
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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No 4 (2019)
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7-13 445

In this article discusses biological features of the medicinal plant Elaeagnus oxycarpa Schltdl. Were made micrographs of cross sections of the above-ground part of plants. Morphometric measurement was carried out. Describes method of obtaining skills of laboratory experiments by using binocular microscope MCX100. In the paper presents the development of methodological materials on the discipline, which provide a high level of training students

14-20 435

The article focuses on the integration of science and educational processes at the present time. For the formation of a personality that meets the requirements of the model of modern education,it is of great importance to indicate the direction of the student to research. During the research work, the stages of the organization of research work of leading schools for students were analyzed in order to form a General idea about the specifics of scientific research. The research work is based on improving the quality of education through the development of scientific knowledge of students, mastering the methods of research, as well as the correlation of the learning process and research activities. The purpose of this study is to identify the degree of preparedness for the formation of various pedagogical skills, namely research activities, research skills of the student.

Three species of persimmon (Zenji-Maru, Hyakume and Virginia) were selected as the object of research, their germination in autumn and summer periods was determined in laboratory conditions. Before sowing, persimmon seeds were treated by stratification, heat treatment, mechanical destruction of the seed bark, immersion in water.

21-26 485

The article discusses the possibilities of using information and communication technologies in biology classes of high school. The problem of using ICT as the main means of mastering the content of educational material determines the aspect of the general teaching methodology inherent in any subject. In this regard, ICT are of particular importance, both in professional activities, and in human culture and in the special educational process. The article provides lesson plans on the subject of biology using ICT, substantiates the effectiveness of the use of this technology in the educational process.

27-32 548

The article discusses the formation of environmental culture of students in the educational process based on an integrated approach. The analysis of the study of environmental issues when considering the nature, population and economy of the territory. The model for the formation of the ecological culture of students at the Department of Geography and Tourism at the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University is a system consisting of the following components: goals, objectives, content, forms, methods and means of education. This model contributes to the effective formation of students' ecological culture when the following conditions are realized:

- introduction into the working curriculum of the corresponding elective disciplines, contributing to the improvement of environmental culture teachers;

-implementation of educational activities of students on the basis of new educational programs of disciplines;

- implementation of the ecological approach in developing the content of disciplines during the educational process, as well as in the organization of research work of students, thereby ensuring the continuity of the formation of the ecological culture of students.

33-39 497

Among interactive teaching methods "academic discussion", "joint search", "training"are widely used. The authors show how on the example of the method "academic discussion" it is possible to study the features of the relief of the Tibetan plateau and mount Kailas. The method of "joint search" was applied to study the national Geopark of Zhanye-Danxia in Gansu province. It allows to study in detail the developed landscapes of this region and to find out the reasons of their formation. The method of training, implemented in the form of "teachercomputer-student", are given tasks about the snowy peak of Meili, resembling a turtle in its outlines.

40-44 500

This article discusses the main methodological approaches to the formation of self-education experience in teaching chemistry in secondary schools of Kazakhstan. Particular attention was paid to the development of methods to ensure the development of experience of self-education and self-control, and recommendations for its implementation. The general characteristic of methodical work, the description of a technique of research of development of abilities of self-education of pupils at studying of chemistry is given. On the basis of indicators of formation of skills of self-education the level of formation of skills of self-education is shown. Examples of the use of some tasks in the implementation of the goals of the formation of the experience of self-education are given.

45-52 560

This article discusses practical actions based on improvisation techniques that affect the experience of critical thinking in secondary schools. The activities of science teachers to develop critical thinking in chemistry for secondary school students were also studied. The article reflects the main conceptual and methodological problems of identification, evaluation and research of critical thinking, as well as the importance of chemical knowledge for the study of creative and critical thinking of children. The positive aspects of the technology of critical thinking development are shown, as well as the features of this technology are given. Methods like insert, cluster and cinquain were especially noticed.


