
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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No 3 (2019)
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8-18 454

The technique of carrying out microsatellite analysis designed for biology students is presented in this article. Combining scientific theory and practice and creating conditions for use the equipment and reactants in laboratory classes as well as methods of their use at implementation microsatellite analysis advantages to develop research competence of biology experts. Mastering methods of conducting experimental work by means of modern equipment at the molecular level, application, analysis, synthesizing, offering new products by performing researches for the purpose of national economy modernization, also factors of increasing functional literacy undoubtedly are thought to be necessary prerequisites for biology students development. Therefore, in order to implement the above mentioned factors is very important to master microsatellite analysis. Predetermination of new elements for generation new contents and their connection with creativity, education directed on creation new model (structure) based on personal experience is believed to be one of the main tasks today.

19-25 741

The article discusses the possibility of using the “case-study” interactive learning method in biology classes in English at a pedagogical university. The article deals with the problems and positive shifts of multilingualism. Historically, natural bilingualism has always been an indisputable and essential characteristic of the language situation in Kazakhstan. The article outlines the steps involved in solving cases; substantiates the effectiveness of this method in the educational process. Case study method is aimed at developing biology students' interest in learning and positive motivation, stimulates the independent acquisition of knowledge and professional experience.

26-31 487

The article discusses the toponymic names of geographical objects located on the territory of our state. The origin of some geographical names, the meanings of which are important for the understanding of students in undergraduate and graduate studies, are examined. Students and undergraduates specializing in “Geography” and “Tourism” should be able to better understand and coordinate the meaning of popular geographical and tourist terms and geographical names. An understanding of the image of the place, which is formed to create tourist attraction through natural and cultural-historical conditions and factors, as well as through toponymic features of the territory, is given. Geographical names have long been recognized as a mandatory element of an interesting, exciting, memorable, and most importantly scientifically based tourism products or tourism products. Attention is focused on different interpretations of the same name, different points of view. The pricelessness and historical significance of toponymic information is affirmed, both for scientific geography and for the tourism industry as a whole.

32-37 543

Now with development of geographical science the geographical picture of the world is a direct subject of scientific knowledge, and also a basis for modeling of the modern world. Geographical picture of the world is a comprehensive concept, which expresses the ideas of man about nature and society, his attitude to nature and society. This article will focus on two categories in the geographical picture of the world as space and time. Geography is the science of space, just as history, for example, is the science of time. The category «space» is a philosophical conceptual basis of geographical science, its essence. Geographical objects, processes and phenomena are all represented spatially, all relations in geography are reduced, one way or another, to spatial relations.

38-45 511

It is shown that to ensure the purity of the surface of the metals of the iron group and alloys on their basis, their preliminary preparation is carried out by chemical methods, which further provide a reliable adhesion of the galvanic coating applied in the future to the base, which is very important when creating a new generation of devices. At etching there is a dimensional processing (loosening) of a surface at which 9-10 class of a roughness is reached, and the crystal structure of a material is exposed. At the stage of polishing the surface is leveled, smoothing roughness, respectively, increases the class of treatment to 12-13. An important step in the entire production process is the surface treatment of metals, since this determines the final appearance and functionality of the product, which is determined by the quality of the applied mercury-film coating. Thus, the method of chemical preparation of the surface of the material, which includes two successive stages – etching with a solution of TR and polishing in a solution of PR, was used by us in the future as the most acceptable in the preparation of the surface of contact materials for amalgamation. The quality of the mercury coating was determined by testing its resistance to centrifugation.


47-56 604

Full Heusler alloy Fe2SnTi is of interest as a cheap and environmentally friendly thermoelectric material for the mere conversion of heat to electricity. Recently, a significant number of works have been published in the literature, where its electronic structure was studied by the density functional theory method. However, the scatter of the data obtained is so wide, from the presence of a pseudogap to the prediction of the forbidden band with a width of about 1 eV, that it is impossible to draw unambiguous conclusions about the electronic properties of this compound. In this work, we performed high-precision calculations of the electronic structure of the Heusler alloy Fe2SnTi using the GW0 method and found that it is a semiconductor with a band gap of 0.34 eV. To explain the experiments on measuring the optical conductivity at which a metallic response was observed, various defect structures were investigated.

