
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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No 2 (2019)
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8-14 475

Currently, an important role is given to the formation of information competence on the basis of information activities with different sources of information: both traditional and electronic.

Formation of information activity of the teacher is based on a wide range of information skills, so it is not enough to reduce them exclusively to the ability to use the computer as a technical means of training and the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process in biology. The key characteristics of information competence in a broad sense is the possession of universal methods of search (obtaining) information in the ever-expanding information field (the use of the Internet, electronic libraries, databases, etc.), selection, processing (analysis, synthesis, synthesis), storage and transmission of information.

The process of formation of information activities, which began in school, continues and gradually becomes more complicated in the system of vocational education, does not stop after graduation, because the speed of development of the information society, the intensity of the introduction of new technologies in all activities requires a constant increase in the willingness of specialists to work in the information environment.

The purpose of the study is to determine the level of readiness of students-biologists to perform various functional tasks of pedagogical activity and orientation in the information flow. For this purpose was the survey of students 2, 3 specialty courses 5В11300-Biology.


16-21 469

The article presents the results of the study of the effectiveness of differentiated and individual learning elements of mathematical analysis. Independent implementation of multi-level tasks by students demonstrate a positive psychological climate in the classroom. This determines that the success of overcoming complex difficulties gives a powerful impetus to the strengthening of cognitive activity. Improving methods of teaching mathematics in school will lead to the need for differentiated study of mathematics, including elements of mathematical analysis. In addition, the article defines the General requirements for the implementation of profile differentiation in teaching mathematics in secondary school, sets out the levels of differentiated education and types of differentiation, and shows the improvement of cognitive abilities of students by considering the features of the introduction of the concept of integral in the profile school.

22-28 529

The problem of effective geometry teaching is still relevant for pedagogical science and in accordance with modern trends in school education requires a new look at its solution. The article investigates the relationship between the content, subjective and procedural components of the technological tetrahedron of the theorem. Features of realization of technology of critical thinking, group interaction and information and communication technologies at various stages of work with the theorem in a school course of geometry are revealed. Examples of implementation of effective technologies in the work with the theorem are given. The proposed approach makes it possible to organize the process of geometry teaching, focused on the students' meaningful perception of theorems and proofs, to bring the work with the theorem to a qualitatively new level.

29-34 434

The article defines the goals and content of independent work. In order to instill interest in the subject of mathematics, the feature of the use of independent work was shown. The work of students provides directions, ways of orientation. The tasks of the teacher are defined in the performance of independent work. At the lessons of mathematics presented ways of organizing independent work at various levels.

35-40 557

The article describes the use of digital educational content in the process of foreign language education, the domestic experience in the development of e-books and of computer multimedia learning programs for learning English.


42-47 508

The article discusses the evolution of views on the concept of "picture of the world" (real world), provides an overview of existing views on the definition of the concept at the present stage, formulates the basic concept of the concept adopted in this study. The article analyzes the questions about the classifications of concepts existing in modern linguistic literature. The purpose of the article is to consider the main differences between the two phenomena of the language: concept and notion. A concept is defined as a discrete mental formation that is the basic unit of a person’s mental code. The system of concepts forms a picture of the world, which reflects the human understanding of reality. Cognitive linguistics deals with the analysis of the problem field of concepts and the comprehension of the linguistic picture of the world.

48-56 554

This article discusses various ways of teaching listening and speaking to foreign students studying Kazakh and Russian, and the formation of communication skills is analyzed. The authors suggest methods for enhancing and improving the organization of pedagogical activity in listening lessons, based on innovative approaches that can improve speaking skills. In the article, the authors attempt to clarify the content of materials on listening and speaking for each stage of training. As a result, new teaching materials on listening and speaking are presented.

57-63 548

The article discusses the effectiveness of information and communication technologies in educational process, including the use of computer programs in teaching Kazakh as a foreign language. The purpose of the article is to demonstrate the effectiveness of performed tasks using information and communication technologies in developing reading, listening and writing skills in teaching Kazakh language. Samples of tasks computer games are provided and their effectiveness is shown. Learning Tips Learning Apps and Kahoot examines the learning effects of the programs, each of which is characterized by an integrated approach to speech. The role of information and communication technologies in language teaching is analyzed in accordance with the needs of modern society.

