
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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No 1 (2020)
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8-14 544

This article discusses the features of the organization of project research activities in biology using the project method. It reflects the methodological features of project training, which include the principles of openness and humanization. Also, the methodology of project training describes different approaches that provide a multi-sided formation of the student as a person. The results of a study to identify the features of implementing educational projects, developing an algorithm for their implementation in relation to teaching biology, are presented. The results obtained and the approbation of the technological model convincingly prove the effectiveness of the mini-project method for the formation of universal educational actions in the context of the competence of the project activity. Developed in the first half of the XX century, the project method is again becoming relevant in the modern information society.

15-21 611

Geological and geomorphological knowledge allows students to form an objective view of the laws of development of the earth's crust, which is one of the main objects of study of Earth science. Since the crust is the upper, solid geological part of the geographic shell, the study of the patterns of its development is today one of the urgent problems. The main stages in the development of the crust are a single tectonic cycle and the diversity of its structure is due to the passage of long geological stages of development. In the interval of geological time, the crust undergoes frequent changes and is constantly evolving. Therefore, the article examines the nature of the earth's crust and patterns in its continuous development, it is: the location of the crustal layers, being in constant movement of lithospheric plates, changing hypsometric equilibrium, the formation and distribution of mineral resources, the preservation of continents and oceans, the possibility of continent reunification.

22-29 684

General information about the technology of organization of research activities, types and requirements for them. Information about the stages of research work is presented. We are talking about the division of research work depending on the timing of implementation. About methods of scientific and pedagogical researches and research works of students. Didactic materials on the topic of laboratory work «Determination of dry residue» are presented.


31-37 550

The article discusses the features of interdisciplinary teaching of physics with mathematics, including algebra in the updated school system. In addition, the methodological goals of teaching physics in a primary school were identified. .In general, physics cannot be represented without mathematics, so the introductory section of the article provides information on the interdisciplinary relationship between physics and mathematics. That is, for a complete understanding of a certain topic of physics, the need for the knowledge obtained in mathematics is needed. The results of the study are based on the method- ological features used in interdisciplinary teaching of physics with mathematics in grade 7.

38-46 537

Currently, computer modeling is one of the key tools in scientific and practical research. Computer modeling is an essential principle of modern scientific knowledge. Model development depends on the purpose of the study and the amount of data collected. In physical studies, experimental methods are not available in some aspects. The article presents quantum- chemical simulation of physical phenomena and processes, which represent the most promising direction of using information technology in physical education. The Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package (VASP) is a computer program for atomic scale materials modelling.

47-52 547

This article discusses the problems of constructing sections of polyhedron by the method of internal design. To solve these problems two types of projection are used: parallel and central. Flat sections of various prisms were constructed using the method of parallel design. Central projection was applied in the constructing of flat sections of pyramids. In the considered problems, we used positionally correct, visual images of polyhedron, an algorithmic approach in constructing sections of polyhedron. The proposed approach in the construction of polyhedron to some extent allows the formation and development of spatial representation and algorithmic thinking, professional qualities of future teachers of mathematics.

53-57 431

It is shown that for the anisotropic properties of the earth's crust, for example, in areas with a strong cover of sedimentary strata, the conductivity Ϭt along the overlaps exceeds the transverse conductivity Ϭn, then, in the case of horizontal bedding of layers, the sedimentary thickness should be described by a uniaxial medium with a conductivity tensor. The article describes the main task of determining the geoelectric parameters of the earth's crust at the observation point, which depends on the solution of the mathematical model of geophysical problems of anisotropic medium.

58-62 400

The article shows that for the anisotropic properties of the earth's crust, for example, in areas with a strong cover of sedimentary strata, the main role is played by the anisotropy coefficient Λ. Hence, the impedance of the electric wave type depends on the anisotropy coefficient Λ. Since the impedance is a complex value, then the real and imaginary parts can be distinguished in the impedance. This dependence, i.e. the numerical analysis of the impedance of the magnetic type, has shown that in anisotropic media the impedances are parametrically dependent on the anisotropy coefficient; a mathematical experi- ment was performed to study the sensitivity of the impedance of an unusual wave depending on the parameters of the medium and the wave.