57-62 491

The article investigates the kinetics of cathodoluminescence of lithium fluoride crystals activated by uranium of various concentrations. The energy of pulsed electrons is 250 keV, lasting 10 ns. In pure and OH- containing crystals, a band in the region of 425 nm is excited. In crystals containing U or the coactivators of U and OH, the luminescence spectra differ significantly in structure and intensity. In the spectra of crystals containing U and OH coactivators, a luminescence band is observed in the region of 490 nm. . In all crystals, the main attenuation component has a value in the range 40–70 μs. Therefore, a scintillator based on lithium fluoride can be used to register low-intensity radiation fluxes.

63-68 533

The article aims at the review of main principles of work with gifted students, particularly with students who are trained to participate in subject Olympiads. Subject Olympiads nowadays are given less importance than it was before. However, they play a great role in the achieving the state long and short-term goals for education and development of human capital, as they help develop students’ system of values, 21st century skills and represent Kazakhstan at the world education arena. So, Olympic movement should be developed on the basis of research evidence, which will show the best ways of work with Olympic students. The authors consider the main factors leading to successful training and the main skills the students need to develop to have high achievements in the Olympiads on physics. Having considered the recommendations of local and foreign scholars on training Olympic students and analyzed more than 20-year experience of training students for different types of physics Olympiads at “Bilim-innovation” schools the authors suggest a methodology of training physics Olympic students, which proved to be effective for the educational environment they work in.

69-75 1083

Тhе article deals with the improvement of methods of professional training of future teachers of mathematics. It is shown that the necessity of such improvement is caused by the fundamental disadvantage of teaching mathematics in school, which is an inability of students to solve simple practical problems while being able, at the same time to deal with complicated mathematical problems. It is demonstrated that solution of any applied problem is completely based on mathematical modeling that is why the ability of future mathematics teachers to pose and solve applied problems completely depends on the level of their mastering the methods of mathematical modeling. The authors formulate the pedagogical conditions under which future mathematics teachers can develop the ability to pose and solve applied problems and readiness to use applied methods in their profession activity.

76-82 593

he article reveals the important aspects of the competence approach in the preparation of future mathematic teachers. The problem of practical training is updated in this article. One of the priorities of the practical training of future teachers is the improvement of professional competence.

The possibilities of using interactive teaching methods in the process of teaching methodological disciplines in mathematics are shown in the article. The use of these interactive teaching methods allows students to interpret the content of theoretical material, to develop analytical and reflexive skills. The author of the article suggests ways of organizing the educational process to develop the professional qualities, knowledge, skills and competencies.

The formulated conclusion of the article is that at the end of the university studies the school should receive a competent specialist who loves mathematics, strives for continuous self-development and self-improvement.

83-91 491

Active learning is useful to engage and make an interest for the students in learning of mathematics, where the educators face many difficulties in teaching mathematics. This paper aims to address how to apply active learning strategies on the subject of double integral in advanced mathematics. We chose some suitable active learning strategies for using in the subject of double integral to show its designs. We also applied the active learning strategies which is shown in the introduction part for two groups from second year students in the faculty of science education at Suleiman Demirel University to reveal the of impact of achievement on the students. Comparing the achievement of experimental group to the control group, the authors deduce that the experimental group significantly outperform than the control group in the subject of double integral in mathematical analysis.

92-102 430

The article presents proposals aimed at the integration of science and education in the educational process. The academic freedom of universities in determining the content of educational programs in magistracy has been increased to 70%. The list of elective courses is often determined by the scientific interests of the faculty involved in the educational process of a particular university, while the scientific potential is not always used effectively. In this regard, new mechanisms are needed to ensure a sustainable relationship between scientific results and educational potential in providing professional training for competent and competitive specialists. Proposals for regulating the formation of elective courses are supported by the curriculum of the course on the topic "Radon Transform in Discretization Problems". This program is proposed for implementation as part of the magistracy. Scientific results were obtained during the implementation of the project AP05132938 "Radon transform in discretization problems".

103-107 478

The article reveals the methods of teaching the topic "vector" in the study of geometry in primary school. To improve the efficiency of learning the theme of vectors are considered historical analysis, as well as teaching methods faced by students in the study of this topic. These problems are revealed by scientific methods aimed at ensuring the study of the topic of vectors in the geometry course of the main school.

