
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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No 4 (2018)
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8-13 920

Field practices play important for the formation of professional competencies among students. Biological specialties’ students during the field practice by "Applied Biology with the fundamentals of soil science" at the experimental plots master the methods of determining the biomass of agricultural plants, study, and carry out phenological observations, apply optimal doses of fertilizers, used agrotechnical methods, take care of plants and carry out scientific research work. They study the principle of water-saving agrotechnology in the crop producing, the biological features of winter common wheat grown by the system of drip irrigation for industrial purposes. Field- training practice forms students' research skills, forms and broadens knowledge, develops the abilities of creative thinking and also increases cognitive activity.

14-18 441

There is constructed the structural and substantial system of application in educational process of research results of bioecological features of fungi species striking vegetables in training of future experts of biologists. There are considered ways of the organization of educational process and obtaining results for training qualified specialists of biologists. Components, sizes and indicators of development of knowledge about fungi striking vegetables are concretized according to quality indicators.

19-25 585

The geographical environment is one of the most important concepts of modern geography , and the interpretation of this concept is very complicated. Geographic environment - an open dynamic system that evolves in space and time. It arose as a result of the evolution geographical envelope and its constituent geographic components consist not only of space, but also of interconnected complexes or elements. The development of each element is determined by regularities. The geographical environment is the material basis for the development of society, and functional varieties of the geographical environment are objects of special applied evaluation from the point of view the relevant sphere of human life and society.

26-31 451

Competitiveness is the only objective criterion of the quality and well-being of the population. Competitiveness is not determined by the achievement of a degree in the ranking, but by the achievement of world- class standards in a wide spectrum of life in Kazakhstan’s society. That is why Kazakhstan has set an ambitious goal - to join the 30 most competitive countries in the world. Considering this, the issue of comprehensive monitoring of the country's competitiveness, based on data from international organizations and rating agencies, has become topical. The results of competitiveness monitoring were presented, new approaches were proposed, as well as an attempt to analyze the main indicators of competitiveness with foreign countries.


33-37 408

The article discusses the effect of effect 4.0 on the efficiency of studying School Physics and on scientific physics in general. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is not just smart machines and systems, its spectrum is vast. The rapid separation of new technologies and universal innovations. It is important to apply these changes, such as awareness of changes in the fourth generation of the industrial revolution and mechanisms of governance, the development of society as a whole, in the development of education, in the implementation of a breakthrough in the era of globalization. The basis of these changes is physics. That is why effective teaching of physics in school will be one of the first steps in raising the demands of developmental time.


39-44 649

The article deals with the relationship of linguistics with other kinds of sciences. Many problems related to language, as a means of communication for all members of society, are not solved within the framework of linguistics, but at the junction of many sciences. The relationship of linguistics with the humanities and natural sciences is one of the topical topics of modern science of language, linguistics.This article examines the problems of language interpretation of a complex text, the reflection in the language of problems occurring in modern society, the differences in symbols in language communication, language modeling, the problems of machine translation, artificial intelligence, the problem of litigation. Also, we are talking about the problems of such new directions of anthropocentrism as psycholinguistics, cognitive linguistics, ethnolinguistics, etc.

45-50 403

The article considers the importance, the formation and development of literary language in world linguistics. The history of the development and formation of the literary language in English, Turkish, Kyrgyz and Kazakh languages. In its entirety, literary language is a language that is sorted, fixed, normalized, stylized, differentiated, bein higher than common language and its dialects. In the conclusion, we say that the national language is the highest form of language. The world-wide research on this topic has been studied and compared with the Kazakh literary language.

51-55 551

The article considers the onyms of the Orkhon-Yenisey monuments, which has been forgotten and lost the meaning, and are not part of our modern literary language. Studying the history of the language, the names are also source that haven’t their match. Studying the names is important not only for linguists, but also for sciences such as history, ethnography and cultural science. Onomastics is a great scientific area that demonstrates culture, history, mode of life of any nation and people. In this article the object of research are taken the onyms in the monuments of Turkish people who were the roots of the Kazakhs. Analysis of the meanings and linguocultural content of the proper names in Orkhon-Yenisey monuments as ancient Turkic relics is given.

