
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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No 1 (2021)
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7-14 2578

This article considers the issue of false information, which has been increasingly available on the World Wide Web. This misrepresentation has engendered much distrust in populations, leading to polarized views, anger and fear, which is tearing society apart. How to evaluate information sources for judgement about their reliability and validity is crucial, particularly for impressionable students, who need a fair, unbiased perspective in their learning experiences. The fact that universities have been cracking down on ideas and materials that are unpopular amongst certain sections of society is an issue that must be addressed. Free speech has always been considered necessary for the progression of societies, but is in danger from today’s oppressive culture that cancels those whose views are not accepted.

15-24 939

The paradigmatic nature of competence is summarized by defining a disciplinary matrix based on an analysis of the history of the concept of competence at the international level Historical aspects of the development of science are analyzed T. Kuhn and describes the reasons for paradigmatic differences based on the thinking of Generation Z, which grows in the context of collaboration in social networks. Problems are identified in the implementation of competencies as a unit of content using traditional scientific procedures, and it is concluded that this competence is not an achievement of individual disciplines, but is the ability to adequately cope with the problem of the environment and life. It is also recommended to pay attention to the “paradigmatic competition” between communities in the development of educational content that increases the competence of Gen Z.

25-32 1431

The article identifies the process of distance learning in a pandemic, the main objectives of the organization of the educational process between teachers and students, and the issue of improving the quality of effective teaching. All educational institutions that offer distance learning opportunities differ from each other in the educational process. It also differentiates between the content and level of education, the number and composition of students, technical and financial capabilities. The implementation of such a multifaceted and complex task involves increasing the level of knowledge of students and expanding the level of knowledge. During the pandemic, there is a need for educational technology, the need to use effective leadership opportunities for distance learning, the focus on cultural values. The article shows that distance learning is a modern requirement, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of distance and mixed learning, there is a need for electronic materials, technologies, didactic development of distance learning, training of teachers-coordinators. учителей-координаторов.

33-46 749

The article demonstrates the need for the formation of entrepreneurial abilities in future teachers, in view of the development of the educational entrepreneurship environment under the influence of the global economy. At the same time, the problems of insufficient methodological substantiation of educational entrepreneurship, undeveloped psychological and pedagogical support for the formation of entrepreneurial abilities in future teachers, organization of the educational process in pedagogical universities, excluding the action of market mechanisms are identified . To solve the problems, the objective of the study is determined, which is related to the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of entrepreneurial abilities in future teachers. These conditions are implemented in experimental work as a part of the developed model at the M. Kozybaev North Kazakhstan University. According to the results of the experimental work, it has been confirmed that, modeling the environment of educational entrepreneurship, organizational and pedagogical conditions motivate future teachers to educational and entrepreneurial activities, professionally enrich the educational environment of the university, lay the groundwork for self-realization in professional and pedagogical activities.

47-55 1442

The article analyzes foreign and domestic scientific approaches to determining the professional competence of a special teacher for work in an inclusive education. In the context of the active spread of inclusive education in the country, it seems important to modernize their training for work in inclusive schools. The authors prove the need to improve the competencies of special teachers in the context of an educational inclusive process. The development of inclusively oriented professional and personal competencies among teachers largely depends on the success of the inclusion of children with special educational needs in the general educational process. Based on the study of the opinions of practitioners in inclusive organizations of special teachers, it is argued that inclusive education of children with special educational needs requires a change in approaches to training special teachers, modernization of the content and directions of their training.


58-66 878

Today, the problem of developing the functional literacy of schoolchildren is relevant at the community level. In this regard, new requirements are imposed on the level of professional training of future mathematics teachers. The authors consider the issue of preparing future mathematics teachers to develop students' mathematical literacy. The works of scientists on the development of functional literacy of schoolchildren were studied and the concepts of "model", "mathematical modeling" were explained. In addition, the specifics of the method of mathematical modeling in the process of teaching mathematics in secondary school have been clarified, and the pedagogical conditions for using the modeling method have been determined. It is shown that mathematical modeling is not only a tool for solving applied problems, but also a way of developing intellectual skills that a student must master.

67-75 1438

A differentiated approach to teaching is one of the necessary conditions for humanization in education and plays a crucial role in the development of abilities, skills, and cognition of students. The teaching of Mathematics has extensive global experience of differentiated instruction. Differentiation was considered from the point of view of in- depth study of Mathematics in high school, the provision of assignments of different levels of complexity, resources, the pace of learning by students, individualization and personalization of teaching, etc. Modern pedagogy in the context of the humanization of teaching considers differentiation through orientation to the student, his needs and abilities to achieve the learning goals by all students in the classroom. There are three main principles for applying differentiation: acceleration, complication, and deepening. This article provides the literature review on differentiation in the classroom, its principles. An example of the application of the principles of differentiation in the lesson, examples of assignments in the process of formative assessment, and the results of the study are provided in the article.

76-83 686

The article discusses several types of programs for teaching big data and analyzes data on the implementation of big data in some educational institutions. For the introduction and implementation of special courses in the educational process in the areas of magistracy in the educational program Computer Science, the curriculum, educational and methodological complex, digital educational resources are considered. As well as hardware and software that collects, stores, sorts big data, and the introduction into the educational process of theoretical foundations and methods of using the developed technical and technological equipment. This article reflects information on the conduct of a special course on the use of big data in the educational, educational process of senior students and undergraduates of the specialty "Informatics", the Faculty of Information Technologies, LN Gumilyov Eurasian National University. The first module of the course examines the ERA 500 network controller as an example of a turnstile network controller.