64-69 693

The article deals with the novel by the famous writer Beksultan Nurzhekeuly "Ai, Dunia-ai!" dedicated to the national liberation movement of 1916. The novel describes the social situation of the time, the dispossession of the people, historical events in the Kazakh steppes. Given an explanation to the author's idea concerning these descriptions in the work. The article briefly describes each character who occupies a significant place in the novel. Special attention is paid to the style of the writer, the artistic design of the novel, exaggerations and shortcomings. One of the key features - the grammatical differences in the work, which the author considers correct spelling is explained. And also analyzes the character of the nation given by the author through the personages.

70-75 1144

The article discusses historical events in the life of the Kazakh people, who lived along the rivers of Elek and the Yaik in the ХVІІІ century, which are reflected in the novel by K. Mukhanbetkaliy "Tar kezen". The writer created a vivid image of Syrym Batyr, who led the liberation movement. Historically, the Kazakh people in the conditions of the Russian colonial regime experienced a difficult period. The article analyzes the heroic deeds of Syrym Batyr, sung thanks to the skill of the writer. The fact that the Kazakh people were not a wild, small people is illustrated by the testimonies of representatives of other peoples described in the novel.

76-80 481

At the beginning of the research, there is the discussion of the composition of the oral stories, the interaction between the folk prose and other genres, the area of spread, scientific characteristics, attitudes to real historical events, and their role in formulation of the source basis of vital activity of historical personalities.For the first time the little- known plots of the oral stories covering the historical events of the pre-Soviet and modern times have been introduced into scientific circulation, and since the format of research is limited, it was based on the tragic moments of the uprising in the Karaganda coal basin, the narrative about the fate of people who died during the uprising of 1916, some historical information from the biography of Abay, characterizing his humanistic essence.

81-85 967

The article is devoted to the work of the Turkic world thinker, master of linguistics, the great medieval poet Ali-Shir Nava'i, and his linguistic treatise “Muhakamat al-Lugatayn” (Judgment of two language). The work of Ali-Shir Nava'i was to prove the perfection of the native language by contrasting Turkic and Persian languages. The work "Mukakmatul-Lugatayn", written in Chagatai language, attracted the attention of world scientists. This article provides an overview of translations and studies performed on this work.

86-89 555

The article deals with the poems of poets of the Uzbek Diaspora of the period of independent Kazakhstan. Poems are analyzed as didactic and philosophical aspects of national education. Questions of folk philosophy, pedagogy, morality, ethics in the didactic content of poets are described in humanistic terms. The works of poets carry the knowledge of the centuries-old wisdom, practice and traditions of the Uzbek people. The authors come to the conclusion that didactic and philosophical poems of Uzbek poets of Kazakhstan contribute to the formation and development of pedagogical worldview.

90-96 590

This article describes the historical relations between Iran and Turan, the relations between the Turkic and Iranian peoples and the linguistic influence in these relations. The article contains many Turkic expressions that are often found in Persian, which have not yet emerged from the daily life of the people. General explanations and translations of Turkisms in the Persian language are given. The article analyzes the field of application of Turkisms in the Persian language and their features. Methods of collecting, systematizing, analyzing, generalizing and comparing the main sources, historical-comparative and comparative methods were used to solve the goals and objectives of the study.

97-103 561

The concept "art world of literature " is considered in the article. The analysis of the current state of the art world of literature of Kazakhstan is given. The main signs of the postmodern letters texts of the period of Independence are listed. The main subjects and motives which led to global changes in the world of family of postmodern era are revealed. Lists the features inherent in postmodernism. Social, economic, political and cultural processes that led to global changes in the world of the postmodern family are named.

104-112 581

This article is devoted to the problem of teaching oral speech activity in the classroom in Russian as a foreign language on the basis of reading educational texts. The authors consider the methods of teaching and methods of development of oral speech of foreign students of the initial stage of training through the development of lexical and grammatical models on the material of thematic texts. Students should learn how to transform the text, reduce, select the main thing in it, and then consistently reproduce it. The article presents tasks for the formation and development of monologue speech of students of levels A1 and A2. The authors rely on the experience of working with foreign students. The article has a practical value, can be used in the preparation of textbooks on Russian as a foreign language for the initial stage of training.