53-60 431

The results of research on the application of radionuclide diagnostic methods based on 18F (FDG), 99mTc radiopharmaceuticals are presented in this paper.. The PET/CT methods used in the work provided information on the localization of pathological foci of the disease, taking into account the anatomical features of the body. The studies have shown the diagnostic importance and versatility of the usage of 18F(FDG) radiopharmaceuticals for the detection of cancer, due to its similar structure to easily digestible glucose. The results obtained in work became possible due to the short half-life of technetium 99mTc isomer and elimination half-life of the body, as well as the relatively small harmful effect on the healthy organs of the examined person. The application of 99mTc allowed re- examination the same patient at short intervals, avoiding over-irradiation, with low energy of γ-radiation, which nevertheless has a sufficiently high penetrating ability, which provided the necessary depth of analysis.

61-71 462

The article is based on the materials of the Museum of Tomsk State University and the story of the head of the Museum Ida Nikolaevna Anokhina. The history of science allows us to understand the dynamics of science, the evolution and struggle of ideas, to foresee the development of science in the future. Education of humanism and morality, observance of values is a topical issue of any society. "Nothing contributes so much to the General development and formation of consciousness as familiarity with the history of creative efforts of mankind in the field of science, reviving in the lives of great scientists of the past and in the history of the evolution of ideas" - these words of P. Langevin makes it clear the essence of the history of science for society. The authors share impressions after their visit to the Museum of physics of Tomsk State University.

72-79 455

Climate change is one of the most widely discussed issues in the world today. This problem is devoted to publications in Newspapers and magazines, television reports, discussions of scientists, speeches of politicians. The transition to renewable energy sources is a global process and is being implemented with broad political support from many countries, including the Republic of Kazakhstan. The article deals with the use of wind energy in Kazakhstan and the characteristics of the designs of the new version of the Darrieus wind turbine, HBI-rotary thermal power plants with high technical and economic indicators. Kazakhstan group of scientists-enthusiasts on the use of wind energy in order to reduce the level of incoming greenhouse effects over the past 20 years has been developing vertical-axial devices (Darrieus type) with two coaxially arranged rotation rolls.

80-86 421

The article gives an example of the experience of determining the speed of sound in solids. To do this, the propagation time t of the ultrasonic signal with a frequency of 1 MHz is first measured through three polyacrylic cylinders of different lengths S. the Values are plotted in the coordinate system S-t. The travel time is reduced by placing a thin plane-parallel plate of polyacrylic or aluminum in the path of the wave. This is because sound travels faster in the plate material than in water.

87-92 504

The article highlights the features of the organization of the learning process of mathematical activity on the basis of optimizing the learning process of students. The analysis of a number of works devoted to the optimization of the learning process in domestic and foreign studies on the theory and practice of learning. Optimization of the learning process allows the teacher to choose the means and methods of teaching students. Means of training should allow within the time allotted for training to ensure the maximum possible effectiveness of the solution of the tasks of training and education. The basic aspects of mathematical activity corresponding to problem situations are revealed. Mathematical problems act as a means of optimizing the learning process of mathematical activity. The authors give an example of working with the problem aimed at optimizing the process of learning mathematics.

93-98 563

Criteria-based assessment is an integral part of the process of updating the content of education. Its structure and features not only change the approach to evaluation, but also allow you to make new elements in the organization of the process of cognition. One of the tools of criteria-based assessment is the descriptor. The article discusses the features of educational research in mathematics, which is based on the activities of students to develop alternative descriptors for solving problems. The process of creating descriptors in the study of transformations of graphs of functions is described. The proposed approach makes it possible to increase the motivation of students, since the descriptors, which are the result of their research activities, will not only be used for self- assessment and mutual assessment, but also in the future they will the basis for summative assessment of educational achievements of students.

99-105 520

The article deals with the historical development of mathematical education, reveals the cultural approach as a methodological principle of the theory and practice of mathematical education. The authors presented the historical stages of development of mathematical thought and science on the example of the Ancient East, considering it as part of culture, part of the historical and philosophical heritage, a means of transmitting the cultural experience of mankind. The article reveals the essence of mathematics and mathematical knowledge as a tool that allows you to establish a relationship, interdependence between man and the world around him, gives a person the opportunity to operate a variety of perception, understanding and transformation of reality. In the process and as a result of such activities is the assimilation of cultural values, scientific heritage, formed new ways of thinking and transformation of the world. The authors also made an attempt to use the cultural approach as a methodological principle in teaching mathematics.

