
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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No 3 (2021)
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6-16 940

The article discusses the importance and relevance of managing the process of professional development of young teachers in the country. The process of adapting a teacher to the profession and becoming a specialist is characterized as one of the most important stages. The purpose of the study was to create motivation to stay in school and improve their professional skills by managing an important moment in the life of a teacher. In accordance with the research topic, the analysis of the scientific literature was carried out. In order to identify the difficulties that a graduate of a pedagogical institution faces when employmed at school, a survey was conducted and it was found out what motives can serve as a reason for further development in an educational organization as a teacher. Based on the collected data, methods and techniques for managing the process of professional development of young teachers on the basis of personnel management were proposed. The specific ways of replenishment of school personnel by young specialists, specific features and ways of training qualified, educated specialists-teachers are shown. Specific methods and ways of strengthening their professional skills and experience have been identified. The methods of educating young specialists as professionally seasoned, real teachers capable of management are proposed.

17-25 572

Speaking about empirical approaches to the study of the socio-psychological adaptation of students with visual impairments (hereinafter referred to as SPAVI), it is necessary to proceed from the understanding that the very process of adaptation for students with the indicated health limitations is the basic process of social and mental development of the individual. In addition, this process is constant in terms of active adaptation of students with visual impairments to the environment in which they integrate and interact in it. In this regard, the relevance and significance of empirical approaches to the study of SPAVI is determined by their position and the degree of formation of the ability to be included in the life of the microsocium in which they are socialized and to occupy a full-fledged creative "membership" in it. The article identifies and characterizes the main empirical approaches to the study of SPAVI. The identification of the types of approaches is given in the author's concept-interpretation. Within the framework of each identified approach, the author defines a range of indicators that make it possible to draw up the most complete picture of the socio-psychological adaptation of students in higher educational institutions. The author concludes that that the support of the SPAVI process on the basis of the identified approaches will effectively contribute to the development of a high level of self-actualization and social activity of this category of students.

26-36 556

 The availability of information about the level of motor (physical) readiness of students at each specific stage allows us to determine priority goals and tasks for physical education in an educational institution, to plan the educational process more purposefully. The article considers one of the  options for improving the motor readiness of students by introducing a special program. Quantitative and qualitative characteristics are given to determine the levels of motor readiness of students. The results of a comparative study of the motor (physical) readiness of students when using it at the beginning and at the end of training are shown. Special attention is paid to the individualization of the control system, which allows you to manage the learning process, make appropriate adjustments in time. To assess the positive impact of the proposed program on improving the motor readiness of students, pedagogical feedback is considered. In its frames, the results of the questionnaire of students in relation to physical culture and the "Passport of physical abilities" are presented. The results obtained indicate that the proposed program for improving the motor readiness of students allows not only to improve the overall motor (physical fitness) of students, but also to diversify the educational process, promotes  adaptation to academic and work activities. 


41-49 590

 The article deals with the relevant problem of educational and methodological support for EFL teaching for students of language specialties in Belarusian universities. The article presents an overview of the methodological textbooks covering the content of the discipline “First Foreign Language” for the specialty 1-21 05 06 “Romance and Germanic philology”, prepared by the lecturers of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics of Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University. The article describes the structural features of educational and methodological textbooks, their thematic and informative content. Various types  of exercises (language exercises, conditional speech exercises, speech exercises) are reviewed. Examples of exercises used in different sections (such as Topical Vocabulary, Lead-in, Focus on Reading, Focus on Vocabulary, Focus on Idioms, Focus on Listening, Focus on Speaking, Focus on Writing, Project, etc.) are provided. The article draws conclusions about the importance of adapting EFL textbooks for students of language specialties in Belarusian universities in  accordance with the communicative approach and programme documentation. 

50-57 680

 The article intends to determine the impact of differentiated teaching on student incentive in foreign language classes. Motivation is a crucial factor affecting reaching learning goals. It is necessary to create such conditions that let weaker and gifted learners gain in-depth knowledge and feel satisfied while doing activities and participate in the lessons. In this case differentiated teaching is observed, because it is one of the most efficient approaches which allow meeting individual needs and recognizing the diversity of learners. In this research took part a group of 25 learners from a public school in Almaty city. Survey questions empower the investigator to  find the proper answer to the research question in terms of affecting differentiation to the motivation. Data were analyzed via quantitative method; findings let identify how elements of differentiated teaching influence more on student motivation and define the importance of teacher’s role in the educational process. Differentiated teaching makes teaching more straightforward and effective, providing students’ flexibility and freedom. 

58-66 1015

The article shows the importance of the system of assessing the knowledge of students in English lessons through the introduction of modern assessment technologies. Attention is focused on the importance of the assessment stage as a fundamental one in the educational process system. The author emphasizes that the assessment method is not only a way to diagnose students ' academic performance, but also an effective tool for improving the quality of the educational process as a whole. In this regard, the activity of an English teacher in the application of popular, scientifically based assessment systems is the key to achieving the ultimate goal – to be the main motivator and teach a child a foreign language. In addition, this approach to the organization of the lesson allows you to increase the activity of students as objects of pedagogical influence. It is also emphasized that the assessment method is not only a method of diagnosing student performance, but also an effective means of improving the quality of general education. The article discusses in detail such types of criteria assessment as formative assessment, summative assessment, diagnostic assessment and feedback. Each approach is characterized by its significance and specificity in the educational process.


68-78 291

 The epistemological profile of most of the Soviet texts about the Baikonur cosmodrome presents the local landscape before the construction of the cosmodrome as a desert – the barren steppe6 in which there was nothing and nobody lived. This justifies massive technological investments in the region and literal displacement of local history, as disproportionate to the emerging objects of space infrastructure. The study of traditional toponyms of the region makes it possible to show that this is not only a natural, but also a cultural landscape, formed under the influence of an anthropogenic factor. The article attempts to consider Kazakh toponyms of this region as significators of the Syrdarya cultural landscape. To a certain extent, the  cosmic realities of the XX-XXI centuries have greatly distorted the idea of the Syrdarya cultural landscape, the territory where the world's largest cosmodrome Baikonur is located. The historically formed toponyms of the  regions accurately reflect the substance of natural objects, the cultural impact on the natural landscape for millennia, as well as mythological ideas rooted in ancient history. The article focuses on toponyms, reflecting cosmogonic (myths about the origin of the world) representations of Kazakhs and their distant ancestors. It is also shown how these "cosmic toponyms" intersect, complement, enter into a relationship with modern, partly  ideologically prolonged ideas about space, "cosmic start". 

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ISSN 2306-5079 (Print)