63-70 694

The relevance of the article is related to the growing objective need to develop and improve the creative abilities of the new generation in all areas of social life, including education, the need to identify and create pedagogical conditions that contribute to the development of logical thinking of students. The scientific novelty of the article is a set of pedagogical conditions and didactic tools that determine the effectiveness of the development of logical thinking of students. The practical significance of the work is to determine the psychological and pedagogical conditions and develop a set of lessons that contribute to the development of logical thinking of students in mathematics lessons. The methodological basis of the research is defined as actions and personal approaches to determining the place of teachers and students in education. The article deals with the problems of developing students ' thinking in the study of mathematics and the contradictions between unspecified data in the comparison of data, between the requirements for mandatory learning outcomes and the development of logical thinking of students in secondary schools by analyzing the literature on the topic under study. In secondary schools, a system of principles, requirements, criteria based on the development of logical thinking of students in grades 5, as well as tasks that meet certain requirements, is classified.

71-76 706

This article discusses various techniques and methods of using CLIL technology in the educational process. The problems of teaching special disciplines in a foreign language, and in particular in English, are highlighted. The issues of the origin of the technology of teaching subject content in a foreign language are considered. The problem of the choice of methods for teaching disciplines in a foreign language for students who do not speak a foreign language at a high level is also touched upon. The main goal of the CLIL method is to reduce teacher speech and develop students' ability to communicate with each other.


78-82 407

Urban ethics is the study of cities as moral subjects, and urban novels serve as a "mirror" of urban ethics. They have reflected and displayed a series of problems on the urban humanistic environment and value ethics since modern China. This article takes urban novels as the research object, conducts an in-depth analysis of the historical changes of Chinese urban ethics. The authors examine the complex living conditions, ethical characteristics, and social ethical issues in urban life of the country. The work provides an important basis for the development and progress of modern ethics.

83-87 479

In recent years, the word "blocked" has appeared frequently in the media in Mainland China. "Blocking" is widely used in various fields, and the object of blocking is also diverse. There are people, things, action behaviors, and even abstract concepts, but they have one thing in common: they all have negative meanings. The author quotes a large number of examples from major networks and newspapers, based on the perspective of social and cultural context, using empirical methods, mainly from the "blocked" source and meaning. Analyzing the reasons of epidemic spread of the word ‘blocked’, the author describes the socio-cultural psychological characteristics reflected in this process, does a theoretical analysis of "blocked". It is the objective need of social development and the development of language itself; therefore, the "blocked" epidemic is not only a linguistic phenomenon, but also a social phenomenon, which reflects certain social, cultural, and psychological characteristics.

88-93 587

This article discusses the problems that arise when positioning Japanese classical literature in a global perspective on the example of the first literary monument of Japan – "Kojiki, records of ancient deeds". The article discusses the problem of translation, which is caused by the specific structure of sentences in old Japanese and the use of words that have no analogues in European languages. The article also discusses the peculiarities of the methodology of literature research due to the difference in the scientific approach of the Japanese and European scientific worlds.

94-100 541

The article deals with the problems of artistic search, painting, presentation, and National knowledge in the story of A. Kekilbayev. The thematic system of stories is defined, the artistic idea is described by analyzing the text, it is considered from the point of view of novelty, in the aspect of new literary research. The author generalizes all the search directions in the stories, shows the artistic and aesthetic nature, structure of works on historical and modern themes. The analysis of the story will also analyze the opinions of foreign researchers. The author's position is characterized by a national point of view. At present, we are talking about the formation of national values for students in the framework of learning information in the conversations of A. Kekilbayev.