106-111 592

Lifelong learning (LLL) is crucial to engage citizens in acquiring up-to-date knowledge of electrical engineering. Riga Technical University has developed a new continuing education program with key competencies to be integrated into the curriculum along with specific competencies in disciplines such as engineering. To empower students to formulate their lifelong learning skills, we have developed a new "Industrial design" continuing education program for electronic and optical equipment for engineering students. Continuous training covers disciplinary boundaries, this program can be adopted by trade professionals, production company managers, technical staff.

112-118 448

The article substantiates the need to introduce various forms of e-learning as a requirement of modern development of the educational system. The article considers the management system of e-learning Moodle, which makes it possible not just to place some material by the teacher, but allows each student to be both a teacher and a listener. The teacher, communicating with students individually and working with their personal needs, simultaneously directs the activities of the entire group of students to achieve common educational goals. Attention is focused on the principle of constructionism and the possibilities of its implementation. Examples of different structures of courses created by teachers for students and teachers of Kostanay College of motor transport are given. The necessity of increasing functional literacy in the field of information and communication technologies by College teachers is substantiated. The analysis of activity of students in courses is carried out and presented.

119-126 519

The article presents an overview of the software and technical training tools used in the educational process, providing the formation of professional competencies of students enrolled in programs of technical and vocational education. Special attention is paid to the use of hardware and software systems for the development of technical thinking of students and, as a consequence, the development of the ability to understand technology, the development and construction of technical devices, technical creativity. The possibility of using various tools in the educational process, including software: LMS Moodle, software and graphics environment Logisim, simulator Tinkercad and hardware: simulator Digital Trainer DT-01, which allows you to develop electronic circuits on a breadboard without soldering and Arduino microcontroller. Examples of application of various methods of training for development of technical thinking of students are given. The advantages and problems of using software and hardware in the educational process are revealed.


128-134 772

The training of competitive students can be achieved through the formation of professional competence. The problem of formation of professional competence of the student is relevant in the modern conditions of education. The student’s methodological competence is presented as an integrated expression of his professionally significant qualities. The ways, conditions for increasing the efficiency of its formation and evaluation in a pedagogical university are indicated. The article discusses the main components of the methodical training of students in higher education.

135-140 527

Interactive methods have a significant impact on the development of the student’s personality, as well as on the opportunity to find out what is the key to the development of the education system today. The article also shows the effectiveness of using interactive methods, that these methods develop students' ability to argue their point of view on the work of S. Zhunusov, the ability to clearly formulate and express their thoughts, analyze the difficult situations encountered in the writer's works of art, identify the main characteristic features, plot lines and ideological content of key characters.

141-146 668

Technology has become an important part of our lives and nowadays is crucial for success in many spheres. Education is not an exception as it is constantly adapting to the needs of the society and growing impact of technology prompted the appearance of a new literacy, digital literacy, aimed at helping people find, create and communicate digital content. To assist the needs of new generation learners, who are digital natives, educators should know how to teach digital literacy and at the same time should be digitally literate themselves. Thus, acquiring digital literacy is one of the important directions of continuous professional development for teachers. In this article the authors discuss the pivotal role of digital literacy for the 21st century schools and reflect on a need for technology in initial training and continuous professional development of English teachers.

147-153 503

The article examines and analyzes the regulatory documents regarding the development of a trilingual educational policy of Kazakhstan, as well as the requirements of state educational standards of appropriate levels of education in order to determine ways to implement policies in the educational process. The table proposed in the work analyzes a number of chronologically adopted and being implemented state programs in terms of their main goal and directions in improving the education system in Kazakhstan. The authors determine the historical background of the introduction of the multilingual policy of the educational system and its positive impact on the development of the educational level. Also, the requirements for the three languages were compared and analyzed (on the example of writing skills), which coincide in many ways, and as a result, the need to develop a curriculum and methodology that allows developing skills in all three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English was noted. On the basis of conclusions about the possibility of developing a universal methodology for teaching all three languages in schools in Kazakhstan, authors propose a technique for developing writing skills.