84-90 827

This article discusses the algorithms that can be used in the study and analysis of symbols to determine the genre of texts. There are differences in defining the genre of texts. Algorithm is also defined by describing the text, removing unnecessary characters, leaving only the text, and comparing it with the database. The article describes a practical method of automatic recognition of the text genre based on all parameters. Comparing the logistics regression, solution tree, random forest, MLPClassifier, AdaBoostClassifier, svm, GaussianNB algorithms, the choice of the most important parameters for the texts was considered. Defining the genre of texts is now relevant in all areas of the information society.


92-105 552

The elements of the socio-economic system function in the dynamics that correspond to the periods of rise and fall in the efficiency of activity. Recessions are characterized by problems (obstacles), which are also found in the functioning of the innovation infrastructure as one of the elements of the system. The article systematizes the problems of the functioning of the innovation infrastructure to accelerate the recovery from the downturn. The goal was achieved through the analysis of management systems and regulation of innovation infrastructure by studying strategic planning documents, the effectiveness of their implementation in practice and identifying their compliance with reality in the context of ongoing digitalization.


107-114 630

The article discusses two versions of the legend of the famous Asankaigy, which appeared on the basis of many previously existing versions. The similarity and differences of the plots between these variants are clarified. The tale was checked line by line with the 2006 edition «Asankaigy and the original manuscript» stored at the Central scientific library of NAS RK. On the basis of textual analysis, some discrepancies in the mentioned edition were identified and proved. We are talking about what work has been done to correct the mistakes made. It is also reported on the work done on the publication of the text within the 100-volume edition of «Babalar Sozi» under the state program «Madeni Mura».

115-123 927

In the small and voluminous works of Turysbek Sauketayev, which represent a special type of thinking in Kazakh literature, the destinies of people and various social situations are intertwined. The writer is distinguished from others by a special style of writing and the choice of the subject of the work. The novel "I am a madman" has a high symbolic meaning. The damage caused by negativity and untruth in society to the fate of the individual, truthfulness, justice, love, etc. reveals a break in ties, contradictions between society and the individual, reflecting the devaluation of human values in the soul of the hero. The novel raises questions of humanity, the search for justice in human existence.

124-135 2176

This article deals with the issues related to the formation and improvement of cognitive skills of students of schools in Kazakhstan in the framework of the updated content of education. The article presents the results of an applied research aimed at finding effective ways to use graphic organizers when working with texts in English as a foreign language lessons in secondary school. The features of teaching the disciplines of the natural science cycle in a foreign language are considered from the point of view of CLIL technology. The authors’ ideas on the use of graphic organizers as a productive tool for activating cognitive processes and improving students' cognitive skills are described. The variable forms of graphic organizers develop the skills of formulating high-order questions, teach you to express your opinion, structure information, and argue your point of view using the subject knowledge obtained from the text in a foreign language. In this way, students develop the skills that underlie the formation of critical thinking.

136-145 883

When learning a second foreign language, students often face numerous problems, one of which is the lack of linguistic resources of the language being studied. The most effective solution to this problem can be the use of methodological supports (scaffolding) in the context of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). This article examines the possibility of using visual thinking as a potentially valuable multi-modal tool for the development and understanding of scientific content by students in the context of CLIL through discourse analysis. It is known that the discourse has a focus on pragmatics, on various linguistic situations, on communication and on the text as a whole. It is assumed that discourse and its analysis are considered as a process and a result in the form of a text at the same time.

146-156 2167

The article is devoted to the problem of formation of intercultural communicative competence of students in the process of learning a foreign language. In the context of globalization and growing cross-cultural relations, this problem is very relevant. This article discusses the concept of "cross-cultural competence", as well as the use of the "language portfolio" technology in teaching a foreign language as an effective educational technology for the formation of cross-cultural competence. For full-fledged cross-cultural communication, interaction with representatives of other countries, the student must not only speak a foreign language, but also have cross-cultural competence. In this regard, the "language portfolio" technology allows students to develop language skills and cross-cultural competencies.


158-168 608

Educational and theoretical activities in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions are aimed at the intellectual development of students, expanding their worldview, which forms the level of their professional knowledge, aimed at the development and improvement of educational and practical activities-performing abilities and technical skills. But the question of creation is not quite acceptable. In this regard, our research is focused on the development of creative abilities of future choreographers in the educational system. The problem of the research was to reveal the essence, structure, principles and conditions for the development of creative abilities of students of choreographers, as well as to search for effective technologies for their improvement in the process of training in educational institution. Choreographic activity in the development of creative abilities of students is presented as a complex of complex socio-pedagogical phenomena and is a set of choreographic techniques and tools aimed at the formation and development of an integral personality of the student based on his creative abilities, interests, aptitudes, individual characteristics and choreographic abilities. For the successful development of students' creative abilities, it is necessary to use such activities as participation in creative competitions and festivals, master classes, and performances at a concert. Participation of students in them allows to deepen and systematize theoretical and practical knowledge of students, to form skills and abilities, using innovative methods for solving practical problems. Creative activity plays a special role in the development of students' creative abilities as a means of innovation.

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ISSN 2306-5079 (Print)