
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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No 2 (2020)
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7-14 450

The article presents the main stages of research conducted in order to introduce students to research work. According to the conducted research, the course of research work and stages of organization of research work are presented. During the research, the stages of organizing research work of leading schools for students were analyzed in order to form a General idea about the specifics of scientific research. The research work is based on improving the quality of education by developing students' scientific knowledge, mastering research methods, and integrating the educational process and research work. Three types of maples were selected as an object (riverine maple or ginnala- A. ginnala, Holly maple-A. platanoides and false plane or false sycamore -A. pseudoplatanus), their seedlings were introduced to the Botanical garden and phenological observations were made to study the features of their seasonal development, as well as the variability of morphological features.

15-24 582

n recent years, foreign and domestic scientists have raised the question of the need for future teachers to possess research competence, as one of the basic competencies. This article is devoted to the problem of the formation of the research competence of bachelor students in the specialty "Biology". The importance of the implementation of educational research, research activities of students during laboratory workshops is revealed in the article. The basis of the choice of application for the formation of the research competence of adaptive-innovative technologies is given, a brief description of these technologies is considered and examples of the application of adaptive-innovative technologies in the disciplines of Plant Physiology, Biological Practical, and Cytology with the Basics of Histology are provided.

25-34 1624

The article presents materials of research practice in teaching chemistry at the Nazarbayev Intellectual School. The study is based on the problem of students' difficulties in working with educational information, which makes difficult the development of information competence and natural science functional literacy. The objective of the study is establishing a correlation between the individual type of perception of information by the student, the nature of the learning resource provided by the teacher and the organization of work of the student with it, as well as educational achievements. The basis of research training is a differentiated approach as a special organization of personalized training. The results obtained allow us to establish: taking into account the individual type of perception of information in the proposed training ultimately ensures the progress of the student in an individual educational trajectory.

36-43 411

The article deals with current problems and the effectiveness of modular technology in the process of teaching inorganic chemistry in higher Education. The advantages of the innovative approach in comparison with traditional forms of students education are substantiated. The problem of creating new didactic models is solved by optimizing the learning environment and the intensity of training. Domestic and foreign pedagogical experience has shown that the indicator of a high level of educational and cognitive activity of students is its self-organization. The aim of the research is to develop a modular training technology that provides the formation of a culture of safety of student’s life. The article describes the features of modular technology and its advantages when teaching the discipline "Inorganic chemistry" on specialty "Safety of life and environmental protection".

44-51 557

One of the most common pests of wheat is brown rust (Puccinia recondita). In developed countries, rusty diseases, especially hurricane rust, are a biological factor that controls the harvest of wheat, which is explained by the predisposition of the population to the extent of its mutations and its ability to spread the disease. In Kazakhstan, the development of wheat rust has been discovered in all fields of grain crops. The article describes methods for studying the causes of brown rust in the laboratory for Phytopathology, the relationship of the pathogen with the host plant, plant resistance to diseases and other ways to combat it. The most common disease of brown rust in varieties of cereals was studied, the main pathogenic symptoms of infectious disease and favorable conditions for its development were analyzed. During the laboratory work on the topic used the technology of differentiated training in the framework of the problem method.


53-61 535

The solution to the problem of the effective use of modern information technologies in the educational process of a comprehensive school leads to the need to select didactic principles and their justification. The purpose of the study is to identify and justify the didactic principles of the use of information technology in education. As a result of research and theoretical analysis of the literature on the research problem, analysis of the best pedagogical practices, the content of didactic principles was revised and supplemented, which can be constructively used in any case, without replacing them with new ones. Thus, in this paper, the basic didactic principles for the use of information technology in education are identified. And also the essence of the content of the principles related to the didactic system and implemented in the educational process is disclosed.

62-72 567

The article substantiates the need for the formation of cognitive strategies in the learning process, which determine the possibility of developing the ability of students to learn. The concept of “cognitive strategies” is analyzed, their relationship with general educational skills is revealed, the need for personal orientation of the educational process as the conditions for their formation is indicated. The structure of the process of formation and development of cognitive strategies of schoolchildren is described, a system of principles that determine the orientation of education on the formation of personal cognitive strategies of schoolchildren is presented. The emphasis is on the fact that the development of personal cognitive strategies of students is carried out through the comprehension and consolidation of personal cognitive experience. A generalization of the practical experience of organizing the educational process made it possible to structure a generalized cognitive strategy for solving a school geometric problem, develop requirements for task systems used in teaching mathematics with the aim of developing personal cognitive strategies for schoolchildren, and offer methodological recommendations on the organization of the stages of the formation of cognitive strategies based on working with task systems.