Each path, provided by the concept of "Vector", has certain methodological properties; for example, the interpretation of the vector as an element of vector space provides a common view, the possibility of studying one of the interpretations in other terms.


109-113 476

In modern society, 80% of the world's population uses Latin graphics. Current innovative technological ideas, exact Sciences and their terminology are created mainly in the Latin alphabet, that is, the Latin alphabet can be called the alphabet of high technologies. The country is carrying out large-scale work on the implementation of the program article of N.A.Nazarbayev "Course towards the future: modernization of Kazakhstan's identity", in which he proposed a number of specific projects. Among them – the development of substantive plans for the transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin alphabet by 2025. To this end, working groups spelling, methodological, terminological, technical and information support. The article deals with the problems of the composition of the new alphabet, offers conclusions based on a sociological survey.

114-118 647

Hospitality as one of the norms of Kazakh morality has shaped Kazakh culture throughout its history. This article is about the concept of hospitality in the Kazakh national consciousness. The article is also devoted to the study of language conceptualization of the hospitality, an important factor of human life, on the material of phraseological units on Kazakh language. Several phraseological units were collected and grouped according to their meaning, that reveal the concept of «hospitality». The modern meaning of the concept of hospitality is determined by the association experiment.

119-123 578

The article describes the history of research, the importance and problems of teaching the genre of the story. National values in stories are considered. The points of view of foreign authors and Kazakh literary critics about the importance of the genre of the story are analyzed. Currently artistic quest, poetic communication, problem analysis and training require special study. In this regard, the article examines theoretical ideas in the story, examines the known facts, and opinions, valued the new approaches with their systematic presentation.

124-128 504

The main feature of any epic genres - in their plot. The epic plot is an inseparable concept. Its features, all the vicissitudes of its history, the principles of change, updates of some parts allow to fully characterize it by means of motives. In this case, the function of the motive is not limited to serving only as a part of the whole, it is the most grassroots collector involved in the attachment of events, situations in a certain order and organizer.

129-135 624

The writings of Ilyas Zhansugurov contained all genres of folklore. In particular, the poems, aitys, examples, tolgau, Arnau, poetry, warriors, riddles, tongue twisters, proverbs, poems and stories about Kazakh customs and traditions. The article considers peculiarities of Iliyas Zhansugurov as a researcher, publisher, collector of Kazakh folklore, traditional ways of his folklore. Genre compositions of Ilyas’s writings, small genres of oral literature’s collection, opinions about his prosaic genre of oral literature and epic poems were thoroughly analyzed. It is said that Ilyas Zhansugurov’s first work was studying and publication of Kazakh false poems (өтірік өлең) collection. Folklorist was determined as a scientist due to reading, comparison, ranking, definition, publication and studying of handwritten versions of his collected materials.

136-141 495

The article discusses the heroic events of the archaic epic. The plot of archaic poetry is combined with different events. The main theme of the poem - totem signs ща еру wedding motif with heroism is the most ancient epic legends, that is one of the unusual topics that still need to be studied. The content of the poem is widely covered in the field of religion, mythical, totemic signs, and this problem is a complex for the folklore analysis. Research and topics of domestic authors have different directions, due to the fact that the work considered in other aspects of our topic finds relevance. The coveted son and the chosen beauty of the Kazakh epos and example for the young generation.

142-148 572

The cultural heritage of the Kazakh people of the pre-Soviet period is, first of all, the richest oral-poetic creativity, diverse in subject and content. It was logical that Kazakh folklore became an integral and integral part of the publishing repertoire of the Kazakh book of that time.The repertoire of folklore editions published in Kazakh language, Kazakh folklore is represented by the main widely known genre varieties: heroic epic - 45, lyric epic - 28, aitys - 29, ritual folklore - 22, including memorial (funeral) songs - 16, wedding songs - 6, as well as one edition of “terme” (edifying recitative), proverbs and sayings - 6.

149-154 511

The article considers the problem of interpenetration of linguocultrological knowledge into various disciplines of the modern university. The authors deal with the introduction of linguoculturological units into the teaching process in the practice of higher education, in particular at the Faculty of Philology. It also discusses understanding the status of linguoculturrology in the system of sciences. The authors justify the thesis that in conditions of renewal of the content of education, the application of the triad «language, culture and personality» has great opportunities when conducting classes using «cross-cutting topics». Therefore, linguoculturology as an academic discipline should take an appropriate place in the modern university education system.