154-158 465

In this article, the authors consider the organization of communication-oriented listening and the texts used for listening. The minimum unit that integrates the relevant linguistic elements for the process of communication is a speech act in which communication, not just the transfer of addressless information, takes place. Therefore, the audio text, considered as a unit of communication, necessarily has a specific communicative goal, expresses a specific communicative dimension and has all the characteristics of any text. Learning how to understand audio text in a foreign language goes through three interrelated stages: elementary, advanced and final stage, which implies mastering listening as a component of verbal communication. But, since the communicative orientation is inherent in the whole educational process, learning to communicate in general and listening in particular should be carried out at all stages.

159-166 437

The time and space construction of the poems of the BeiDao is one of the reasons why his poetry is hazy. He uses the different combinations of time and space to realize the diversification of the interior space of the poems, and the image space is reconstructed and the image is superimposed and constructed. The Mainly in three ways, one is the time clue in the poetry of the implicit implicit space expansion; the other is the time of infinite stretch, the space image of random combination jump; the other is time debris processing. The creation of the world poetry system of the BeiDao has a unique aesthetic meaning


167-172 965

This article discusses the works of travelers and explorers of the Russian Empire who visited the Kazakh steppe in the second half of the 18th century and at the beginning of the 19th century. The authors conduct a source study of the works of Russian travelers from the Russian Empire. This article is a reflection of the works of researchers of the Kazakh steppe in the second half of the XVIII - XIX centuries, whose task is to classify information and present it as sources of national history. The authors divide the sources into such groups as records of ambassadors and officials from the empire, information collected during the second Academic expedition, diaries of travelers and merchants, and records of the Russian army about the Kazakh steppe. Evaluation of the above sources as cultural monuments of history, geography and ethnography is given. In the final part of the article, the author argues the fact that the notes of Russian travelers and researchers of the second half of the 18th-19th centuries are a very valuable source for studying the new history of Kazakhstan.

173-177 531

The study of Kazakhstan's experience in the development of social entrepreneurship and the analysis of the possibility of its further replication and dissemination is relevant today. Among the main obstacles to large – scale state support for social entrepreneurship is the lack of legislation on social enterprises and the regulatory framework for their activities. In Kazakhstan, it is necessary to adopt a law on social entrepreneurship, which defines the characteristics of a social enterprise. The authors identify the main business models of social entrepreneurship that have proven themselves in developed countries. Recommendations are given to support and further development of social entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan in order to increase its contribution to the socio-economic development of the country, as well as the effective solution of social problems of society.

178-183 615

The article examines the emerging in Kazakhstan of a new institution - family mediation, which includes legal norms. During the study, the author analyzes the basics of domestic and foreign literature. First of all, focusing on the theory of general mediation, focusing on the state of family mediation in modern Kazakhstan. At the same time, mediation and the role of the mediator in resolving family disputes in the pretrial order and its functions are considered. In particular, the focus is on family mediation in Kazakhstan based on the experience of mediation abroad. The author also claims that mediation in modern society is consistent with national values using traditional approaches. The legal framework is a comprehensive mechanism for family mediation as the primary mechanism. It also addresses the shortcomings and achievements of the legal framework for family mediation in the country and some social issues.


184-190 968

The article deals with the process of formation and development of high school students’ research competence. Research competence in pedagogy has been studied from the point of view of different approaches. The authors specified the directions of formation of high school students’ research competence are defined. The connection of «research competence» with the concepts of «research skills» and «research activity» is considered. Examples of students' research competence development are given.

191-195 1000

The article deals with the problems of development of psychological thought in Kazakhstan, the author of the direction of which is K.B. Zharikbayev, the largest specialist who contributed to the formation and development of psychology in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The article analyzes the periodization of psychology in Kazakhstan for a long period of time, starting from VI to XXI century. Four stages of formation of psychological thought are allocated, the substantial parties of each stage are shown, the personalities who played the major role in the basis of psychology as science in Kazakhstan are presented.

196-203 685

The article presents the analysis of the solution of the problem of building educational reality for the purposes of formation of development strategies based on indicators of monitoring of education systems. First of all, it was necessary to form an array of key indicators as a predictive basis for determining the ways of strategic development of national education systems. To solve this problem, various methods were used: descriptive, comparative, temporal, correlation, prognostic, etc. As an example of the results, a table of composite indices with administrative levels of monitoring and strategic decision-making is presented. The model of global education 2030 is also described. The empirical part of the study is represented by: a) forecasts for the stages of education on the basis of monitoring of different types; b) categorization of monitoring indicators characterizing school teachers.

