
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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No 2 (2023)
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10-21 467

This paper explores relationships between universities and schools. It draws on the author’s firsthand experience in a long career in the higher education sector working in, and with, many different kinds of universities. It is also informed by his direct involvement in research on school-university partnerships. It considers fundamentals such as the nature of education and the core purposes of both types of institution. Issues that arise in school-university partnerships are considered and the concept of the ‘third space’ in which there can be mutuality and collaboration is explored. The paper highlights challenges to both universities and schools as they navigate partnerships. From my point of view, it is entirely reasonable for schools and teachers to be the dominant partners and for university academics to see themselves as supporters, servants and consultants.
In the late 1990s, the author had been asked by the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education to work with a new partnership with schools in the country of Hertfordshire. The HertsCam Network, as it began to be called, established a Steering Committee with members who were school principals and a representative of the district authority. This worked well until the university took steps to try to impose higher fees, compulsory training in quantitative research methods and an end to experienced teachers in the MEd teaching team. The Steering Committee found this unacceptable so took decisive action and declared independence. HertsCam became a registered charity (NGO) governed by a Board of Trustees which is dominated by school principals. This enabled the network members to embrace more fully the idea of non-positional teacher leadership.

22-30 489

Language plays a crucial role in education; yet, on a daily basis teachers and school leaders must navigate a complex web of competing and often conflicting priorities in relation to various dimensions of language education. This includes supporting students’ first language and literacy development, sustaining the teaching of foreign languages in the curriculum and considering the role of other community or home languages spoken by students. However, while issues of language are undoubtedly relevant to all teachers, school-level language policies, which aim to provide explicit guidance underpinned by a clear set of principles, are too often conspicuous by their absence. For example, teachers are often left to their own devices to decide whether and how to allow space for other languages in the classroom; questions arise such as whether to use the first language in the foreign language classroom, or whether to ‘allow’ migrant students to use their home language as a resource for learning. This paper, therefore, aims to provide an overview of some of the key theoretical perspectives on multilingualism in the classroom and to consider some practical implications for schools when developing research-informed language policies. It will draw briefly on some preliminary findings from a project which analysed school policies relating to language across a representative sample of 998 secondary schools in England. A case will be made for teachers and researchers to collaborate to develop research-informed, cohesive school-level language policies which incorporate all dimensions of languages in schools.

31-43 560

The article is devoted to the discussion of entrance exams as a means of assessing the knowledge and abilities of applicants for admission to universities. The purpose of the article is to evaluate the effectiveness of the unified national testing. The article analyzes the main stages and features of the system of entrance examinations to higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan. Various aspects of entrance exams are considered, including their goals, formats and content. The authors discuss the disadvantages and advantages, opportunities and ways to improve the organization of unified national testing. The comparative characteristics of foreign systems of entrance examinations are presented. The main directions of reforming the system of entrance examinations are identified, possible ways of solving the identified problems in the era of turbulence are proposed. Based on numerous studies, the authors note that entrance exams can be a decisive factor in university admission, since they allow an objective assessment of the academic abilities and potential of applicants. At the same time, it is noted that entrance exams may not reflect the true abilities and potential of students. The authors conclude that the unified national testing is an important tool in the selection of students, but there is a need to constantly improve the formats and methods of its implementation in order to ensure a more fair and reliable selection of applicants.

44-55 424

Nugmanova Amina Abdukarimovna is a famous singer, researcher, scientist, teacher and public figure, teacher with a capital letter, who devoted her life to art and science. Amina Abdukarimovna has lived for the benefit of people all her adult life, showed great attention and love for her people, she made a great contribution to the development of the Kazakh song art. As a creative versatile personality, she has established herself not only as a wonderful performer of folk songs, but also as a scientist who conducted an experimental study on the topic of a PhD thesis devoted to the vocal training of children of different ages. For many years she worked as a teacher in the vocal class, and then as the head of the department at the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training Institute. She devoted most of her works to the issue of vocal education of children and adolescents based on Kazakh songwriting. Her proposed method of teaching children to sing songs is effective and acceptable in the practice of modern secondary schools.
The author also considers in her research the problem of improving the quality of teaching singing at school. In the classroom, students with the help of a teacher on the basis of musical notation learn to perform songs in accordance with local requirements. One of the conditions affecting the quality of classes is the presence of a properly selected song repertoire. Another goal facing the teacher is the opportunity to teach children to understand music and enjoy it in the process of performing.
Amina Abdykarimovna can be considered as a person who has deep knowledge in the field of musical education of children and adolescents, who has shown a high level of knowledge of Kazakh, Russian, Chinese languages, fluent in Arabic graphics, who has studied and scientifically substantiated the methodology of teaching singing and educating children's voices developed by her.