74-81 534

Currently, there is a word formation of unambiguous words that form a structurally complex vocabulary that forms the nominative case. The word combination in the Kazakh language undergoes various changes and over time is used as a designation of a certain subject or concept. The purpose of this research is to understand the ways of forming phrases both lexicative and nominal, to argue the ways of its formation as a name using the opinion of researchers. The article analyzes the features of forming complex names with the definition of the grammatical meaning of the phrase. Used as a single word, they can move away from the main meaning and acquire a new meaning. This article deals with the problem of forming phrases / words that form the formation of nominative words.

82-89 633

The dream motif is widely spread in world folklore, especially oral literature and folklore of Eastern peoples of religious Islamic themes, containing works about the prophet, as well as heroic tales. The article deals with the interpretation of dream studies in the epics "Alpamys Batyr", "ORAK-Mamay", "Er sayyn", "Karabek", "Gazauat Sultan". We are also talking about the role of the dream motif in these works. It is argued that the interpretation of the dream itself should only be interpreted in line with accepted interpretations. The dream cannot be interpreted in any way at your own discretion. This position is based on the fact that dreams come true later in reality.

90-98 498

The article considers the process of formation and development of the Тolgau genre. The author studies the role of written literature in the development of Тolgau and how it influenced the change of traditional features of the genre. The article analyzes the contribution of digital technologies and contemporary musical art to the development of the Тolgau genre, offers scientific arguments about the nature of Тolgau's transformation. Despite the updating of genre-forming elements, we are discusing about the nature features of preserving significant typical formal features, content characteristics, as well as the social, didactic function sent to the recipient.

99-105 2476

Interest in new foreign language teaching methods is currently on the increase. The definition of the communicative approach in language teaching is considered in the article. Communicative competence is one of the main components of teaching. The characteristics, strategies and basic principles of communicative competence are identified. It is also emphasized the role of communicative grammar in foreign language teaching is also emphasized. Teaching grammar is an effective way of developing communicative competence in foreign language teaching.

106-112 458

This article represents the author’s approach to teaching the course of informative translation in institutions of higher education. Having reviewed several definitions of the concept of “translation” presented by the masters of this type of activity, the author further delves into the study of the concept and main subtypes of informative translation. Newspaper and publicist texts and popular scientific texts are illustrated by a set of exercises aimed at developing students’ necessary skills. A list of alternative exercises, the use of which can significantly expand the scope of professional skills and abilities of students - future translators, is provided. Some exercises are taken from the “Practicum on informative translation” published by the author a year ago, and are successfully used at the informative translation lessons with university students.

113-121 453

Interlanguage communication can be complicated due to the imperfection of knowledge of a particular language, its culturally specific features and differences in the perception of its linguistic units. This problem is especially acute by expressing a language modality. For a detailed study of the modality category, the authors examine the values of modal units of two typologically and genetically unrelated languages: Kazakh and German. This linguistic phenomenon is considered on the example of teaching Kazakh-speaking students the German language. Comparing both languages, the authors identify possible similarities and differences in the expressions of certain modal meanings.

122-131 657

The phonetical aspect of Kazakh and Chinese language differ from each other with that Kazakh language has not many vowel sounds together in a syllable, but Chinese language has two or more vowel sounds at once in one syllable. So under this influence students of Kazakh language have difficulties in pronouncing Chinese sounds and syllables. Secondly, being one of the analytical languages Chinese language has not morphological changes. The word order and auxiliary words in Chinese play important role. The word order in a sentence in Chinese language differ from Kazakh language which is rich in morphological changes. As a result of these students may have difficulties in making up sentences. The article deals with the difficulties in phonetical and grammatical aspects of a language and ways of setting these problems in learning Chinese in the beginner`s level.

132-140 1028

Loan word is a process, which has driven to appearance and consolidation of some foreign elements. Loan word is an integral part of change and existence process of language, one of the main sources replenishment of vocabulary. Borrowed vocabulary reflects the facts of ethnic, social, economic and cultural connections between language communities. There are a lot of borrowings in Persian language, therefore the vocabulary of Persian language was continuously enriched. For instance, many Arabic, Turkish, Russian, French and English borrowed words. Today there is a tendency to introduce native Persian words in the language instead of borrowed words. This article explains how Turkism entered the Persian language over the long historical years between the Iranian and Turkic peoples. Methods of collecting, systematizing, analyzing, generalizing and comparing the main sources, historical-comparative and comparative methods were used to solve the goal and objectives of the study.


141-150 451

The article deals with some issues related to Polish-Soviet relations during World War II. One of these events is the formation of the Polish army in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. The article describes the conclusions in the field of development of historical science and the concept of new historical thinking, new approaches to topical issues, reflected in the research of leading scientists, as well as much attention is paid to the radical changes in domestic historical science in recent years. The paper uses archival documents with "secret" signatures of the leaders of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Russia. The task of history is to determine the foreign policy of state leaders in this period, as well as to consider ways to interpret past historical facts and arguments in favor of their country's actions in the international arena.