56-61 542

The article discusses the political and social events in Kazakh land at the beginning of the 20th century, as well as intellectuals Magzhan Zhumabayev and Beymbet Maylin, who were at the center of these events. More precisely, in the works that wrote in the subject of protest against the colonialism of the Russian empire and the authors from different sides described the fate of the Kazakh people. The article says that in such difficult times they spread their work in newspapers and magazines knowing that their lives are in danger and they did this in order to awaken the consciousness of the people. The issues of national spirit and national consciousness in their poems and prose are discussed; it is described how they were able to raise these themes in due time. Analyzing each work individually, the focus is on what ideas are created and what events are associated with them.

62-66 377

In the years when the Kazakh people were part of the USSR, two reforms related to the translation of writing were carried out. Representatives of the foremost intelligentsia, having comprehensively conducted a historical analysis taking into account the linguistic peculiarities of the Turkic peoples, introduced the Latin alphabet to the scene of spiritual culture. Representatives of the public education, conducting propaganda among the wide population, made a significant contribution to the introduction of the Latin script. In 1940, according to the the law on the shift of “Latinized” Kazakh script to a new alphabet based on Russian graphics, Russian graphics (Cyrillic) came into effect. Transition of Kazakh language to the Latin script will contribute to improving the competitiveness of our country on the world stage and the establishment of good relations with developed countries.

66-72 1274

The article gives an analysis of vujudnama (age poetry) by Zhambyl Zhabaev. One of the famous akyn of Kazakhstan, he used the genre of vujudnama as well and gave some information about his life. We are aware of that time’s life situasion as well, by the helping of autobiographical vujudnama of Zhambyl Zhabaev. Comparing the autobiographical poems of Akhmed Yasevi and Zhambyl Zhabayev, the author comes to the conclusion that the features of the Sufi direction are traced in Akhmed Yasevi’s vijutname, but Zhambyl Zhabayev's vujudnama has biographical character. In fact, compared with other vujudnamas, in the Turkic Peoples’ literature, unlike poems devoted to the general human life, half of the human life is described in poems of this kind. The text of Zhambyl Zhabaev used in the research is one of the important sources for the study of life processes.

73-78 460

Talaptan Akhmetzhan is one of the famous Kazakh writers who left his name in the Kazakh literature. In his works one can read about human justice, honor, shame, loyalty and human bad habits that cause harm to other people. In his works epics Barak Baba and kobuz of Koilybay are depicted. One of the motives of his works is religious and mythological knowledge. In the works of Talaptan Akhmetzhan like "Hell fire", "Aisaule" and "Nobel prize" he reveals religious and mythological creation.

79-85 583

This article discusses the theme of morality in the stories of S. Zhunisov, which occupies a wide place in his works. The work of Saken Zhunusov occupies a worthy place in the gold Fund of Kazakh literature. The problem of morality is one of the major and eternal themes of literature of any nation. Writers who have contributed to the subject of morality, have raised not only ethical questions, not only sang the spiritual richness and the beauty of the soul contemporaries, but also criticized its opposing negative actions, and narrow-minded personalities, and aspirations of the people.

86-90 420

Kazakhstani trilingual education policy places high priority on effective language teaching and learning, one of the ways to achieve which is to use language learning strategies. The article gives different definitions of language learning strategies varying due to periods in which scholars were trying to convey the full significance of the technique used. As well, the article contains the classification of language learning strategies according to the function and language skill, which they are responsible for, with examples and clarifications.

91-95 512

This article deals with the study, which was conducted to investigate the role and impact of the TED talks with the subtitles in the foreign language class-room. As the survey results indicate the TED talks have a significant impact on listening skills in the foreign language class-room. The authors conducted this research in one of the schools in Almaty region


97-101 456

One of the representatives of the movement “Alash” was an eminent scientist, educator, social activist, doctor Zhumagali Tleulin. He was one of the first Kazakh specialists in the medical field, the author of works on eye and infectious diseases. Zh. Tleulin not only made a huge contribution to preserving the health of the population of the republic, he was the organizer of the first training courses for Kazakh specialists for schools and other institutions in the history of Northern Kazakhstan. He also owns the organization of studying the history of Kazakhstan in the North Kazakhstan region.

