
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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No 4 (2020)
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8-15 480

The aim of the research is to solve the problem of forming entrepreneurial thinking in students of technical specialties on the basis of a transdisciplinary integrated approach to the study of physics and economics. The result of the study was the definition of the essence of interdisciplinary connections between physics and economics, the identification of the peculiarities of physics problems, focused on the formation of entrepreneurial thinking, a demonstration of the need to implement a professional context in the study of physics. In the article, this problem is investigated by means of analysis, comparison, and systematization of pedagogical literature. This article examines the technology of applying a transdisciplinary approach to form students' entrepreneurial thinking in the process of teaching physics. Physical models used in economics are presented.

16-22 648

The article identifies the problems of students learning new knowledge in the context of criteria-based assessment of student learning achievements. Researched the content and types of criteria-based assessment. Identified the structural elements of formative assessment: residual, activity-based, local and modular. Described the structural elements of summative assessment: intermediate and final. The tools of criteria assessment are extended with the following components: the expected result, an individual student card of learning material, and a table of recording students' academic achievements. Proposed the model of the card for the implementation of criteria-based assessment within a single academic period and methods for the implementation of formative assessment.


24-32 580

The article discusses the scientific and methodological works of Kuandyk Pazyluly Zhusip (1941-2019), a well-known philologist, literary critic who worked at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University. The works of the scientist related to the issues of teaching literature at school are shown, while many of his articles are devoted to the study of the subtleties of methodological science. The article shows the method of analyzing many poems from the school curriculum. K. P. Zhusip used the method of a meaningful question to reveal the main idea, images of the characters, and language features of the work. Studying the works of Zhusip, you can see that the questions compiled for students varied depending on the characteristics of each poem.

33-42 631

This article is devoted to the analysis of the assessment system in the framework of level teaching of the English language in schools of Kazakhstan. The introduction of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in the process of foreign language education in Kazakhstan has led to a paradigm shift in assessing student achievement, when assessment and learning are viewed as inseparable and assessment is perceived as a tool to support student learning. This study was undertaken to investigate the preferences of Kazakhstani teachers in the choice of methods for assessing student learning outcomes, as well as the factors influencing this choice. Taking into account the fact that competences in speech skills of English language proficiency in Kazakhstan model curricula are assessed on the basis of the criteria and descriptors recommended by CEFR for each individual level, nevertheless, in their practice, not everyone uses the general concept of recommended assessment. The study showed that teachers’ perception of the new assessment system cannot change overnight, nor can they do it independently, they need support in such as training, exchange of experience and methodological recommendations.

43-49 571

The article aimed at studying the role of language learning environment in increasing students’ motivation to learn the English language. A review and analysis of theoretical literature, the description of a psychological portrait of a contemporary student, the analysis of questionnaires were conducted. The authors gave definitions of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, carried out a more detailed study of the required conditions for creating a language learning environment to increase motivation and ensure high efficiency of the learning process. The analysis of questionnaires showed the students’ attitude towards creating a language learning environment in university classrooms, proved the predominance of extrinsic motives over intrinsic ones. A number of recommendations to improve students’ motivation to learn English were given.

50-58 528

Assessment is indispensible part of teaching and learning process. Criterion referenced assessment is a hot issue in Kazakhstan secondary and higher education system where the foreign language is inseparable. This paper attempts to deal with criterion referenced assessment purpose, functions and principles, as well as comparison with norm referenced assessment. The purpose of this article is to consider the technology of criterion referenced assessment as a way to increase motivation in mastering a foreign language at school and university and to prove its effectiveness in the process of learning a foreign language. A further possible presentation assessment criterion is offered as an alternative sound form for formative and summative assessment.

59-68 744

The article is devoted to the problem of forming students' communication skills using video materials in foreign language lessons. The authors offer a new approach to working with video fragments in the educational process. The use of video in teaching a foreign language opens up wide opportunities for teachers and students to learn the language and culture of the country. The purpose of this research is to develop and test a set of methods of work using original video materials aimed at the formation of students' communicative competence. This study was conducted with University students who speak English at A2 level. The analysis of educational and methodological literature and our own experience has shown that authentic video materials have a great potential in solving educational problems.