56-70 877

The article is devoted to topical issues of studying kobyz traditions in the musical culture of the peoples of Turkic origin. Along with a review of various scientific studies, they examined such complex methodological issues as the definition of the historical Korkut prototype, the differentiation of the genesis of the mare instrument. The author touches upon issues related to the difficulty of knowing the historical personality of Korkut based on the folklore genre - legend. Based on the shamanic tunes of Nyshan, which, without proper scientific argument, began to be attributed to Korkut, illuminates the stage stages of the formation of maze tunes from saryn to instrumental kyui. The author is inclined to believe that the information about Korkuta as the first creator of the mare is not entirely correct, because the geography of the distribution of the mare is much wider than those peoples who know the name of Korkuta. As for musical instruments consonant with the term "kobyz," they are known not only to Kazakh, but also to the peoples of Turkic, even Slavic origin. The author concludes that first in the Middle Ages the word "kobyz" denoted a common musical instrument, and then was applied to plucked and bowed chordophones. All this leads to the fact that the historical prototype of Korkut should begin with the study of historical, ethnic and genealogical sources.

71-83 391

The article presents the results of a semiotic analysis of fictional worlds in transmedia franchises. Fictional worlds of a number of popular fantasy narratives as well as stories about superheroes were chosen as the subject matter. In line with the goal stated in the introduction, this study focuses on how visual and narrative conventions encourage the circulation of certain connotative meanings between the various works of the transmedia franchise, maintaining the ideological homogeneity of its fictional world, as well as how a change in ideology can further develop the franchise and expand its fictional world. The work explored the connection between the concept of ideology and the opposition of good and evil in mass narratives. It was shown exactly how popular culture tries to demonstrate «genetic relationship» with literary classics and folklore through a rigid division of characters into «bad» and «good». A semiotic analysis of a number of transmedia narratives has revealed how the use of visual conventions in the representation of good and evil provides a preferred reading of the narrative by audience members. In a broader perspective, it is concluded that modern mass narratives, seeking to expand the target audience, are characterized by certain ideological flexibility, abandoning the ideology of white patriarchal capitalism, characteristic of earlier works.


85-97 684

The quality of education, the competence of specialists, the task of training competitive qualified specialists, the formation of academic literacy, international research "PIRLS" as an important factor in the socio-economic development of the country, have become important signs of the era of globalization. The formation of academic literacy in the field of international studies plays an important role in the development of human potential. International researchers and scientists focus on the essence and meaning of PIRLS - international studies, and pay special attention to the quality of education. In addition, the concept of quality in education has become very popular in the country. Many international organizations have established international standards for education assessment in individual applicant countries, for example, PIRLS, TIMSS, PISA.
There are test tasks for the assimilation of the material passed in order to differentiate the levels of knowledge of students. The authors conducted a survey in five areas: 1) test tasks for students by text, 2)questionnaire for school administration, 3) questionnaire for teachers, 4) questionnaire for students, 5)questionnaire for parents. Test tasks allow you to get the necessary information, draw conclusions, interpret the actions of the main characters, fix a sample text and get a primary examination of the structure. The questionnaire is an assessment of the process of meeting the requirements for the organization of the educational process, the type of school, educational standards and general education.

98-112 980

This article discusses the problem of applying the adaptive learning system in secondary schools and universities. In this technology, the main place is given to the student, his activities, personal qualities. Special attention is paid to the formation of their reading skills. The use of adaptive learning technology in the educational process is now becoming more common. Adaptive learning is an approach that takes into account the individual abilities and needs of the student as much as possible. The use of adaptive technologies involves the integration of information and pedagogical technologies that ensure the interactivity of the interaction of educational subjects and the productivity of the student's learning activities with the use of new information technologies that ensure adaptation within the educational process. Adaptive educational programs are not a new phenomenon in modern science. The next step in adaptive education was the personalization of educational processes, which was reflected in the creation of individual educational routes and trajectories. Therefore, there is a need for an in-depth study of adaptive learnin

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ISSN 2306-5079 (Print)