102-108 742

Social entrepreneurship is gaining popularity throughout the world. Basically, experts have identified four features of social entrepreneurship. Firstly, it is the social impact, i.e. the activity of the company should be aimed at mitigating the existing social problems. Secondly, it must be characterized by innovation, that is, in their work the company must use new and unique methods of work. Thirdly, it must have signs of financial stability. Finally, the fourth feature is scalability, i.e. the possibility to transfer their skills to other companies, markets and even countries. The adoption of a new law in Kazakhstan Republic of Kazakhstan "On public-private partnership" provides for the removal of restrictions on the areas of public-private partnership, to create all conditions for the effective implementation of social projects, which leads to an increase in the number of social entrepreneurs. Within the framework of the idea of "Almaty - the city of social entrepreneurship" in Almaty Management University on the basis of the Centre for Social Entrepreneurship created "ecosystem of support" of social entrepreneurship.

109-113 387

This article presents classical and modern theories in which the concept of trust is conceptualized. In recent decades, trust has become one of the most pressing problems of modern post-industrial society. Sociological theories of A. Giddens and T. Parsons became the main source of ideas for sociologists who study the problem of trust in society. In the works of J. Coleman and by P.Sztompka trust is analyzed through the prism of social capital. The conclusion is made about the importance and necessity of integration into modern society of trusting behavior between individuals.

114-122 436

The article discusses the role of international electoral standards in the formation of national electoral legislation. The essence, meaning and main sources of international election standards are disclosed. Based on the analysis of international standards, the content and significance of international electoral standards for the formation of national electoral legislation are analyzed. The analysis of the electoral legislation, Recommendations of the OSCE Mission to improve the electoral legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries.


124-130 418

This article highlights the features of the modernization of Kazakhstan pedagogical education, the professional competence of the modern teacher. The study provides a rationale for the problem, proves its relevance and the need for self-organizing learning activities among students. The basis of the professional competence of a teacher is his practical readiness for self-organization of his activities, which consists of the ability to plan his activities, properly allocate his time and find the best ways to organize it. The author substantiates the problem of self-organizing educational activities of students by means of RP-interaction technologies, which is confirmed by practical examples of independent work in the discipline "Art pedagogy" among first-year students of the specialty "Pedagogy and methods of primary education".

131-135 581

The article describes the types of evaluation in education. It reveals a comparative analysis of the assessment and monitoring of secondary schools with an evaluation scheme of the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools. Disadvantages of assessment in traditional secondary schools are discussed. The need to introduce reforms in the system of evaluation considered to be one of the most important changes at this time in education is analyzed. Authentic examples of assessing students’ achievement in different subjects are shown which was carried through the integrated criteria-based assessment model.

136-140 851

This article is devoted to the educational literacy of school pupils, which is currently being actively penetrated into the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Special studies have shown that in most cases, students can not apply the knowledge to life. The low level of functional literacy of students led to the introduction of new changes in the field of education. Functional literacy consists of three basic components: literacy, mathematical and science literacy. This article discusses the importance of literacy, which is the basis of functional literacy, the ways in which it is developed and improved in the school. In the course of the research, there are different approaches to differentiating students' literacy, using differentiation, accumulation, analysis methods.

141-147 430

Monitoring and evaluation are fundamental processes carried out in educational institutions in relation to the activities of students (assessment of educational achievements), activities of trainers (certification of teachers) and the entire educational institution (certification, accreditation, etc.) At the same time, control and evaluation are discrete in nature, they are often not systemic in nature, control and assessment processes are the prerogative of a limited number of participants in the educational process. Thus, monitoring and evaluation become not only a prerequisite for improving the activities of an educational institution, but also a function that should be carried out regularly. As a result, the education system, as noted above, penetrates the understanding of the importance of quality monitoring. In this article we consider the scientific and pedagogical foundations of educational monitoring, as well as the work of scientists who define the concepts of “quality of education”, “monitoring in the education system”, “pedagogical monitoring”, and “monitoring the quality of education of university students”.

148-153 398

This article deals with the problem of suicidal behavior of late adolescents / early adulthood. On the basis of a diagnostic survey has been analyzed the psychological characteristics of adolescents / youths of Tajikistan who have attempted suicide, and adolescents / youths of Tajikistan who have suicidal thoughts. The features of age development are shown, where early adulthood is particularly sensitive, since it is in the age range of a person when he/she addresses the problem of the purpose of his/her life, revises and understands the reasons for its assessment. These are mainly personal reactions, as evidenced by our diagnostic tools.

