
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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No 1 (2024)
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10-22 434

                The article presents a study of the development of adaptive teenage boys’ behavior with a high level of aggressiveness. The first part offers an analysis of existing psychoeducational programs on this topic. In the second part, the results of the diagnosis of aggressive behavior of teenage boys are presented, the main blocks of the psychoeducation program are presented, which has shown effectiveness in reducing the level of aggression in psychological and pedagogical conditions specific to adolescent boys: when mastering socially acceptable forms of aggressive behavior, collective and individual reflection of aggressive behavior and aggressiveness; expanding the range of positive male images.

                The Mann-Whitney U test was used to detect differences in the manifestations of aggressiveness and adaptability at the ascertaining and control stages of the experiment.

                The result of the work was an increase in the level of adaptive behavior. The adaptive behavior of these boys is manifested in the desire to occupy leadership positions in the class; in the ability to defend their opinions, as well as in the desire to protect weaker classmates in the face of offenders. After the program, a decrease in the legitimization of various types of aggressive behavior in different spheres of society was revealed, which allows us to conclude about the effectiveness of the developed program. In conclusion, the deficiencies of psychological education revealed during the implementation of the program and the directions of further work are outlined.

23-34 342

   Gender studies education in Kazakhstan is facing many challenges that impede its progress and efficacy. This paper delves into the current issues plaguing gender studies education in Kazakhstan, providing an overview of the country's educational framework. A review of the education system was undertaken from a gender perspective with a focus on the higher education level. In 2019, the Directory of gender education in higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan was issued by the Institute of social and gender research of the Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University. Using empirical data from this publication, the authors demonstrate the spreading of Gender related courses by regions, cities, universities, subjects and lecturers. Key issues discussed include analysis of national education policies and programs in Kazakhstan, with the purpose of mainstreaming gender education and providing recommendations on strengthening gender equality in Kazakhstan. By analyzing these current issues and proposing potential solutions, this paper seeks to contribute to the ongoing discourse on gender studies education and advocacy in Kazakhstan.

35-46 347

                In this article we get to know a young girl from Kyrgyzstan and a fragment of her story. Aisuluu leaves to study in a neighbouring country, where our student paths intertwine in a big city and on a small campus. My task as a researcher is to leave visible the agency of the person herself as she walks her own paths through life and crosses boundaries within and outside her native social worlds – sometimes relying on the experiences of close people and sometimes departing from them to change the trajectory. Aisuluu has not only had the opportunity to move between the liminalities of bordering cities, close cultures, and intra-regional divisions. She is also learning to navigate the chronotopes of one of the transitory phases of her life: at the moment of our meeting, shortly before the pandemic, an 18-year-old girl is mapping out the route of her adulthood and autonomy.

                This is an immersive text that shows the relativity of scales and the importance of micro-levels for understanding deep human and social processes. It is also an invitation to continue searching for meaningful contacts with other regions of the global South and global East, to keep reading postsocialist parallels, intersections and demarcations. At the same time, one should not be afraid to localise the “unlabelled” spaces and borderlands yet to be named as tentative ‘Columbias’ and ‘Americas’ by those who seize the right to outline and mark them. In other words, what matters is a liberating engagement with the multi-layered (semi-)peripheries anchored in that position by global coloniality. The question of knowledge production is the cornerstone here, a reference point that risks falling out of sight when applying out-of-place theories and indulging in non-constructive battles.


48-59 432

The article discusses methods for establishing interdisciplinary connections in a physics lesson. These connections play an important role in improving the practical and scientific-theoretical training of students. Interdisciplinary communication helps students develop a holistic understanding of natural phenomena and their relationships, makes knowledge meaningful and practical, and helps students use knowledge and skills learned in some subjects to learn other subjects. The authors analyzed various ways of combining physical knowledge through the connection of scientific disciplines of natural science and provided examples that contribute to a deeper understanding of physical phenomena. The article discusses the types of interdisciplinary connections; the activity of the teacher and student in establishing interdisciplinary communication, the effectiveness of interdisciplinary communication, and conclusions based on the results of the study are presented. The research work was carried out in the city of Astana, school-lyceum № 53 named after B. Momyshuly. During the experiment, methods are analyzed that contribute to the formation of an integrated approach to learning, as well as increasing the enthusiasm of students. During the study, the importance of interdisciplinary communication was taken into account, special tasks were identified for the development of critical thinking of students, general and intermediate goals of the study, and final recommendations were prepared. The results of the study guide subject teachers to compose interdisciplinary assignments in accordance with the school curriculum, to generalize the integrity of some theories and principles between disciplines, and to establish interdisciplinary connections between fundamental sciences.

60-74 357

                This article explores the integrity of mathematical knowledge in the continuous mathematical education system using complex number algebra. The research aims to prove the theorems of planimetry and identify the role of complex number algebra in solving nonstandard and olympiad problems of various complexities. The methodology is based on the application of complex number algebra to solve planimetric problems, which enhances students' interest in mathematics and fosters their cognitive activity, critical and analytical thinking.

                The research results demonstrate the effectiveness of complex number algebra in solving planimetric problems. The article presents examples where the application of complex number algebraic methods yielded excellent results in solving various problems. Thus, the article confirms the importance and relevance of studying complex number algebra in the context of modern educational needs and requirements for mathematical education.

                The significance of this research lies in enriching the methodology of mathematics teaching, particularly in the field of planimetry, and shows how the application of complex number algebra can contribute to students' improved understanding of mathematical concepts. Moreover, this study reaffirms the role of mathematics in everyday life and various professions, where mathematical knowledge and skills are essential. Thus, the article contributes to the development of education and society, highlighting the importance of in-depth study of mathematics and its application in various fields of knowledge and practice.

75-86 540

This study examines how laboratory activities using the digital resource NIS LAB in chemistry lessons affect student learning. Student performance was compared based on the results of summative assessment for the first and second quarters. Students of the 7th and 8th grades of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemical and Biological Studies in Petropavlovsk were selected for the study.

The results of the study indicate that students were involved in the learning process and used virtual laboratory experiments with interest. The findings of the study include recommendations on the possibility of using digital laboratory work in chemistry lessons, since the use of virtual experiments helps develop students’ motivation for the subject, saves time on completing the experiment, and also teaches students to strictly follow instructions while performing practical work. The work included the introduction of virtual practical work into the learning process, aimed at stimulating active learning.

The results show that using the NIS LAB resource improves the quality of laboratory work more than using traditional instructions and performing experiments. Positive differences were found in all assessments, with students in the experimental group showing better results. The findings support the assumption that the NIS LAB resource should be included in the educational process, since it encourages students to carefully read the proposed instructions, facilitates the analysis of the information received and improves the quality of learning, which is the main task of the teacher in the lesson.

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ISSN 2306-5079 (Print)