204-210 472

In this article author describes the construction of educational process on principles of interaction of the teacher and students at pedagogical university. Among them: construction of educational process on the basis of differentiation of a level of readiness of students to training, the persons orientations and individual style of training of the student.

211-217 843

The article deals with the psychological and pedagogical support of the development of children's giftedness in the framework of the implementation of additional General education programs. The definitions of "social stigma" and "positive stigma" are given. Using concrete examples, the authors show how the use of the model will translate stigma into a positive form, which is important for the life trajectory of the child. It describes how the process of stigmatization depends on the personality of the teacher and his professional training. A model of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of children's giftedness in the framework of the additional educational program "Research tourism" is presented.

218-222 491

Understanding that education and research are key factors in improving the quality of life and stimulating economic and social development coexist with the expectation of new challenges in the development of higher education, the list of which in part varies from country to country, but basically has a common set of problems - financial, recruiting, technological, but primarily related to quality standards, compliance with the requirements of new conditions of modern life.

Universities would very much like to preserve their monopoly on educational activities, allowing them to survive and develop in difficult economic, political, and demographic circumstances, but not always and not everyone succeeds. This is evidenced by the competition between various universities, spilling beyond the borders of the state borders into the world academic space.

Many experts in the field of education and university leaders believe that in the future students will appreciate personal participation in universities even more than they do now, and that university science will be developed primarily by people and not by artificial intelligence. Another trend in the development of higher education is the growing popularity of professional courses and a decrease in interest in MOOCs.

223-230 542

In the article the importance of interpreting the results of National monitoring in the management of education quality and the results of External Assessment of Educational Achievements (EAEA) of the students of 9 th grade for 2018 and 2019 were analyzed. The analysis was made according to such the clusters as School, Region, District and we took into consideration the location of the schools. In the course of processing, interpretation and analysis of the results of EAEA, the authors of the article used both scientific methods and their experience in this field. The results obtained in the course of the study are presented to heads of different levels of the system of education, teachers.

231-236 431

According to the results of empirical sociological research, the article analyzes that the majority of young professionals ' primary choice of profession was successful and is implemented in the specialty or close to it. Especially consistent in this young men who have a slightly higher level of competence, but experience (more often than girls) lack of practical experience. The occupational-gender division of labour is traditional. The most common way of employment are social ties. The effectiveness of employment institutions-job fairs, employment services-is still low.

237-243 489

This article presents the experience in the formation of professional competencies of students of psychological and pedagogical specialties of the University of Almaty. The article raises the currently relevant task of training professionals with professional competencies who are able to work in the context of updated educational content. Future graduates of psycho-pedagogical specialties will have to work in the conditions of the informationeducational environment of an educational institution, in the space of the network interaction of participants in the educational, cognitive and educational processes. In their work, the authors reveal the essence of the concepts «competence», «information and communication competence», their role and importance in the development of a future specialist, give an overview of domestic and foreign literature on the topic of research. The article is aimed at solving problems that contribute to the formation of future psychological and pedagogical specialists in the direction of general and special professional competencies.

244-250 765

The article considers the urgent problem of the formation of a safe behavior culture in preschool children, as well as the objective premises for the formation of a safety culture in children. The author substantiates the effectiveness of the use of gaming, project activities, situational – simulation in obtaining positive experience of safe behavior by preschoolers. The practical mechanism of fostering a safety culture, the formation of an elementary conscious attitude to the rules and standards of behavior at home and in society is presented. The authors of the article believe that introducing older children to a safety culture, as a component of a common culture, is necessary and important component of the child's socialization as a process of individual development based on the assimilation of social and cultural experience: norms, value systems, knowledge, behaviors and communication.

251-257 661

The article presents a review of foreign literature illuminating the development of social skills in preschool children. The concepts of “skill”, “social skills”, basic social skills of the child, what basic methods help to develop them are defined. The psychological problems of the social interaction of children, the features of their communion and communications are discussed; factors determining the quality of interaction. The main stages of the formation of social skills, the level of formation of social skills, indicators of successful social development of a preschooler in kindergarten are highlighted.