113-118 542

The article discusses principles of using information and communication technologies in terminology learning while teaching English for professional purposes. The main goal of the work is to consider opportunities provided by such Internet resource as Quizlet. It is the learning tool that allows teachers to replace the routine process of mechanical memorization of terms (for our experimental work, we have chosen terms in heat power engineering) by creative work with the elements of the game. The application of inductive method (selection and analysis of the teaching material starting from the elementary and continuing with the complicated one) makes it possible to show the variety of techniques used in Quizlet, and significant motivating potential of that learning resource.

119-123 592

The article presents the main problems of intercultural competence in learning. In the era of globalization, one of the urgent problems of cross-cultural competence is their transformation in learning. In the class there are students with different cultural values and they can feel a sense of their inferiority, which leads to increased alienation, to the desire to create inter-ethnic tensions in the process of relations with others. Teachers must create a stabilization and approach the learning of cross-cultural competence correctly. Thus, intercultural communication is one of the constituent parts of cross-cultural competence in studying the problem of safe and conflict-free interaction of ethnic groups by instilling the skills of tolerant and conversational attitudes towards each other.

124-128 497

The authors condemn the definition of distance education, its importance in modern education, its prospects. The authors touch upon the topic of creating an electronic textbook for students of non-language universities. The article reveals the topic of introducing computer programs that serve as a verification tools. The structure of a remote course is discussed, its components are analyzed. The specifics of selection and structuring maintenance of a remote course of a foreign language are shown.

129-133 655

In regard to the integration of Kazakhstani education to the modern world, the concept of communicative competence in English language education becomes relevant. There is a common consensus among linguistic scholars and educators on the basic interpretation of the content of communicative competence, however, before undertaking research on communicative abilities, a comprehensive construction of the concept of communicative competence is essential. This paper provides a thorough analysis of the concept of communicative competence with the subsequent overview of the models of communicative competence, which are considered prominent in the ambiance of foreign language education. Communicative competence refers to the set of sociocultural knowledge and communication skills and abilities of speakers to use a language appropriately, to convey and understand each other’s messages outside the classroom rather than merely produce memorized accurate grammatical sentences. On the bases of the models, there is a comparative analysis, which aids to understand the core role of the current concept.

134-140 850

The article describes methods of applying the theory developed by Brunner D, as well as “scaffolding” for overcoming the zone of proximal development introduced by Vygotsky L. S. Teaching allows building the learning process, taking into account the zone of proximal development of each student, in such a way so that it is based on the student’s basic knowledge, speed of learning language material and mastering features by each student individually. The urgency of the research is justified on the grounds that a principal concern for developing foreign language teaching methodology in an inclusive class is becoming ever more acute, due to the development of inclusive education in Kazakhstan. The article analyzes English language textbooks in order to determine their conformity to the “zone of proximal development” theory. The article deals with the advantages and disadvantages of using scaffolding in a foreign language teaching process within inclusive education. The examples are given for working with students in an inclusive class by using scaffoldings.


142-150 735

Since the country's independence, Kazakhstan and the United States have been sharing close ties. The US was the first country that immediately recognized Kazakhstan as a sovereign and independent country on December 25, 1991, the next day both countries established diplomatic relations. Since then energy and security issues have been a cornerstone of their bilateral relations. Nuclear disarmament policy of Kazakhstan played a significant role in Kazakh- US relations. Both countries have been enjoying a wide range of issues including political, economic (trade and energy sector), military and humanitarian cooperation. Kazakhstan is a landlocked country, bordering with Russia, China, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan and sharing a border with a large part of the Caspian Sea. In the security realm, Kazakhstan attracted towards the US, because it is geographically far from the country, hence, it prioritized the United States in its foreign policy and security assistance program. Energy and trade is another area of their deep relationship. Kazakhstan contains huge oil and natural gas reserves. The 9/11 incident of the terrorist attack on the US has changed world politics and global balance in international politics and the cooperation between the two countries have strengthened.

This study will try to examine the Kazak-US relations since 2001 and its impact not only upon the two countries but also the whole international system, which is increasingly becoming more interdependent. The study focuses on the US assistance to Kazakh to improve its border security issue, because boundary plays an important role in the security of any country. Kazakhstan's borders are suffering to numerous threats, including illegal narcotics smuggling, arms trafficking, WMD materials and militants transiting through its territory, which has facilitated and internationalized its search for foreign assistance.