69-79 517

The article considers the iSpring Suite course authoring software as an optimal software program developing for multimedia educational resources on the base of authentic audio and video materials. Digitalization of Kazakhstani education requires from teachers developing their digital skills to use and create their own multimedia educational products to achieve provide learning outcomes and achieve corresponding teaching aims. The problems of defining multimedia, the possibilities of iSpring Suite authoring course software in teachers’ developing multimedia educational courses and applications on their own are discussed in the present study. The authors describe the technology of creating multimedia educational resources in ISpring Suite program as well as the peculiarities of working with the authentic audio and video materials while developing multimedia educational products. The effectiveness of ISpring Suite authoring course software is proved by the pedagogical experiment aimed at preparing students for the development of multimedia educational products based on authentic audio and video materials in the mentioned program. In the result of the experiment students scored 60% and more points in the final assessment which indicates the achievement of the heuristic level of training by the participants, implying formation of the necessary basic knowledge and skills as well as their reproductive activity in the field of designing educational multimedia resources.

80-89 663

It is emphasized that the study of a foreign language is an overly complex process that requires qualified actions by teachers to develop the learning environment and factors that influence the formation of communicative and professional competencies. This article reflects the specifics of the target and content aspects of foreign language education in the context of the personality-activity and discursive-competence approaches, also introduces clarifications to the modification of the concept of activity and competence-based approaches. The relationships between projective-functional and discursive-projective sub-competencies are realized in the study. The research model includes a multi-aspect representation of the differences in requirements for the implementation of the content level of professional metalanguage in the field of IT technologies. It is emphasized that the foreign language educational process should be accompanied not only by language tasks but also by teaching the metalanguage of modern information technologies used in the future professional sphere. The work takes into account possible ways of representing linguo-didactic tasks aimed at expanding already accumulated knowledge, structuring, integrating, generalizing the subject content of foreign language education.

90-101 587

The presented study poses the problem of studying the latest literature from the point of view of postmodernism as the leading direction of the first decades of the 21st century, its genres, figurative system, interaction with other literary directions and trends. The phenomenon of female prose in its correlation with classical works of world and Russian literature is considered. Scientific research on intertextuality is involved. Parallels of sociocultural situation of frontier periods of different centuries are carried out. Various points of view are compared with respect to the works of L. Ulitskaya, whose work characterizes one of the sides in the study of female prose.


102-112 621

The article deals with the opening of Kazakh schools and the teaching of Kazakh history in the second half of the XIX-mid XX centuries from the perspective of historical science. The political views and positions of the Kazakh intelligentsia and educators to the work of rural schools and their state, which were opened in the Kazakh steppes, are also considered. Special attention is also paid to the contribution of the Kazakh intelligentsia to the formation and development of the history of Kazakhstan as a discipline in the late XIX and mid XX centuries. The article analyzes the scientific works of intellectuals and educators, which provide information about the opening of national schools for Kazakh children. The article describes that the teaching of history during the Soviet era was under the control of Soviet ideology. Therefore, many methodological mistakes and shortcomings were made in teaching the history of Kazakhstan in secondary schools and conclusions were drawn.

113-125 522

How do we square persistent nuclear pasts with what appears to be a radiant atomic future? How has Kazakhstan apparently disentangled itself from a Cold War legacy of contaminated land and radiation-related pathologies to move on? Cleaning up, after all, can indicate both remediation of contamination – and simply cashing in. Is the reconfiguration of the relationship between town and test site, ‘just’ another example of a post-industrial town re-inventing itself and, literally in this case, putting itself on the map – or is there something specific or exceptional about nuclear work, legacies, townships and people? As I explore here, there are sometimes insurmountable tensions in the state-building exercises of securing both a particular version of the nuclear past on Kazakh land, and nuclear futures as a distinctively Kazakh enterprise. These in turn affect the ability of the town of Kurchatov to reconfigure its relationship with the Semipalatinsk polygon and move forwards.

126-140 616

The article discusses the role of universities in the formation of entrepreneurial skills of students for their active participation in the innovative development of society. Due to the changing paradigm of higher education, the search for an optimal model of entrepreneurial education is relevant. The new paradigm of higher education presupposes the existence of a competent entrepreneurial ecosystem that shapes an appropriate entrepreneurial culture. Properly formulated culture of innovation is a key to promoting and developing knowledge economies. The importance of entrepreneurial education and raising the level of knowledge are considered on the example of the evolution of the triple helix model of innovation.

141-150 434

The article is devoted to philosophical, legal and ethical issues of modern reproductive medicine in France and Western European countries. The study is based on analysis of medical records for 1980-1990-s years, during the introduction of new methods of reproductive health care in the hospitals of France, and on the basis of patient surveys conducted by the author in 2008-2013 infertility Problem puts at risk both men and women, but women pay for birth a higher price. Surgical operations are mainly performed by women (in vitro fertilization). The question of the right of a third party to parenthood is raised, based on the fact that sperm donors, egg donors and surrogate mothers are part of the reproductive system and have the right to communicate with the child. The author notes social inequality as a serious factor of women's vulnerability during IVF: female managers start the process of in vitro fertilization after 30 years, while three-quarters of working women - before 30 years.