101-105 441

The theme of heroism is one of the inherent themes in the poetic creativity of the peoples of the world. The article analyzes zoomorphic mythologems in the works of the batyrs, which became the treasures of folk literature. The study revealed common zoomorphic mythologems that occur in heroic epics in the mythological image of the world. The cult of the horse and the dragon in the epics – determines the stage of development of views and worldview of the people, the experience of knowing the world. Zoomorphic images with fragments of epics that have their place in folk culture were compared in the work.

106-112 557

Project-Based Learning (PBL) allows learners to engage actively in authentic and personally meaningful projects. Characteristically, a modern conception of High-Quality PBL requires the application of essential critical elements throughout the learning process, which involves students to employ special skills of planning, searching, managing, analyzing, selfmonitoring, and reflecting on their learning. Moreover, they need to take responsibility for evaluating the process while striving for specific quality demands of the end-product in the modern labor market. Therefore, it is significant to design the PBL learning environment to promote students’ self-regulated learning (SRL) strategies. This paper describes the specific features of PBL as a learner-centered educational approach and its compliance and relationship between SRL to support learning in a self-regulated way and develop student responsibility in each stage of PBL.

113-119 1136

The article describes the need to configure student-centred media resources, taking into account the impact of existing teachers on information and communication media in the learning process. Formation of students' speaking, listening, reading and critical thinking skills through the use of media resources in the classroom. Use your computer and whiteboard to brainstorm, online and offline games, videos and audio, quizzes, music, short films and commercials, blog posts, songs, music videos, etc. for the formation of communicative competence of students. Teacher nedds to make the learning process more enjoyable, using media resources in the lesson to fully implement the methodological, didactic, pedagogical and psychological principles of students. The authors describe the benefits and negative effects to the learning with the use of media resources.

120-125 576

The given article is devoted to the issues of using podcasts in teaching listening comprehension to students of secondary schools and universities. The definition of the concepts of "podcast", "listening" are presented in the work, then the authors describe didactic properties and methodical functions of podcasts in teaching listening; they tried to consider the typology of texts for the development of students' listening skills; develop an algorithm for the development of students' speaking and listening skills on the basis of podcasts; propose a nomenclature of listening and speaking skills, developed by students on the basis of the use of podcasts in the study of a foreign language.

126-132 523

This article deals with conducting English for Specific Purposes (ESP) for chemists / biologists. ESP courses focus on a specific area or discipline. This article describes the differences between General English and English for Specific Purposes (ESP). The main focus of ESP is not to emphasis on the language itself, but tries to highlight the need of a learner such as English for Engineers, Lawyers, Chemists, Biologists, Doctors and etc. On the other hand, General English refers to context that educating of the basics of grammar, phonetics, vocabulary. Furthermore, the authors share their own experiences on teaching English in a professional sphere. This article shows the importance of teaching English for Specific Purposes for particular specialties, moreover there are some difficulties listed in the article. It was noticed that the work is more enthusiastic if students have contact with their specialty, and they are able to access the specific vocabularies related to their main subjects.


134-139 494

An acid attack is the worst form of violence against woman and is a combination of rape, abduction and torture on account of dowry put together. The reasons for acid attacks are mostly as a result of a rejection of marriage proposal or sexual advances in addition to various other trivial reasons. It is the worst form of Human Rights abuse under Article 326. It was for the first time in 2013, when the laws got amended and acid attack cases started getting registered under the criminal law. Out of a total number of cases, 35% are male victims so the issue needs to be studied from a gender perspective, while in East Pacific out of a total number of cases, 40% are male victims. The Law Commission of India in its 226th report has elaborated about the law in other countries about acid attacks. NALSA (Legal Services to Victims of Acid Attacks) scheme, 2016 provides free services to the victims for obtaining their entitlements.