151-156 763

Uighur language is one of the Turkic languages, together with Uzbek it forms Karluk group. The history of the Uighur people is quite complicated, and many historical monuments are extremely under-researched. In this article, we want to reveal the role of shamanism in Uighur culture. The relevance of this work is to clarify the role of shamanism in Uighur culture, to distinguish between the concepts of culture and religion, because we are very often confused with these concepts. We consider our beliefs in our ancient religion as a part of the culture. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to show the difference between the culture and remnants of the religion. In the article a general review on shamanism was done. Also, various explanations, meaning of the word "shaman" were considered. In the main part , we have considered the beliefs, customs and traditions that emerged during the times of shamanism, and which are preserved in everyday life to this day, such as “pouring lead into water”, “knocking on wood”, “Tying red fabric”, etc.

157-162 521

The article is devoted to the analysis of the potential of international women's projects in the development of the gender culture of universities. The first part contains theoretical statements about the phenomenon of "gender culture", highlighted and justified its structure and basic functions. The second part is a review of the most influential women's international organizations and summarizes the experience of participation of the Ural State Pedagogical University in the project of one of them - the World Women University Presidents Forum (WWUPF), designed to promote the realization of the professional potential of women in the higher education management system. It is shown that combining the efforts of scientists from different countries in shaping a culture of gender partnership as an integrative environment of a university is an integral part of the process of solving a key global task - achieving de facto equality of opportunities for men and women. In conclusion, the perspective directions of the development of international cooperation in this field are formulated.

163-167 536

Today the interest of young people to knowledge and work is lost.These changes in the motivation of behavior, the choice of value orientations of young people is an alarming indicator of the deterioration of moral, mental and physical health of society. For our work, such areas of youth socialization as volunteering are of particular importance.

This article considers volunteer activity as an important institution of social, cultural, economic development, as an important component of the process of the youth socialization. The article reveals the concept of «volunteer», analyzes various scientific approaches to the study of the value of volunteering, and the motives of volunteer activity. Also presented are the basic skills that a student acquires while working as a volunteer, their importance for the further development of the professional sphere.

168-172 470

The article reveals the reasons for the formation and development of economic insolvency and bankruptcy. Questions of creation of means of their overcoming, use of economic and legal mechanisms are considered. The process of formation and development of economic insolvency and bankruptcy began to develop in the early stages. It is established that there are social norms in the relations between debtors and borrowers. And the relations between debtors and lenders, as well as commodity - money relations, show that they have used their features since ancient times.


174-182 718

The article deals with the current state of scientific solutions to the problem of assessing the quality of preschool education and training. The author starts with analysis of scientific publications, methodological and theoretical approaches in the context of the goals and objectives of the functioning of preschool organizations in the Republic of Kazakhstan. A comparative analysis of international effective models of assessing the quality of preschool education is presented. The significance of the international Scale ECERS-R for assessing the quality of preschool education, identical to the values of humanistic pedagogy and anthropocentrism, is shown.

183-189 509

The article gives an insight into the evolution of ideas about research activities in psychological and pedagogical literature. A review of the works of foreign teachers, which expressed the idea of encouraging the child to explore the world through research and discovery. The article analyzes the experience of studying the cognitive, research activities of children and the organization of research activities, showing the possibility and necessity of the formation of research skills in primary school age. The problems connected with research work are revealed. The characteristic of modern educational programs for primary school ("School 2000... (2100)"), which provide ample opportunities for the organization of educational research in the study of academic disciplines.

190-196 631

This article reveals the theoretical and methodological foundations of the problem of self-organization of students' educational activities, reveals the essence and structure of educational activities of university students, and defines the pedagogical capabilities of the time management technology in developing the skills of self-organizing educational activities of future primary school teachers. Based on an in-depth analysis, the author proposed a structural and informative model of the self-organization of students' learning activities, including theoretical and practical blocks, which define the goals, functions, principles, components of the self-organizing learning activities; criteria and indicators have been developed for the level of development of skills for self-organization of educational activities of future primary school teachers; components of the time management technology, forms of organization of educational activities that implement the principles of time management in practice are summarized, and time management tools for the rational organization of educational and extracurricular activities of bachelors of primary education are defined.