155-160 443

This article is devoted to the analysis of newspaper discourse texts in the field of linguistics and research from the point of reader’s persuasion through the modern world media. The need of such analyze types as stylistic, cognitive and discursive revealed the role of language units in the press. This problem is considered to be relevant to journalists and linguists of all over the world. As a result there were revealed some features of persuasion character in newspaper discourse.

161-166 838

This article describes how to acquire a foreign language, apply it in practice, and how to use learning strategies and CLIL method in the learning process. The use of learning strategies influences to students’ self- education, critical thinking, planning and CLIL method provides language learning and specific context with communication and culture. The article provides tasks for both teaching approaches and the results of these methods implementation in foreign and applied foreign languages. Therefore, having a good knowledge of the language, and in the specialty make student successful, open doors to the science world

167-173 460

Taking into account the influence of China on the economic situation of our country, the study of Chinese by students of technical specialties, thereby increasing foreign language professional competence, is one of the factors contributing to the needs of modern times. When teaching Chinese to students of technical specialties, methods are considered where special attention is focused on the phonetic system, vocalization, features of hieroglyphic writing and grammatical structure. By mastering these technologies, students master certain skills, such as the ways of drawing up initials and finals, the correct emphasis, the tones of the Chinese language, the structure of Chinese characters, the features of the grammar of the Chinese language. Thus, this article aims to identify effective ways of teaching Chinese to technical students in order to achieve productive results.


175-180 674

The article is devoted to the study of historical scientific literature of Kazakhstan, devoted to the study of women's daily life. The authors give a historiographical analysis of foreign and domestic studies on the problems of everyday life. There is a different degree of study of women's everyday life and "women's" history in Russian and Kazakh science. Analyzing Kazakhstan's research on the "women's" history and the history of everyday life, the authors come to the conclusion that many aspects, objects and objects of women's daily life are still unexplored.

181-185 448

In this article, on the basis of archival documents, including declassified ones, the problem of organizing sanitary and medical services for special settlers in the territory of Kazakhstan is considered. Medical care for special settlers in the early 1940s was not established. There were not enough medical institutions and personnel, the most necessary medicines were not available at places, etc. Living conditions did not meet the standards, lack of normal living conditions, inadequate supplies, poor diet, inhuman working conditions, inadequate and untimely medical care were the main causes of high morbidity and factors of epidemics among special settlers. 


187-191 805

The article discusses the most important aspects of the problem of the implementation of polyculturality in modern education, namely, the genesis and conceptual field of definition. When studying the genesis of this concept, the following categories are defined: “polyculturality” - “polyculturality in education”. A comparative analysis of the concepts of “polyculturality” and “multiculturalism” is carried out. Comparison and analysis of similar concepts involves the selection of the general and the particular in their content. For both concepts, the category of tolerance is common. The concept of "polyculturality" combines various approaches to solving problems associated with cultural heterogeneity of society.

192-199 725

The article deals with the goals and results of professional training of the future primary school teacher, her/his professional training as the initial stage of formation and formation of professional competence. Professionally-pedagogical competence is characterized from the point of view of the competencies required for the solution of professional tasks aimed at the achievement of educational objectives based on the needs of society. In modern conditions, among the urgent tasks in the implementation of targeted training of professional teachers, ready to solve pedagogical problems of Informatization of education, identified and justified the problem of effective use, selection and analysis of digital educational resources, as well as the creation of individual digital educational resources. Professional competence of the primary school teacher as a specialist in the use of DER is a complete set of initial, basic and special competencies of primary school teachers in solving professional problems. The characteristic of professional competence of the primary school teacher as a specialist in the use of digital educational resources is presented. Primary school teacher reveals special competence on the basis of knowledge and skills in the field of pedagogical technologies, information and communication technologies.

