2018)
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6-10 438

One of the major challenges in biology is the correct identification of promoter regions. Computational methods based on motif searching have been the traditional approach taken. Studies have shown that DNA structural properties, such as free energy, curvature, and stress-induced duplex destabilization (SIDD) are useful in promoter classification, as well. In this paper, these properties were compared for their effectiveness in correctly classifying promoters. When using a decision tree for promoter classification based on DNA structural properties, SIDD showed a slight improvement over free energy and curvature, with f-score values 70.9%, 67.1%, and 61.5%, respectively.

11-16 532

Currently, more than 2500 varieties of roses are in the world. They are divided into 35 garden groups. Despite this, scientific research is constantly being conducted to obtain new beautiful varieties of roses that are resistant to local climatic conditions and resistant to disease. The program "Kazakhstan - 2030" says that the priorities are to protect the environment, the correct use of biosphere resources, the multiplication of natural resources, creating new varieties of plants and animal breeds.

17-21 383

Manganite with mixed complex oxides Bi0.3Dy0.7Mn7O12 was synthesized by the furnace method. The Pechini method used urea as a complexing agent. The composition and structure of the synthesized manganite were determined experimentally. For the first time, the structure, the type of the syngony, the parameters of the unit cells, the x-ray diffraction density of the manganite were determined by X-ray phase analysis: a = 7.5472, b = 8.5244, c = 5.7836 Å, Vun.cell. = 372.090Å3, Z = 4, ρrad. = 7,120 g / cm3, ρpyc. = 7.09 g / cm3. The pycnometric density was measured 5-6 times and the data were averaged. Toluene served as an indifferent fluid.

22-25 365

The article describes new methods for synthesizing block and grafted copolymers and their advantages over known ones. As the block and graft copolymerization are widely used for the chemical modification of polymers. Unlike conventional copolymers, block and graft copolymers include long sequences (blocks) of the same units. It is proved that the block copolymers, these sequences form linear chains. It is also shown that the properties of block and graft copolymers (solubility, hardness, impact resistance, hygroscopicity, etc.) differ sharply from the properties of polymers obtained from the same monomers or polymers.

26-33 503

The peculiarity of the Central Asian region is that model other integration associations cannot be transferred mechanically, requiring intensive study and adaptation.The integration should be the development of trade, economic collaboration, and the availability of complete and secure the common market.

It needs to meet the needs of domestic producers and create conditions for industrial activities in the common economic space.The main activities of the Central Asian region should be the establishment of a mechanism of inter-state relations taking into account the world experience of integration doctrines.

Regional integration of Central Asian states is characterized by the proximity and interaction of national economies and regional economic groups. The Central Asian countries, which have chosen the path of integration as a modern example of link integration in Central Asia with the objective need as territorial integrity, and the most important sectors of the economy.To identify weaknesses in the integration of the Central Asian countries it is needed to study it in accordance with the conditions and prerequisites for international economic integration. The process of integration in the region is very slow.This is for several reasons, including a variety of models of reforming of economy and political systems. The diversity of the economy and political systems, national interests and orientations in the international arena is still higher than the integration process.

34-39 433

The landscape structure of the Zaisan intermontane lowland has been formed for a long time. On this territory there are such kinds of landscapes as desert, semi-desert and steppes. The Zaisan lowland has a very dry and hot climate.There is a very scarce river network, which is fed by a meager precipitation, their water does not reach Lake Zaisan. Near Lake Zaisan there is Cape Shekelmes, the geological and paleobotanical natural monument "Ashutas", the tract "Kiin-Kerysh".


41-46 439

The wind turbine transforms the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical or electrical energy, convenient for practical use. Mechanical energy is mainly used to raise water in rural or remote areas. Wind power plants produce electrical energy for domestic or industrial needs. There are many types of wind turbine designs that have different forms of wind turbines, the principles of the generator operation and general design solutions. This part studies the propagation of the magnetic field in two rotor generators with permanent magnets, where the main element is the axial stator of the field generator for obtaining wind energy. Electromagnetic field requires the solution of the problem curve for the equations of electrodynamics. The resulting field expressions are called the "rigorous solution" of the electrodynamics problem.


47-52 435

Poet becomes the poet due to his poetic works. Every poet should be able to reflect in his poems the truth about his era in which he lives. One of such innate akyns, the talented son of the Kazakh people is Sagi Zhienbayev. He is akyn, who has his own style and does not resemble anyone. His works are fondly loved by the backgammon and have their place in the hearts of readers. He skillfully described the whole bitter truth of life in his poems. The article tells about the lyrical hero in the works of S.Zhіenbayev.

53-58 590

The main task of pedagogical technoligies is to develop the education system through the analysis, assort the method and their results through the comparison, сompetence to use effective methods, explore, make review, also conclude. Therefore, with the purpose of developing the education process, likewise for heightening the interest of children usage of innovative technologies in education is given. The innovative technologies will heighten children’s savor to the sdudying, gives the new opportunities to understand the educated theme, also will take to the next level the education system. In this article the methods of usage the innovative technologies and methods of critical thinking through the writing and reading that will help to the teachers in the process of educating children are provided.

59-66 474

In the Turkic linguistic worldview, there are two basic steps in solving the relation between faith and knowledge. The first phase is the integrity of attitude towards the world, from which the indivisibility and some vague concept of “faith” and “knowledge”, their dynamism, variability and openness come. This period begins in traditional mythology and was mentioned in the ancient Turkic written monuments of Orkhon-Yenisey period.