151-159 462

Openness in the education system as a prerequisite for building a democratic societyThe concept of openness is viewed in a metacognitive context based on an analysis of philosophical and psychological works, and its semantic nature is summarized through empirical reasoning. Openness based on the study of regulatory documents, including state mandatory and anti-corruption standards, is generalized as a necessary condition for building a democratic society. The directions and principles of the methodological and theoretical basis for studying the concept of "openness" reflect the possibilities of studying this concept as a property, quality of the subject, and the activity of interaction with society. Attention is drawn to the fact that the principle of openness in the education system is used as a means of changing the external form, as a spontaneous factor of organization and verification without methodological justification. Without the activity of the internal motive, the external position is not enough to change consciousness, because the principle of openness is focused on the openness of consciousness.

160-170 584

The article describes the study aimed at identifying the degree of understanding and use of critical thinking by civil servants. A review of scientific literature on the problem of adult learning in general and the development of critical thinking is presented. Separate survey results with author comments are graphically presented. Based on the results, conclusions and recommendations are made for organizing classes in the adult education system. While preparing the article, the following research methods were used: analysis of scientific literature and textbooks, official Internet resources, observation, questioning, quantitative and qualitative data processing methods.

171-177 498

The article describes the importance of preparing future primary school teachers for innovation through the reforms taking place in the country's education. Information based on the results of scientific and pedagogical research is presented. The effectiveness of distance learning of the subject "Innovative lesson structuring" for improving the education system and preparing future primary school teachers for innovation has been reviewed in our country. The reforms that are relevant in modern education, implemented in the country, are aimed at creating conditions for the formation of high moral and leadership qualities, training for professional development and innovation of future teachers. The content of the article also reflects the study of the level of training of future primary school teachers to work with students in the educational space.

178-186 710

In this scientific article, the authors present the results of the first part of the study, the idea of which was to study the subjective assessment of the quality of life of students. The study sample consisted of 1-4 year students of the full-time department of Pavlodar Pedagogical University (N = 200), who were divided into two groups - students who rated their quality of life as high, and students who rated their quality of life as low. The criteria for assessing the quality of life were: emotional state, degree of satisfaction with different areas of one's life, state of physical and mental health, self-esteem and personal resources, availability of consumer goods. It was found that age, course of study, the problem of finding a job and setting up an independent life are not factors that affect the quality of life. The prerequisites for the high quality of life of students were the presence of a family, close friends and relatives, physical and mental health, economic well-being, a subjective feeling of support from others.


187-196 559

The article discusses the problems of teaching composition in the preparation of future specialists of teachers in accordance with the new program of “Artistic labor”. The new integrated program “Artistic labor” requires the training of composition in educational areas of visual art in the preparation of teachers; arts and crafts; design and technology and consideration of a complex set of educational content, creative training assignments, structural and constructive, as well as semantic contexts in a particular system. As the result of the study, the techniques of natural interactive teaching of the comprehensive development of creative compositional abilities and professional training of students has revealed. In addition, methods for the development of pedagogical skills of students because of systematizing principles and techniques for identifying the three main types of artistic activity (constructive, visual and decorative) has defined. The systematizing capabilities of the three main types of artistic activity in teaching composition has shown, which ensure the application of various techniques and techniques of types of artistic activity and their integration. Had been analyzed the targeted development of students' compositional abilities in the process of formation of the personality’s creative qualities.

197-205 488

The author of the text focuses on three productions staged at the Belarusian State Theatre-1 in the 1920s, at the beginning of the work of the theatre group, which was opened in 1920. The first artistic director was Florian Zhdanovich, and the second was Evstigney Mirovich, the first performance is “The Scattered Nest” (1913) by Yanka Kupala, the second is “Socialist-ess” (1924) by Tishka Hartny and “Twilight” (1927) by Vasily Shashalevich. The first two talk about the situation before the 1917 revolution, and the third after. The main subject of these three plays is the struggle for land in the Belarusian village in 10-20 years of the 20th century. The amount of land owned indicates a person’s well-being and social status. The authors of these dramas show how the Earth forms the character of a person and affects his decision, sometimes it even leads to murder.

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ISSN 2306-5079 (Print)