
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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No 3 (2023)
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10-20 478

This study aimed to explore Turkish elementary school students’ the views about environmental pollution at school. In this study, a phenomenological research design from the qualitative research methods was used. Study group included a total of 60 students studying in the 2-4th grades of a state elementary school in Balıkesir in Turkey. Environmental Pollution Form was used in data collection. Content analysis technique was used in data analysis. The student answers to each question were analyzed under code and category. According to study results, the students explained the concept of environment with natural beauties such as nature, forest, mountain, sea, soil, and they stated that the environment consisted of living and non-living beings. They mentioned that environmental pollution included soil, air, and water pollution, and they mostly associated environmental pollution with garbage, chemicals, fumes, and bad smells. They saw people as the reason for this. Most of the students described the environment in their school as dirty. The students did not obey the rules, environmental awareness was not developed enough in the students, garbage was thrown on the ground, the school servants did not clean the school well enough, etc. could be said among the reasons for this. It has been observed that the students used trash cans to prevent environmental pollution in their schools and warned people who threw garbage in the environment. They emphasized that the school administration and the teachers also took the necessary precautions in this regard, but that the students should be more sensitive about this issue and the school servants should clean their surroundings more. They suggested that the number of recycling bins should be increased and penal sanctions on those who litter when necessary should be imposed. The students stated that resources should be used sparingly since they are limited, which could also help prevent environmental pollution.

21-36 459

The article actualizes the problem of mastering a standard program of preschool education and training for children with disabilities integrated into preschool educational organizations. It presents a brief analysis of the key aspects of pedagogical diagnostics and assessment of the special educational needs of children with disabilities of preschool age. The authors note that the existing monitoring of the assimilation of the content of the standard preschool education and training program is insufficiently focused on the needs of children with disabilities included in the common educational space with normotypic children. In this regard, they present and describe tools for assessing the special educational needs of this group of children in the process of mastering the program in a preschool educational organization.

               For experimental verification of the developed tools, a pilot study was conducted at the KSU "Sanatorium nursery-garden No. 21" in Almaty. The novelty of this research lies in the development and implementation of a new method of interaction of preschool teachers in the process of psychological and pedagogical support. This method includes a preliminary assessment of the skills and abilities of children with disabilities, which complements and improves the traditional monitoring of the assimilation of the preschool education and training program.

               The article describes this process, including the steps and methodological approaches used by the participants of the experiment. Special attention is paid to the activation of interaction between preschool teachers (educators, a teacher of the Kazakh language, a music director, a physical education instructor) implementing a program of preschool education and training, and specialists of psychological and pedagogical support. The article demonstrates how cooperation between teachers and specialists contributes to the successful adaptation of the educational process for children with disabilities, creating conditions for their full development in an inclusive educational environment.

37-48 460

The article analyzes and compares Bloom's traditional and revised taxonomy, focusing on the cognitive domain and, in particular, on knowledge. A two–dimensional model of Bloom's revised taxonomy is proposed for consideration, since an interesting situation has developed in Kazakhstan education now - the hierarchy of cognitive skills is used from the classical taxonomy, while the concept of active verbs is already used from the revised one. We believe that it is necessary in this case to fully use the revised concept, and the article provides an example of a matrix for formulating educational goals. Particular attention is paid to the cognitive skill of application, which some classify as the lowest level of thinking, while others consider it the highest. The article suggests that this skill is transitional, echoing both levels. In addition, the article explores the relationship between critical thinking and Bloom's taxonomy in the context of teacher training. It is considered how the use of Bloom's taxonomy can contribute to the development of critical thinking in future teachers, and what advantages this may have in educational practice. The article provides a better understanding of the evolution of the taxonomy and descriptions of cognitive skills and abilities presented in Bloom's taxonomy, their role in the formation of competent teachers with the ability to think critically and effectively apply knowledge in the learning environment.

49-63 431

This article is devoted to the work of B. Aidarbek. He was born in the Suzak district of South Kazakhstan region (1959) and worked as a school teacher until retirement. Baydilda Aidarbek was previously better known for his poetry, and now he began to find his place in modern Kazakh drama. A deep scientific analysis of the plays of this author has not been carried out until today. The purpose of the article is to reveal the playwright's skill in depicting the past and modern times, in creating vivid images. In the work on the article, the author used the methods of reflection, analysis and comparison. The scientific novelty of this study consists in a detailed analysis of B. Aidarbek's dramaturgy. During the research, the author interviewed the playwright. Along with creativity, the author's path was filled with teaching. So, in the play "Mentor" ("Ustaz") the complex aspects of pedagogical work are revealed. In the plays "The Golden Throne of the Golden Horde", "Returned Happiness", "Jahid", "The Trial of Fate", "The Height of Aliya", "My Soul is my Honor", "The country begins from the Cradle", "Sin and Punishment", "Fulfilled Desire", "The Limit of Lies", "Love and friendship" ("Altyn ordanyn altyn tagy", "Kaita oralgan bakyt", "Zhahid", "Tagdyr taukymeti", "Aliyanyn biigi", "Zhanym – arymnyn sadagasy", "El bolamyn desen, besigindi tyze", "Kune men zhaza", "Oryndalgan tilek ", "Otiriktin shegi", "Mahabbat pen dostyk") and other works are reflected the moral issues of the past and present. These plays were shown on the stages of the people's theaters of the Sozak district, Shymkent, Taraz, Kyzylorda and Almaty.


65-81 455

The article considers such a trend in art as Digital art, or digital art. This research was conducted at at the Luhansk State Academy of Culture and Arts named after Mikhail Matusovsky at the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts at the Department of Easel Painting. The purpose of the article is to analyze and compare the characteristics of traditional and digital forms, as well as to consider a combined method that contributes to improving the quality of education. In the course of the research, the methods and techniques that are used in practical classes in the disciplines of "Academic Painting", "Easel composition", "Plastic anatomy" for the preparation of students in the specialty "Easel painting" are highlighted. The article also defines the problems and relevance of the use of digital technologies in the visual arts and the educational process. The specific features of digital painting in comparison with traditional painting are considered. The study addresses the issues of changes in the education system with the advent and spread of computer technology. Maximum contact with the viewer occurs with the help of traditional works. They set up tactile and physical communication. The interrelation and complementarity between digital and traditional forms is traced, the problems of combining traditional and digital technologies are investigated. It is proved that the foundation in the educational process and at all stages of learning is academic painting. As a conclusion, the author points out the importance of a combined approach in the learning process, which will allow the student to become a professional with modern tools. 

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ISSN 2306-5079 (Print)