151-159 602

In this article, critical thinking is considered not as an educational technology, but an educational ideal. The question about the nature of critical thinking is still open, and the article provides the basic concepts and definitions that are important for further discussions. Nevertheless, the critical thinker has a set of properties that adherents of various points of view agree with. In the context of this set, the definitions adopted in our country are analyzed. Further, the inconsistency in the requirements for the level of development of critical thinking of schoolchildren and students is considered. At the end of the article, we examine main opportunities of integrating the teaching of critical thinking to students, aimed to eliminate that inconsistency and to get closer to the global educational ideal.

160-169 514

This article focuses on the theoretical provisions and practical issues of the cultural aspect of the student’s development in the process of teaching a foreign language in primary school. The authors consider culture as one of the factors that form the personality and create the foundation for intercultural communication. The article discusses the relationship between culture and language, and examines the creation of conditions that model the sociocultural reality in the countries of the target language. The authors offer materials and topics of cultural studies to expand the subject of educational content within children's cultural studies framework in addition to the topics presented in the standard curriculum for the discipline "Foreign language", which can be successfully used in English classes at the primary stage of instruction. The article resents the results of experimental work and the main conclusions on the research. The research is based on the works by well-known home and foreign methodologists, scientists studying the problem of intercultural communication, innovative pedagogical experiences, and personal research of the authors.

170-179 777

The article considers the effectiveness of an interdisciplinary approach. When integrating the subjects, the topics of four 4th grade subjects were considered. On the basis of cross-cutting themes, the relationship of the material and their influence on each other were determined, and the connection of themes was established based on common features. The study examined the curriculum of primary education, analyzed in detail the content of the thematic plan of each subject, learning goals and objectives. Methods of research of pedagogical and educational-methodical literature, methods of comparison, generalization, allowing to reveal connections between subjects were used.

180-189 455

The formation of any skills, including self-care skills, in children with cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy) is directly related to the development of the motor sphere, since each skill is carried out using movements. The study involved 24 children of primary school age (6-7 years) with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia. Research methods: 1) motor function Research: global motor function classification system; modified Ashworth scale; hand dynamometry; back muscle strength endurance; static coordination; evaluation of manipulative hand function; visual- motor reaction; 2)self-care skills Research: assessment of self-care ability; skills of taking off and putting on trousers; skills of taking off and putting on socks; skills of taking off and putting on shoes. A qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results is presented. Thus, the data obtained during this study are necessary for optimal planning, organization and implementation of corrective and developmental activities with children with cerebral palsy.

190-199 580

The most common behavioral disorder in children is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The article presents an analysis of scientific works of both foreign and domestic researchers on the problem of ADHD in primary school children. An experiment was conducted with 32 children from one of the schools in Pavlodar. The obtained data on changes in the nature of attitudes to the child, his behavioral patterns of perception and understanding as a result of the implementation of a special program of psychological assistance to parents are presented. The results of the study allow a differentiated approach to psychocorrective activities with such children.


200-206 598

The 21st century COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed the world. Currently it is the most relevant topic that affects all areas of life. Theaters have never before lost access to the stage and direct contact with the audience simultaneously in all countries. The purpose of the article is to identify the set of problems experienced by theaters and to consider the “pro et contra” of this situation in the stage art. It analyzes the influence of social isolation requirement on transformation of the nature of contact between theater and the audience. The article discusses new forms of theater work online.

207-216 508

The basis of this article is the musical and epic heritage associated with the name of the legendary Korkut. It highlights the stages of mastering ancient legends, analyzes records and studies. All those changes that occur in connection with the entry of legends into the folklore process are singled out. The musical tunes attributed to Korkut are studied and critically analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the reliability of previously unknown musical primary sources that began to enter into scientific life. At the same time, the artistic features and scientific significance of these musical tunes are determined.

217-225 750

The history of Kazakh dance as a symbol of national culture and important component of national self- awareness is deep enough. From simple plastic movements that reflect hunting, military movements, labor skills, folk dance has gone a long way in development before it became an artistic and visual means that determines the spiritual needs and level of culture of the people of the great Steppe. This article presents an overview of the history of the dance art of the Kazakh people. Folk customs and traditions are considered as one of the main ethnocultural principles of dance culture. In addition, the author analyzes the influence of shamanism (baksylyk) on the development of many types of creativity, including the formation of Kazakh dance movements.

226-232 860

The article considers one of G. Musrepov’s tragedies “Akan Sery – Actoty” which occupies a special place among the Kazakh national theater classics. This play greatly contributed to the formation of many generations of directors and actors. In the article, the author analyzed theatrical performances of the tragedy of 1942 and 1958. The author reveals the evolution of the stages of development of this tragedy, and its influence on the development of directing and acting is revealed in the analysis of performances. Thus, author made an attempt to determine the extent to which this work contributed to the formation of the spiritual and aesthetic preferences of the audience.

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ISSN 2306-5079 (Print)