154-158 424

The article shows how the cultural heritage of the country can be used in the process of pre-school education. The development of love for the Motherland, respect for the culture, customs and traditions of own country and other nations, education in the spirit of human and national values, knowledge of the history of the native country - go through the study of the cultural heritage of different nations. Educating children about historical buildings in various parts of the country, excursions to museums are of educational importance. By instilling common human values in children, patriotism is fostered. The main purpose of the article is to show how the acquaintance of children with monuments of cultural heritage forms their most important spiritual values for a lifetime.

159-163 419

The article discusses the importance of the upbringing and education of children of early and preschool age. The author analyzes the need for the upbringing and education of children from early childhood. The concept of "social skills" is revealed, its content is considered. Presents criteria, indicators and levels of formation of social skills of preschoolers. We describe the main gaming tools aimed at increasing the level of formation of social skills in children of preschool age.

164-171 440

The article examines the readiness of teachers of secondary schools for inclusive education. When organizing inclusive education in secondary school there are a number of contradictions. In this issue, the non-acceptance of an inclusive education system and the insufficient training of teachers in the school as a whole still remain a priority. This is due to the task of socializing children with disabilities. Here, as a rule, one can relate the attitude of parents to the education of children in need of knowledge of different levels, to the interaction of children with disabilities with


173-177 561

The article discusses the ethnocultural aspect of using various types of Buryat ornament. Ornamentation of folk Buryat art is widely used in the ethnic design of various types of industrial products and art objects. In such areas as modern architecture, urban interior, graphic design, decorative art, the applied art of the costume, ornamentation of the Buryat people is widely represented, some elements of which are comparable to ornamental forms of other peoples.

178-177 489

In this article author analyzes directions of domestic television content and the value of directing TV. The author concludes that, in addition to training future professionals, they should participate in the production of TV products. The article provides data on the work of new technological TV standards. Analyzes various aspects of attitudes towards digital platforms of Kazakhstani viewers. The role of television in the formation of high-quality content on kazakhstani television is considered.

183-188 680

If we consider that television as an art of screen, uses many methods of cinema, then in these two genres there is a common phenomenon. The main similarities include the length of time and the volume categories of both genres. The main purpose of the article is to reveal the main differences between the two genres. Their distinction is natural, since one of the genres is based in the cinema, the other on television.The article provides comparisons of differences and similarities, multi-part film and TV series, their qualifications by the method of analysis, the basic concepts related to each genre.

189-194 604

The article analyzes the choreography of the ballet «Ivan the Terrible». The dance text and its meaning are described in separate episodes, in the characteristics of the characters of the performance. The quotations from the works of Soviet and Russian art historians, ballet scholars, theater critics who studied the ballets of Yu.N. Grigorovich are given. The author draws on the experience of previous generations of scientists and seeks to give independent conclusions on each scene of the performance. The author also describes the historical background to the creation of a musical ballet score. He notes the role of the composer M.I. Chulaki, who carried out the selection and transcription of the music of S.S. Prokofiev.

195-200 456

The article analyzes the way of development of folk-stage dance and compares with the modern pedagogical process. By promoting the traditions of the native people, as well as the traditions of other nations in dancing, future teachers and choreographers not only expand and deepen their knowledge of the national culture of Kazakhsta. Also a sense of respect for this day and pride in valuable cultural wealth are created. There are lectures and practical exercises of folk stage dance for teaching choreographers. Students are able to independently evolve in accordance with the needs of the new society, while respecting the traditions and culture of all nations.

201-206 1637

The theater has a special place in the history of culture of Kazakhstan. The article notes that one of the missions of theatrical productions is not only a glance into the past and replenishment of the facts of forgotten antiquities. The theater serves to reflect the life realities of society, its aspirations, acting on the audience through the awakening of the best human qualities in them. Works embodied on the stage are intended to awaken the national spirit in the audience. Love stories teach justice, tenderness, empathy for each other, and social drama calls for fraternity, desire for novelty. The article discusses the different periods of the formation of the Kazakh theater.

207-212 495

The article deals with innovative technologies in working with children's choir. These innovative forms and methods of work in the classroom, of course, expand the possibilities of the modern educational process, so they need to be actively implemented in the practice of teaching in the school, but do not forget about the importance of education school of academic singing in the spirit of the best traditions of choral culture.

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ISSN 2306-5079 (Print)