258-262 556

The article reveals the effectiveness of English language teaching in combination with game and educational activities of primary school students. Children of primary school age have a special interest in learning new things. In English, the formation of communication skills of primary school students is carried out mainly through the game. The authors believe that during the lesson it is necessary to properly organize the game elements. And also the necessary skills and ways of their development are considered, the conditions for the formation of four communication skills of primary school students are determined. In addition, the theoretical aspects of teaching English to younger students were revealed.

263-271 2921

This article reveals the value of views and thoughts related to the upbringing of the younger generation of one of the great personalities of the Kazakh nation, the World War II hero, writer Bauyrzhan Momyshuly. The article also discusses the problems of patriotic education of youth on the basis of folk pedagogy. The work provides examples, the views of Bauyrzhan Momyshuly on the importance of educating youth through national pedagogy. The experience of public education is the basis of patriotic education. The upbringing of love for the Motherland is not a matter of a single day; it will be productive if it is based on national ideology. The article reveals the views of Bauyrzhan Momyshuly on the nurturing of humane qualities in boys and men, focuses on the concept of "education of a boy, citizen, patriot".

272-280 650

This article describes the content of theThis article describes the content of the updated education programme and addresses the speech problems of younger school children. We give definition to speech activity of children of primary grades, and the peculiarities of the development of speech activity at this age are also revealed. We show in the article the means of working with sources. During the article on methods of working with sources, we focus on psycho-pedagogical analysis of activation of speech activity of pupils of primary classes. It also shows the activity of speech activity according to the age capabilities of primary school pupils. All know during the work with sources for development of the speech the didactic principles occupy an important role, we considering features and requirements of the work could give the approximate system of the didactic principles.

281-286 619

Effective development of the system of social skills of the child in the educational process is considered as an optimal initiative of active relations of primary school children with the outside world and contributes to the successful socialization, self-improvement and personal development. This age is seen as a social system or period shaping social skills and abilities. After all, it is during this period that the child develops his behavioral qualities and effectively interacts with the world around him. "Renewed education" is very important for the development of the system of social skills of primary school students. Properly organized lessons, extracurricular activities expand the social experience of the child, open up additional opportunities for the development of the child. Taking into account these opportunities, several features of the development of social skills of primary school students are proposed.

287-292 554

The article analyzes the concepts of scientists-researchers who write about the possibility of developing imagination and creativity through working with sand, by creating a sand composition and creating plots in the sand. Sand therapy is not just a treatment, it is a form of art therapy that can help in creative self-expression and provides the means to resolve conflict situations. The client, when creating sand plots, plays an unconscious problem, reflecting different levels of mental contents, transfers the conflict from the inner world to the outer one. Therefore, sandplay therapy allows a person to feel like a creator and through his creation contributes to the expression of his inner world. The disclosure of personal qualities and creative abilities of the client's personality as a result of his interaction with the sand is described in detail.

293-301 486

This article describes the experience of teaching children with special educational needs by the method of Montessori pedagogy, who attend the national scientific and practical center of correctional pedagogy. As practice has shown, the method of Montessori pedagogy is completely useful and important for the development of children with special educational needs. The Montessori method promotes the development of children. Therefore, the introduction of this technique in each special preschool institution would be useful. Working with children, we showed in the article the rules of participation in the study, the diary of the choice of exercises, as well as a diagram for self-selection of exercises.

302-306 578

The relevance of the topic of the scientific article is due to the fact that the problem of socialization of children, which is one of the main priorities of our state, needs to find possible ways to prevent it. The fundamental and essential factor of successful social adaptation to changes and assimilation of new knowledge is the family. The formation of the child's personality, his idea of social "role" depends on psychological comfort as a result of adequate relationship in the family and the pedagogical culture of parents. In the adaptation of the child, an important role is played by the personal characteristics of parents, which in a psychotraumatic situation can prevent the establishment of harmonious contact of the child with others. In this regard, it becomes urgent to develop such forms of socio-psychological work, which could overcome many of the intrapersonal conflict and problems of parents, to create favorable conditions for the formation in the minds of new ideological positions and attitudes to successfully solve the problems of their children.

307-313 451

The paper presents the results of a study oh the morphofunctional characteristics of first year students of al- Faraby Kazakh National University (n=174) at the age of 17,2±0,8 years, (88 of them are females, 86 are males). To identify indicators of physical development of students were used methods of anthropometry, physiometry and index method. The analysis of the obtained results allowed to make a conclusion about the weak level of physical development of the examined students. Taking into account the data obtained in the process of organizing sports and recreation work can positively affects its effectiveness.