140-150 680

The article analyzes methodological and experimental studies of the problem of formation of communicative universal educational actions of younger students. At present, the main goal of primary General education in accordance with the Federal state educational system is the development of the individual through the formation of universal educational actions (cognitive, regulatory, personal and communicative). A set of exercises with elements of vocabulary work that contribute to the formation of communicative universal educational actions has been developed. An experimental study was conducted, which includes three stages: ascertaining, forming (experimental training) and control. The results of the experimental work and the main conclusions on the research problem are presented.

151-155 496

The profession enjoys the high social status and respect that society attaches to them. This article presents an analysis of the concept of «Profession». Particular attention is give to the pedagogical and psychological problems of this concept. The purpose of the article is to determine the role and place of the profession in society. In order to determine opinions in the research of foreign scholars on the search for the «Scopus», analyzed for documents using the keyword «profession». The research work the relevance and importance of a theoretical understanding of the study of pedagogical and psychological problems of the concept of «Profession».

156-163 545

The aim of the article is to determine the components for modeling the educational program of a teacher training within the competency-based approach in education. To achieve the aim, a number of tasks are solved in the research: a review and analysis of the problem in modern pedagogical literature, the identification of competencies’ types, the anal- ysis of questionnaires. The authors analyzed students’ questionnaires and showed the ranking results of the general and professional competencies of students studying the educational program of higher education “Pedagogical Sciences”. The study compares and analyzes the competencies selected by students, which are the most and least significant for their future professional activities. A number of recommendations are given for the organization and implementation of re- search activities and forming students’ research competency throughout the learning process at the university.

164-168 542

The article deals with the concept of leisure, in particular, leisure of modern students, as leisure is an extremely important part of the life of young people. Various approaches of foreign researchers to understanding the meaning of free time are also presented. The transformation of all aspects of society and the commercialization of leisure have led to a change in the socio-cultural situation in the field of free time. The article analyzes the influence of leisure activities on different aspects of the student's personality, changing the preferences of young people in the field of leisure. It has been revealed that social networks play an important role in the structure of youth leisure.

169-174 869

The article deals with the problems of psychological and pedagogical phenomenon and the process of professional orientation and professional self-determination. In the education system, students are taught the importance of vocational guidance and professional self-determination. The role of the university and school in ensuring the correct professional self-determination of young people is noted. As they say, choosing a profession is a very important and difficult process for students. The mistakes made by students in choosing a future profession are highlighted. Authors make stress on the importance of psychological and pedagogical support in professional self-determination for the formation of readiness for independent and responsible choice, taking into account the needs of the labor market. In pedagogical and psychological science, the analysis of several types of self-determination is carried out: personal and professional self-determination, the nature of life and social self-determination. The works of scientists on professional orientation and professional self-deter- mination are analyzed and generalized.

175-181 529

Сurrently, there is a need to introduce the ideas of 7 modules of the updated educational program into the higher education system. In the introductory part of the article the views of scientists on the research topic are analyzed. The results of the students ' application of methods and strategies for the development of abilities, integration of the ideas of the modules of the updated program are reflected in the results of experimental work using the development of short-term plans with the necessary materials. In the process of improving the efficiency of the educational process, students will learn how to integrate the ideas of the 7 modules into the lesson process, how to solve the problems they face. In the final part of the articleopinions, analysis and evaluation of the system of tasks, demonstrated the ability to comprehend their opinions in educational activities, to argue their point of view through practical classes and tasks used by students in independent work., through the integration of 7 modules in the course of classes, students were convinced of the correctness of their

182-187 470

This article discusses the role of language components in the development of language communicative com- petence among preschool teachers. Including linguistic, sociolinguistic and pragmatic components, thanks to which the future specialist interacts and develops competitiveness in this field. Because it is clearly stated in the European standard languages. Therefore, these components are required to become a competent professional help to prepare future preschool teacher. In addition, this issue must be legalized at the state level, to ensure the continuity of the development of communicative skills by using the trilingual principle between preschool - high school - higher educa- tion institution.