197-203 595

The article presents one of the results of scientific research related to the development of the problem of the formation of spiritual culture of future teachers. The authors disclose the content of the concepts “teacher’s personality”, “teacher’s spiritual culture”, and “the formation of spiritual culture”. Authors consider the spiritual culture of a student to be a professionally significant quality of a person, integrating spiritual knowledge, orientation and experience. These components serve as an internal guideline and regulator of actions and actions in the pedagogical self-development of the future teacher. The authors claim that spiritual culture is manifested in situations of personal self-determination, moral choice, and interpersonal interaction. The article presents the results of a survey of future primary school teachers to determine the level of spiritual culture, their understanding of spiritual culture, the conditions of formation of the teacher’s spiritual culture.

204-208 493

The article presents the data of the ascertaining experiment on the implementation of the principle of individualization of education, describes the system of work designed by the authors and implemented in the educational process of preschool gymnasium, presented in the form of target, meaningful, operational and evaluation components and aimed at the implementation of individualization of preschool education, creating conditions for the development of the essential forces of the individual, the effective formation of their readiness for learning in a multi- stage education.

209-213 556

The leading idea of the individual-differentiated system of teaching reading is the maintenance to each pupil of equal possibilities for successful formation and perfection of reading skill. One of the features of construction the individual-differentiated system of teaching reading is the combination of outer and internal differentiation: the individual teaching is carried out in each differentiable bunch, proceeding from individually-psychological features of each pupil. The following feature of the given system of teaching reading is the individual definition of teaching reading model for each pupil as each of them takes place the stages depending on initial level forming the reading mechanism.

214-218 538

The purpose of the modern education system of the country is to prepare a competitive specialist. The article presents the concepts of scientists on competence, professional competence, case technology and their various classifications. The answers to the question "What competencies can a person have?". There will also be shown the features and benefits of the use of case technologies in the learning process of students, projected effectiveness of applying the case-technology.

219-226 753

In this article, the authors propose their own summative assessment system for pupils. Criterial evaluation in the educational process is aimed at solving a number of urgent problems. Methodical recommendations will help the teachers in planning, organizing and conducting summative assessment on the subject “English” for pupils of Grade 3. A specification with a scoring scheme is proposedfor a quarter summative evaluation. Guidelines are aimed to help primary school teachers, school methodologists of education departments on criteria-based assessment.

227-234 527

The article analyzes the works of famous scientists about the problem of tolerance. With the help of various scientific sources, the meaning of the term “tolerance” is revealed. Further, the author, noting the importance of family education in shaping tolerance among the younger generation, analyzes the structure of the modern family. In the conclusion author makes stress on the importance of the school- family interaction. Some methods and exercises that help parents and teachers to develop tolerance in children are given.

235-239 640

The article considers the opinion (including well-known scientists) created in the society today about the need for an inclusive approach to education. The article analyzes the activities carried out in Kazakhstan related to the involvement of children with special needs in the educational process. The authors share their observations and experience in the training of teachers. There are critical comments on the content of standard pro grams for universities. The authors' vision of the raised problems is offered.

240-245 514

In the article, the leading approaches of the organization of the pedagogical process are shown, pedagogical conditions for the successful formation of the foundations of professionalism in defectology students in the university. The existence of graduates of defectologists with the foundations of professionalism will allow them in practice to create optimal comfortable conditions for children with special educational needs for development and education, to choose the development trajectory appropriate for the real capabilities of children, ensure the success of mastering program requirements, and the lack or smoothness of adaptation problems.

Organizational-didactic conditions for the successful formation of the foundations of professionalism in the future specialist in the field of special pedagogy should become the creation of an organized vocational and educational innovative development environment and the provision. High-quality professional practical activities of students will allow to create professional competences of future expert.

The article highlights the issues of professional training of special teachers., The experience of the offices of psychological and pedagogical correction which was opened in 2018 on the base of Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University in the implementation of the practice-oriented approach in teaching is presented.

The results of the practice-oriented approach, conducting seminar (practical) classes at the base, teaching practices, reflected in the graduate and master studies of students. The result is professional training for students with 3 courses on working with children with special educational needs.