315-320 824

The article deals with the problems of interaction of graphic arts of Kazakhstan with the symbols of the great steppe. The main issue is the specific features of the formation of the image-bearing structure of book illustration of Kazakh folklore. Based on the analysis of the work of E.M.Sidorkin, N.Bube, B.Akanayev and A.Sas revealed ways of use of the heritage of animal style in the book drawing related to expressive and metaphorical approach to the use of cultural heritage of the Kazakh people, deeply felt reflection of not only artistic, but also spiritual foundations of ancient artifacts.

321-326 531

The article communicates about the influence of Kazakh Theater actors on the research work of the scientist-ethnographer A.V. Zatayevich, in particular, on his works on Kazakh songs and kuis. Those who left an indelible mark on the history of our people’s culture A. Kashaubayev, K. Kuanyshbayev, Y. Omirzakov, Zh. Shanin and also who personally contributed to the development of theatrical art personally performed songs for A. Zataevich, reflected in the books “1000 Kazakh songs” and “500 Kazakh songs and kuis”. They introduced A.V. Zatayevich with the multiplicity and distinctive features of the songs and kuis of each region. The authors make stress on the invaluable contribution they made to the preservation of spiritual heritage. Citing specific facts, they focuses on the performing arts of each actor, on their role in the history of Kazakh culture. Through their work, the musical aesthetic views of A.V. Zataevich are examined.

327-330 512

The article discusses the leading principles of directing. Describes the competencies and creative qualities necessary for the Director to achieve the pinnacle of excellence. The concepts of "Director's idea", its "grain", "three truths" are revealed.Nemirovich-Danchenko. The creative interaction between the Director and the actor is the basis of the Director's method in modern international theater art. A real Director is not only a teacher of theater for an actor, but also a teacher of life.

331-338 575

The article presents a brief theoretical generalization of scientific works on the issue of special abilities. The problem of development of mathematical and musical abilities is considered. The specificity of cognitive processes (perception, memory, thinking) in music and mathematics is revealed. The specificity of psychophysiological features and mathematical abilities is revealed. The influence of musical art on the development of mathematical abilities is proved.

339-344 525

The article is devoted to the problem of an integrative-modular approach to the formation of the special competence of a future specialist in the framework of the developed course for the educational program "Choreography". The choice of an integrative approach is determined by the integration of the goals of performing training of the teacher-choreographer, its content, as well as the integration of forms and teaching methods. In turn, modularity is a principle according to which the content of training is presented in the form of independent training blocks focused on achieving the goal. The principle of modularity contributes to: integration of different types and forms of training in one module, the development of students' need for self-education, relevant in the process of creative training of a specialist to individualize training. The types and forms of training in the module are subordinated to the general theme of the training course, and students acquire knowledge through training packages. Thus, by the integrative-modular approach we understand the special form of cognitive and practical activity of a student, which provides individuality and at the same time adaptability of the process of specialist formation.

345-348 492

In connection with the general rise and development of sports and ballroom dance in Kazakhstan, the pedagogical activity of the trainers of this type of art also began to develop. We can say that individual figures have made a great contribution to both the organizational and pedagogical process of sports and ballroom dancing. In their pedagogical principles, the tendencies of mass education in European and Latin American dances were clearly manifested. Their ideas and methods of work were and continue to be of great importance for the development of general choreographic art in Kazakhstan. This article tells about the creative way of one of the founders of ballroom dance in Kazakhstan, about the teacher and coach, the head of the DSC “Raduga” Valentina Vasilyevna Yevseyeva. Given the biography of the master of ballroom dance, the history of the formation and development of DSC “Raduga”. The pedagogical activity of V.V. Yevseyeva in KazNAA named T.K. Zhurgenov is described.

349-355 478

This article discusses the issues of teaching gender equality in the educational process of media schools in Kazakhstan. As a prerequisite for this, the author shows sexist discourses that are widespread in the media of Kazakhstan. The study also examines the gender equality of journalists working in the media in Kazakhstan.

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ISSN 2306-5079 (Print)