188-194 571

The problem of breaking the written speech of schoolchildren is one of the most pressing problems for school education, since writing and reading from the purposes of primary education will become an instrument for further education of students. A child's mastery of writing skills is a successful Foundation in the learning process at school. The article gives a brief characteristic of written speech, developed correction and training complexes for children of preschool age with speech disorders, their effectiveness was revealed. In the proposed article, the authors defined the types, distribution, phonematic perception and spatial orientation, the features of logical thinking, the features of discoursion that occur in students of general educational classes of pre-school training, based on the data of special literature, by selecting methods, conducting an adaptive defining experiment for children.

195-201 809

This article is devoted to the study of self-organization of future primary education teachers’ educational activities. The study reveals the theoretical foundations of self-organization of students’ educational activities, examines various approaches of scientists to the concept of "self-organization of educational activities", describes this phenomenon from the point of view of pedagogical science, considers the pedagogical possibilities of the "time management" technology in the self-organization of future teachers’ educational activities. The author substantiates the theoretical and methodological foundations of the student's self-management. The self-organization of educational activities acts as an integrative quality of the student’s personality, the need for the formation of which is due to the socio-economic and educational systems. Time management technology is presented as an organization of the student’s life, aimed at the most rational planning of the learning process and professional development.

202-209 549

The article deals with the theoretical foundations of the problem of gender equality. Theoretical grounds are given for the psychological features of the Polo-role identity of primary school children and for determining the possibilities of environmental impact. The main theoretical approaches in the study of gender development of primary school children are analyzed, according to which such personal qualities as self-esteem, the probability of social violence depending on gender characteristics are formed. It also describes the psychological features of the formation of the gender identity of children of primary school age, its influence on the personal characteristics of children. Psychological and socio-cultural factors that influence the formation of gender identity of primary school children are identified.


210-215 477

The article is devoted to actual issue of formation of ecological awareness of school students by the means of music. Despite the importance of ecological issues, teachers face the extreme lack of good musical compositions which could allow introducing students to ecological issues on high emotional level and could bring the solution to the problems of education in the new generation of the foundations of environmental culture. It is necessary to include in the listener's repertoire works of various genres, revealing images of the nature of Kazakhstan, dedicated to the image of the Aral sea, steppe flora and fauna. Interesting examples for listening and further discussion can be the poems by E. Umerov and A. Mambetova, the ballets Takyr and Legend of the white bird, and the songs Zaman-AI and Aralym. Evironmental Symphony by B. Bayahunov, which carries an important philosophical message by means of the academic genre deserves particular attention.

216-221 431

The article considers the essential and meaningful characteristics of the concept of "reflection". The reflexive attitude of the individual to his own activity is one of the most important conditions for its deeper awareness, critical analysis and constructive improvement. Mastering significant stages of educational activity such as self-control, self-assessment, reflection allows future music teachers to independently plan, analyze, and evaluate their own performance and speech activities. In addition, it provides an opportunity to set new creative educational tasks, focuses on identifying ways to solve them and improve them. Reflexive skills of future specialists should be systematically developed and eventually acquire the "status" of one of the leading "mechanisms" of their pedagogical creativity.

222-227 903

This article analyzes the basic principles of education for children with special educational needs, set forth in state regulatory documents. The possibilities of music education in the implementation of these principles are considered. The article studies the main activities of children in music lessons, during which prevention and pedagogical support for the development of their psycho-emotional and motor spheres are carried out. The following activities are distinguished: listening to music; singing songs; rhythmic movements to music; a combination of music and visual activity. The role of articulation gymnastics in working with children with CCA is emphasized. The conclusion states that through the communication of children with music in active musical activity, conditions are created for their sociocultural adaptation.