246-252 570

The article describes the characteristics of disappointment, considered its positive and negative consequences. An analysis of the understanding of the essence of frustration, features of frustration, behavioral reactions, emotional reactions and coping strategies. The criteria for constructive and destructive behavior of an individual in a situation of frustration are developed. These criteria allow the use of data development for educational purposes, in the preparation of future teachers and psychologists to analyze the mental state and behavior of students. Analysis of the phenomenon of psychological support has shown that in its most general form it is understood as help, help, a desire to support, not to give up something along with training and education of students, whose mechanisms are understanding, recognition of trust, empathy as a process of socialization in education, as the need for positive attention; development assistance

253-258 861

This article discusses the development of creative abilities in preschool children through non-traditional drawing techniques. The development of creative abilities in preschool pedagogy has always been one of the topical issues. At all times, we need creative personalities, as they determine the progress of mankind. Our time also requires unconventional thinking and acting people for the benefit of the development of the individual and society. The relevance of this work is that the traditional visual activity does not always bring children the result that they have conceived, one of the factors is the unformed graphic skills, so it is advisable to carry out special work on the formation of drawing skills with the help of innovative techniques.

259-264 665

The article presents the results of a study of the initial level of functionality and adaptation of the cardiovascular system of students of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University after the exercise (Martine- Kushelevsky's test). Adaptation of students to the exercise stress was determined by identifying the initial values and the dynamics of blood pressure and HR indices in the recovery period. The study involved 45 female students of the first course of the Al-Farabi

Kazakh National University at the age of 17,12 ± 0,81 years. During the study, it was revealed that, at the initial stage of education, girls-students are characterized by reduced adaptive capacity and unsatisfactory vascular response in response to the standard exercise stress. Thus, only 31% of the surveyed female students showed a satisfactory body response to the standard exercise stress, which was manifested in an adequate change in the HR, SP, PP and DP values, and 69%, and this is the majority of female students, identified different options for the body’s adverse reaction to exercise stress, which indicate the inefficient work of the heart, its overload, weakness and lability of the circulatory system and lack of fitness. The results indicate the need for the application of measures to correct their functional state during the period of study at the university.


266-273 706

The article reveals the nature of folklore application in the modern Kazakh stage, reveals the samples of pop art and family folklore, the level of folklore interpretation in the composer's work and concert processing. In addition, the topical issues and features of the use of children's folklore and wedding ceremonies in pop songs will be highlighted. Considers practical issues and the use of folklore in creative work of singers, composers. Among various social groups, an experiment is conducted, the level of perception and understanding of folklore by listeners, performers, composers is determined. Currently, folklore works performed in the traditions are understood in close contact with the national consciousness and superstition. The specific features of the modern stage in the interpretation of folklore are determined, indicating the importance of folklore in the emergence of pop art.

274-280 569

The article is devoted to the problem of development of modern musical art in Kazakhstan. Historically, the European avant-garde has appeared relatively recently in Russian culture, and there are many explanations for this. On the one hand, the relatively long-standing independence, on the other – a number of reasons for the ideological order. The integration processes inherent in the world culture demand from domestic musicians maximum universality, professionalism of the highest order, the ability to navigate in a variety of styles, directions, trends. Modern European avant-garde is a complex phenomenon that requires special training, and today in Kazakhstan there is a special team – the ensemble "Eegeru", which aims to strengthen cultural cooperation in the field of contemporary music.

281-285 579

The article studies and identifies the interaction of modern technologies, means of communication with pedagogical processes in choreographic art. The main source of research is the experience of a ballet dancer and a teacher, which allows to consider the dialectical features of the transfer of knowledge of a teacher and their development by students from the inside (from two positions). To achieve this purpose, the author of the article combines various research methods: a historical and chronological approach, a comparative types of analysis, and a scientific synthesis. This made it possible to diversify both early fundamental and modern works on innovation and choreographic art. The results of the study show that today technology and pedagogical innovations, despite a number of significant advantages, have limits of influence and are unable to replace the teaching experience.