200-209 615

The article deals with the actual problem, which is devoted to the study of pedagogical integration, as a category of integrated learning. The purpose of this article is to identify the phenomenon of integrated learning, having considered the original concept of «integration», based on the general philosophical category. During the writing of the article, the provisions of the systems approach, the methods of comparative analysis of scientific publications of philosophers, psychologists and teachers, devoted to the theory and practice of integration in education, were used. The interpretation of the concept of “integration” is studied from the point of view of the interpretation of its meaning in the scientific and pedagogical literature. The historical aspects of the emergence of integration are analyzed. The features characterizing the process of integration are determined. The essence of the concept of «integration» in training, refined on the basis of the analysis of scientific research, was uncovered. The article describes the benefits of integration in learning and a positive impact on the process of training and education of students.

210-215 616

This article discusses the history of assessment as an important component of the content of education. Updates in the content of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan are directly related to changes in the assessment system. The article analyzes the interpretation of the definitions "assessment" and "mark" in various pedagogical and psychological studies of scientists. The advantages and disadvantages of the traditional assessment system are considered while investigating the prerequisites for the introduction of criteria-based assessment. The authors highlight some of the main shortcomings of this system of assessment and give detailed explanations. In conclusion, the recommendations of various researchers on the modernization of the five-point assessment system are given. Conclusions are made on the necessity of transition to the model of criteria-based assessment.

216-221 819

The article is focused on the formation of professional competences as part of training a primary school foreign language teacher. The subejective and procedural content of the article is built on the competence-based model of professional education related to the changing needs of society and the labor market in modern conditions. The aim of research is to identify the most characteristic features of the modern competence-based approach. The goals and objects of the formation of competencies are considered, the organizational requirements for their formation of students are described, the content of key competencies and its functions and structural features are revealed. The foreign language teachers’ professional competences (key, subject and special) are considered in the article, which are necessary for good teaching, on the basis of the competency model of S.S. Kunanbayeva «Professional readiness of graduates».

222-227 533

This article reveals the concept of an evaluation component in the activities of a teacher. Assessment is one of the main elements of the structure of pedagogical activity. Evaluation activities are closely related to the concepts of pedagogical abilities, pedagogical skills, experience, professionalism. Assessment of teacher training in primary school students has its own specifics and features. These features consist in the fact that primary school students are the most vulnerable and sensitive to the perception of pedagogical assessment. The development of the personality of a primary school student largely depends on the evaluative activity of the teacher.

228-233 414

The significance of the reforms taking place in secondary education, as well as the ways of their implementation is considered in this article. Describes the feature of the updated content of education. The features of the use of various innovative - pedagogical technologies for the formation of functional literacy skills among students are shown. The types of innovative - pedagogical technologies and strategies using in conditions of updated content of education are described. Approaches of Kazakhstani and foreign educators are analyzed. The importance of the active work of the teacher in the light of the changes taking place in education is considered.

234-240 482

The questions of younger schoolchildren’s speech development, the language personality in the process of using interdisciplinary connections at the Russian language lessons are considered in the article. The implementation of interdisciplinary connections in primary school allows to expand the field of the younger schoolchild’s speech. The formation of the younger schoolchild’s speech activity becomes the main aim of teaching a language in school. Speech as an activity is considered in two aspects: educational (cognitive) activity and speech activity, during which schoolchildren use the language in various speech functions. The developed and presented system of communicative-cognitive exercises on interdisciplinary material makes it possible to effectively form the schoolchild’s speech activity.

241-246 505

The article deals with the problem of leadership development in future teachers of preschool educational institutions in relation to the issues of their self-development. Speaking about becoming a leader, based on the approaches of various researchers of leadership, the position is put forward: to become a leader, a person must constantly work on himself. The factors impeding self-development are described. The model of drawing up the individual program of self-development is presented. A system of games and exercises aimed at harmonizing the inner world of the teacher-psychologist is given. The author concludes that the quality of the personality as a whole, rather than certain individual abilities, is of great importance for the leader.

247-252 481

The article considers the importance and necessity of interdisciplinary work in the education of children with special educational needs in the conditions of inclusion. Interdisciplinary connections reflect an integrated approach to education and training. The article analyzes different approaches to understanding interdisciplinary connections in the educational process. Interdisciplinary connections make it possible to identify the main elements of the content of education, as well as provide a link between academic disciplines. The authors show the need for a close relationship between the general scientific and professional competencies that a future speech therapist should have.