228-232 517

Aitys poetry has a special place and significance in the history of literature. Since ancient times aitys represented an effective and common genre in the rich folk literature. Nowadays, this genre continues to contribute significantly by illustrating signs and mores of the contemporary society. Therefore one of the main objectives of the modern literary study is scientific research of aitys in the aspect of true life reflection and creative problems of genre; scientific interests include interelation of genre with a tradition of improvisation poetry, peculiar signs and salient attributes, peculiarities of genre development through centuries and contemporary trends.

233-237 521

Merke district is located in the foothills of the Kyrgyz Alatau and has common borders with the north of Kyrgyzstan, Chuisky, Moyynkumsky and Ryskulovsky districts of Zhambyl region. The preservation in this area of traditional types of farming and the patriarchal way of life in social relations, contribute to the functioning of ritual and, mainly, non-ritual household songs. Among the recorded samples there are songs that have become nationwide, as well as everyday songs whose audio recordings were not recorded by the previous generation of researchers. These include: “House-house”, “Diridan”, “Arba Keledi”, “Zhel sozdin danasymyn”, “Igauzhan”, “Uri-soқ”, “Nurlygayyn”, etc. The author draws attention to the songs performed by words of songs from other regions. There are examples in which, after the main parts of the song samples, not “their” refrains follow, but a completely new material. All songs recorded in the folk expedition are composed in a semi-strophic and full-strophic musical forms. Melodies and songs are mainly based on the frets of the diatonic and combined (diatonic-pentatonic) systems.

238-242 581

This article examines the vocal and choral performance of Kazakhstan at the present stage of its development as a creatively changing process.Today Kazakhstan vocal and choral art is an integral part of modern musical culture, expanding the scope of its global impact on society and being its main, important component. Studying the model of domestic vocal - choral performance, we, first of all, consider the manifestation of innovative trends in it as a dynamic phenomenon and in the process of formation. Contemporary domestic vocal and choral art is reflected in new rhythms, sounds, enriching aca- demic music with a unique musical language. Thus, the vocal - choral art of Kazakhstan at the moment is a panorama of styles, where two trends have occupied a worthy place: the preservation of song folklore traditions and integration into the world music space in the search for new forms of performance.

243-247 727

The article discusses effective ways to use modern innovative pedagogical technologies while maintaining the continuity of traditions and traditions in the specialty of choreography in the training of specialists in the field of choreographic art. In general, modern innovative pedagogical technologies in the field of pedagogy studied, selected for use in the educational system in the field of choreographic art, and the results of the study will be presented for discussion. To this end, the authors analyze and analyze the children's creative dance team, based on their pedagogical experience and the experience of teaching choreographers. The analysis of the use of seven modules in teaching professional disciplines in compliance with the specific features of choreographic education. Along with the acquisition of theoretical and practical skills, the author considers the importance of forming an ethical and aesthetic view of the future specialist, since the main goal of choreographic art in the education of children is to instill an aesthetic taste.

248-251 548

The article describes the modern stages of development, traditional and innovative ways of forming ballroom dance in higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The chronographic sequence of opening disciplines in sports ballroom dance is presented, the development of sports ballroom dance in creative universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan is generalized. Innovation in the system of higher education was identified at the level of disciplines: “Modern ballroom dance” (at the Women’s Teacher Training University), “Theory and methodology of teaching sports ballroom dances”, and “The legacy of ballroom choreography”, “History of the development of sports ballroom dance (in KazNAA named T.K. Zhurgenov). In these conditions, the main principles of training were high competence in the psychological, pedagogical and subject areas proper, the ability to reproduce at a high-level professional knowledge, skills and abilities.

252-256 597

Mintai Tleubayev (1947–2009) is an outstanding Kazakh choreographer who has created a large number of creative works. They are of interest of theoretical and practical comprehension in ballet science. In this article the author aims to disclose facts unknown for a wide audience about the non-embodied plans of children's ballets by M. Tleubayev. The theoretical and empirical methods used in the work restore a certain picture of the creative ideas of the choreographer. The result of the study was the introduction into scientific circulation of information extracted from archival sources about the M. Tleubayev’s directorial attitude and his collaboration with librettists and composers of his time.