286-294 544

The article is devoted to the development of the theme of the national liberation movement of 1916 by the modern Kazakh Theater. The author of the article considered the interpretation of the plays based on M. Auezov's story "Dashing time" directed by A. Rakhimov at the Kazakh Academic Drama Theater. The author of the article determined the plastic solution of the scene, the creative imagination of the director in the use of symbols and metaphors. The theatrical analysis was made to the director's plan, the actor's play and the scenography of the plays. The play staged on this work by director E. Kabdyl is also being investigated in the Zhetysay Drama Theater named after K.Zhandarbekov

295-301 559

In article the author considers creativity of the artists working today in the modern Kazakh graphics. Based on the article «Seven faces of the great steppe», she revealed the main theme of modern Kazakh graphics. The Kazakh grophics describes the traditions and customs of the Kazakh people, folklore, in general, the rich heritage of the country. In the course of writing the article the author presents the names of artists who have contributed to the modern Kazakh graphics. The work of graphic artists is considered separately. The art history analysis of the picture is made.

302-306 525

Craft is a unique tool that defines national identity and culture. The history of the Kazakh arts and crafts goes back centuries. The article considers the reflection in the modern art of Kazakhstan of jewelry art as one of the branches of applied art. The direction of the development of jewelry is revealed thanks to the work of jewelers. For example: an art history analysis is conducted on the example of the work of artists, jewelers S. Bashirov, A. Mukazhanov, S. Rysbekov, M. Kalilaev, L. Shklyaev, A.Kadyrbaev. Thus, the author determines the significance of national values.

307-312 568

The article discusses integrative methods in teaching composition. The complex possibilities of teaching composition are shown, providing the application of various techniques and techniques of artistic activities and their integration. Integrative methods of teaching composition provide for an integrated approach to the creative process in compositional activities. By means of interconnection and integration of tools and techniques of various types of arts and various types of artistic activity. Comprehensive integrative methods of teaching composition contributes to a more dynamic and fruitful integration of materials, tools, techniques and methods of types of art and artistic activity, and thereby contributes to the feasible creation of an artistic image. The subject of study is the artistic and creative development of students on the basis of the principles and methods of integrative learning composition. The objectives of this study are the study of integrative methods in teaching composition as an interactive toolkit of an integrated system of artistic and creative process.

313-318 839

This article considers futurism as a style direction in contemporary vestimentary fashion. By analyzing the creative works of Kazakhstan designers the relevance of these stylistic trends in clothing design is confirmed. The characteristic the stylistic features of the futurism style, consisting in the emphasized minimalism, the use of innovative materials and technologies, the interest in the constructive and technological aspect of design, are revealed. The conceptual foundations of futurism in modern vestimentary fashion are established: visualization of utopian and dystopian ideas and images of the future, accentuation of ergonomic and functional properties of the costume, interest in the problems of ecology and globalization. Further prospects and opportunities of development of futurism in design practice are defined.

319-323 469

The article deals with the issues of the meaning and creation of the science of suspense in the art of cinematography. The hypothesis of the leading role of suspense in making a film is considered. I reviewed the techniques of suspense depending on the goals, and objectives of directors. The meaning of color and sound in creating suspensions has been studied. It is concluded that color is an essential tool for building a deep emotional connection between the film and its audience.

324-330 479

Documentary films, which were actively shot 30 years ago in the expanses of the Commonwealth of Independent States, today has become almost irrelevant. In order to understand how interesting and useful can be a non- fiction kind of cinema to the modern viewer, the authors decided to investigate this issue by the example of the works of television operator and director Bulat Nusipbekov (b. 1955). For the first time in the framework of scientific work comparative method analyzed some of his documentaries. This method allows us to see in the historical context the ethical component of cinema as a means of propaganda and education of citizens of their country. Due to the fact that visual perception is the main source of comprehension of the surrounding world, the work concludes that the profession of the operator is the most necessary for the implementation of any creative projects. Documentary film is a necessary tool in the study of the history of its people.

331-336 517

The article deals with the psychological aspects of the impact of a commercial on a potential consumer. Cinematographer, as a psychologist when creating the necessary content. Analysis of existing approaches to the creation of commercial video and the role of the cinematographer in them. Analysis of the main camera techniques and methods for creating the necessary emotional coloring of the commercial. The conclusions about the importance of psychology knowledge by a cinematographer are given.

337-341 552

This article is devoted to the history and development of cinema. How it was formed and originated throughout its existence to this day. What trends and technologies were applied to the solution and ideas of directors and cameramen. What genres and direction in cinema appeared in the process of its development and technical and digital progress. The new trend and the birth of cinema as interactive in the world of gaming and entertainment computer games.

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ISSN 2306-5079 (Print)