253-258 458

The article outlines the relationship and state of the historical memory of patriotism. The importance of historical memory for the consolidation of society is also considered, and the authors raise the actual problem of the place of historical memory in the system of formation of patriotic consciousness through education. The article emphasizes the basic pedagogical approaches that are used in modern theory in the memory pedagogy in the framework of socio-humanitarian knowledge. Achieving this goal involves solving interrelated tasks: to reveal the essence of historical memory as the most important constituent element of patriotism. The authors do not claim to be fully covered in this problem. 

259-263 503

This article deals with the pedagogical aspects of the acmeologicalpotential'sdevelopmentof a future specialist in physical culture and sports. One of the most important tasks is the formation of future professional, organizational skills and skills of independent decision-making, responsible assignment, maintaining a moral and psychological atmosphere in the team. The training of future specialists is a matter of concern given the importance of physical culture, which is an element of human development, its contribution to the educational process, as well as new goals of physical training and health activities in the framework of educational philosophy and the importance of the existing system of its development, not only practically, but also theoretically. That is why the material and spiritual part of society is an integral part of culture. The article analyzes the research on the development of the acmeological potential of future athletes and sports specialists.

264-272 483

In this article the authors study the problem of the formation of conflictological competency among bachelors of the specialty "Social Work". The authors determined the essence of students ’conflictological competence as a component of professional competence, which contributes to the optimal use of conflictological knowledge, skills in a conflict environment, manifested in motivational-personal, informative, behavioral, reflective components and experimentally tested. To solve this problem, methods of system analysis were used. The article analyzes and summarizes the research of representatives of domestic science and foreign countries problems in the process of preparing social workers for professional activities. 

273-279 469

The article deals with the social and pedagogical aspects of the re-socialization of convicts. A pedagogical analysis of the concept of “re-socialization” is being conducted. Concepts, approaches and models of effective socio-pedagogical re-socialization of convicts are considered. The complex strategy of social rehabilitation of citizens who have been released from prison and are registered with the probation service is comprehended in the social and pedagogical context. Kazakhstan's experience on the re-socialization of convicts is analyzed.

280-288 526

In article results of the last researches in the field of the modern educational and pedagogical technologies connected with a problem of reforming of the Kazakhstan higher education system, formation of professional image of future social teacher, need of creation of a certain style of the social behavior providing success and effectiveness of professional activity in the course of its preparation are considered. And also, the concept "Professional Image of Future Social Teacher" is concretized and the criteria, indicators and levels of formation at future social teachers of professional image corresponding to its components – personal, competence-based, communicative, behavioural are marked out. 


289-294 609

The method of the “epic theater” of the outstanding German playwright, director and theorist of the stage B. Brecht is one of the few topics not studied in the Kazakh theater science. In recent years, progressive directors have seen an increased interest in the “epic theater” in the Kazakhstan theater process. In this regard, the article attempts from the standpoint of theater science to clarify the method of “alienation effect”, which is the basic principle of the “epic theater”, to evaluate its role and the scope of its application in the modern theatrical process. It reveals the artistic level of acting and directorial interpretations based on the analysis of “Avalanche” by T. Juzhenogly and “Karagoz” by M. Auezov, which have become a significant event in the history of the national scene. It is proved that the use of this method B. Brecht allows the national theater to bring new artistic ideas.

295-301 456

This article discusses the work of cameraman Mark Berkovich, who worked with the famous Kazakh director Shaken Aimanov. Game feature films selected by the authors of the article are analyzed by comparative method. This method they think is suitable for objective consideration of the work, not only from a historical point of view, but from an aesthetic. This study examines the visual component of films created by Mark Berkovich. Highlighted the ability of the authors of the works in question to highlight the national character and beauty of the country. The article makes a conclusion about the contribution of this operator to the treasury of Kazakh cinematograph based on the analysis of some of his films. 

302-306 742

In the period from 20.03.2019 for 30.03.2019 using the site “Survey Monkey”, I was conducted a sociological poll on the theme “The photography in Kazakhstan”. The purpose of the survey was to calculate the level of knowledge about the art of photography in Kazakhstan among in the population. The survey was attended by 134 respondents both professionals in the field of photography and from other areas of humans activity which allowed to evaluate the survey on this topic more objectively. The survey consisted of 10 questions, which were aimed at identifying the task. The questions raised the importance of photographs in society and in everyday life of the people, the level of professional photography in Kazakhstan. 

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ISSN 2306-5079 (Print)