67-74 431

The beginning of life path and socio-scientific activity of N. Sabitov, orientalist, bibliographer, ethnographer and historian are considered on the basis of wide source-study materials in that article. The life path of Sabitov was combined with hunger, collectivization, industrialization, the cultural revolution and mass repression that took place in the Soviet period. Being a professional orientalist, ethnographer-historian and bibliographer, culturologist and religious scholar, he left a great scientific legacy.

75-80 356

The problem of attestation of scientific and pedagogical personnel in Russia is investigated. The history of the system of attestation in Russia and the USSR is traced. Critical assessment of the VAK activity is given. The history of defense of the doctoral dissertation of V.R. Medinsky and the essence of what happened around this scandal. The possible ways of improving the Russian system of attestation of scientific personnel are briefly considered.

81-85 550

The article deals with the problems of studying the early Iron Age in the Altai Territory. The author points out that the first data on the tribes inhabiting the region were found in the works of ancient authors, as well as some data related to the ancient history of East Kazakhstan and the Altai Territory can be found in the works of scientists and travelers of the 18th-19th centuries. During the Soviet period special scientific research was conducted on this subject. In the modern period, domestic historians and archaeologists continue their studies from new conceptual positions, on the basis of new sources on the problems of the early Iron Age in East Kazakhstan and the Altai Territory.

86-92 476

The article deals with the peculiarities of the application of the focus group method. We discuss the constituent procedures for conducting on the basis of practical experience the use of this method in sociological research. The possibility of obtaining quantitative estimates by this method and the conditions under which this is possible are discussed. We also consider the application of projective techniques during the group, the optimal parameters of the group, the importance of group dynamics for the work of the focus group.


93-99 2918

Today we have certain studied theoretical position in methodology and theory pedagogical measurements, where are given compare characteristic experience in the world, Russian and native pedagogy. Pedagogical measurement is interdisciplinary applied theory as well as practice. Explanation of problems of creation of the special theory of pedagogical measurements requires attention to problems of justification, creation of methods of reconstruction of earlier available experience. These problems are related to the scientific methodology of pedagogical measurements. The importance of the provisions of the results of scaling, interpretation, pedagogical measurements and their goals, objectives, methods of determination is the main problems of the methodology. In our university, Master program 6М012400 – "Pedagogical measurement" was introduced three years ago. In the education system the new methods of assessment, measurement of education, the selection of new tools in improvement the quality of education are crucial.

100-105 787

The article considers the content and types of activity of general education organizations in the formation of functional literacy of students.Enhancing the functional credibility of the crony is a fundamental process of learning. In Kazakhstan, the post-soviet space has been developed by the National plan of action for the development of functional citizens of the year 2012-2016, which envisages the effective development of the catalysts of competitiveness, accredited in real life situations.The strategic objectives of the decision-making process are to make the most of the strategic objectives of the industry, to promote the creativity of creativity and to achieve unassailable solutions, to choose the professional way of choosing, to study in the life of all the basic principles of life.The strategic objectives of the decision-making process are to make the most of the tasks of the industry, to promote the creativity of creativity and to achieve unassailable solutions, to choose the professional way of choosing, to be taught in the life of all the basic functional qualities of the individual.The main role of the school and the colleges in shaping the functional qualifications is that the process of instilling instruction in the organizational formation of nonviolentness of the learning process of functional credibility of the crooked ones is underlined. Worked on the analysis of the work, the development of functional grammar in the family and the teaching of the theory of practice, and on the basis of the training, based on the essence of the reflection of the excellence of the system of assessment.

106-111 545

Vocational guidance at school is seen as an integral part of the whole system of educational work, but not as a sum of individual activities related to the release of students from school. In general, it is closely connected with the process of formation of a fully developed personality, with the preparation of students for life, to work and is carried out throughout the school. The article considers professional orientation as one of the most important components of the General orientation of the person. Various approaches to the definition of "personality orientation" and«professional orientation» are highlighted.

112-118 393

Kazakhstan is an area adjacent to other nations, where since ancient times, migration of ethnic groups, racial and linguistic processes have been observed. This should be directly related to the spiritual heritage of the Kazakh people, in which the history of development and formation of ethno-cultural education should be studied. Sources of ethnogenesis of the Kazakh people, its development of culture, peculiarities of the directions of development are very complex and multifaceted, and connected with the history of the countries of Asia, Europe, and Africa. Orkhon monuments are a heritage of the Turkic peoples, which provides a common ethno-cultural education. The main goal of the work of poets is to unite the Turkic tribes, defend against external enemies, respect traditions and customs of the people, including respect for the mother.


119-122 543

The article reveals the main functions of music in choreography lessons. The role of music in the concept of communication.The starting points for applying classical music in certain dance exercises are given. The issue of the help of musical logic to future young teachers in their independent activity is touched upon.

123-126 482

The paper deals with one aspect within traditional and modern philosophy of technology. It explains the role and influence of human body, more precisely alive organs in technological progress through last two centuries. The impact of traditional and modern philosophical streams of consciousness is confronted with the technological usage in modern art. The ethical mission of inventors, scientist and modern artists are emphasized in conclusive findings. The paper is based on interdisciplinary approaches, considering three disciplines: philosophy, technology and art.

127-132 443

Besides the creative activity of the great composer the article opens his magnificent figure as a conductor also. The individuality and original art of an outstanding conductor, his personal guality of a character as an unigue person expressing in memoirs ,are described in the article. The author describes his methods and features of conducting, his outstanding contribution into treasury of national culture.

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ISSN 2306-5079 (Print)