257-264 661

In this article, on the basis of the theory of theater studies, the problems of translation of Shakespeare's dramaturgy, their stage setting and artistic features on the modern Kazakh stage are analyzed. At the same time, the place of translated works and acting searches in the Kazakh theatrical art are considered in detail. The artistic level of translations into the Kazakh language of the famous works of W. Shakespeare, as "Asauga-tusau", "Othello", "King Lear"was revealed. We study the search for a modern reading of the plays of Directors and scenographers of these productions. Modern tendencies are discussed, prospects of modern theatrical art in Kazakhstan are considered.

265-269 592

The scientific article analyzes the play «Piebald Dog Running Over the Sea» based on the novel of Kyrgyz writer Ch.Aitmatov in the repertoire of Berdakh Karadalpak State Academic Music and Drama Theater. Professionally versed in the artistic and creative searches of the young director M. Reimov, rationally using the stage space and actors like B.Nazarymbetov (Organ), K.Allanazarov (Emrayin), B.Maketbayev (Mylgun), G.Abatova (Kirisk), who portrayed psychological excitement of characters. The main goal of the research work is to determine the process by which the creative team displays on the stage a supernatural force between man and nature. In the article, the author comparatively analyzing the prosaic work and stage production professionally assesses the shortcomings. The researcher also highlights the relevance of the idea of S. Aitmatov, who conveyed through his significant images the national trait, traditions and rituals, in particular, a very dangerous hunting industry, traditionally passed down from generation to generation and the Nivkh people.

270-274 518

Director's interpretation, the analysis of the artistic features of the actors acting as the image of the hero, the ways of working with the roles was carried out. In General, questions are raised about the repertoire of the children's theater. As a result, the role of the artistic idea of children's performances in the education of the younger generation will be evaluated. The article uses the methods of art history and theater analysis.

275-280 565

The role of nature in the drama genre of modern feature films of Kazakhstan is considered in the article. The purposeful dramaturgical use of nature from the point of view of Kazakh mythologies and their essence in films shot in the period from 2005 to 2019 in different directions in the drama genre was analyzed. A comparative analysis is made between the intended and non-intended use of nature. We have defined the role and significance of each element of nature in movies. The use of nature in various meanings such as: social, historical, biographical, adventure, etc. dramatic works, defines its purpose.

281-284 513

The article considers the acting skills of the people's artist of Kazakhstan, outstanding actor of theater and cinema A. Boranbayev. His originality in creating a modern stage image is determined by the analysis of a number of roles. A. Boranbayev's acting abilities were analyzed in connection with his special attitude and attention to the stage language. The significant contribution of the actor to the development of the Kazakh national stage art is estimated. And also, the influence of the actor's work on the modern national performing arts is analyzed. A. Boranbayev's great contribution to the Kazakh national culture is summarized.

285-291 488

Reflecting on the past is the foundation for national unity. In this context, it appears relevant to conduct research into fine art as storage of memory and a resource for the reconstruction of lasting images of the past. This article looks at the issue of cultural memory in Kazakhstan through the study of works of figurative art devoted to the history of the famine of the beginning of the 1930s. The authors examine how this topic was reflected in Soviet art, as well as at the current stage of cultural development. The forms of representation of cultural trauma as a metaphor and an affective experience are also explored in the article. Nowadays, monuments of grief perform socio-cultural functions that are inextricably connected with the development of national identity.

292-297 499

Mastering sketches is necessary for students both in the educational process and primarily in the creative process. The authors explain the techniques, technologies, and motives for creating sketches in the educational process. The types of sketches are analyzed, and statements of various artists and teachers about the art of sketches are given. Sketching is a special art form that requires patience and daily work to develop skills. The development of this kind of creativity gives students a holistic view of the depiction of nature.

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ISSN 2306-5079 (Print)