
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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No 1 (2019)
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7-11 625

The article presents results of the survey of ICT literacy of students graduating from a teaching specialty. Knowledge of the types of information and communication technology and the frequency of their use by graduate students in the educational process and in pedagogical practices are defined. The role of the subject ―Practicum of application of IT means‖ which is studied during the 4th year of Bachelor program was established. Most students responded use the Internet, e-mail, photocopy, computer, interactive whiteboard, e-books, PowerPoint, and slides. It was also revealed that there are students who do not use the above listed ICTs at all and even some of them are not familiar with them.

12-18 615

The article discusses the issues related to the practice of introducing project-based learning when obtaining higher professional education. The purpose of the work is the approbation of the technique and teaching methods for conducting research work of students in the framework of projects at the Kazakh-Russian International University in Aktobe. The main stages of the project implementation and the feasibility of its use as a teaching method were studied and analyzed. An assessment of the practical results of group and individual work done by project students in the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 academic years is presented.

Studies have revealed positive results of the use of the project-based learning that can be expressed in the efficiency increase of the development of the professional, personal, and entrepreneurial competencies of students. The prospects for the development of an integrated track of the project-based education at the KRII as a part of the business projects (taking as an example the creation of a CRS fish breeding farm for raising catfish) are considered, which will generally contribute to the development of adaptation qualities and creativity that will allow the future specialists to shorten the period of adaptation in the field.

Methodological recommendations are given for the organization and maintenance of the main stages of conducting research projects for students of technical professions in a higher education institution on the example of research on the issues of a culture of safe behavior, production and the quality of drinking water, and aquaculture fish farming. The use of the project-based learning in a higher education institution is justified in regards to the positive impact on the academic performance of students in acquiring professional skills.

19-24 472

The article examines the toxic effect of salt (NaCl) on the growth and development of varieties of sugar sorghum Porumbeni-7 and Kazakhstan-20. Extensive growth of plant growth in high salt concentrations has deteriorated, the root system is not fully developed and the degree of endosphere exploitation is reduced. According to the results of the experiment, the variety Porumbeni-7 differed in salt resistance in comparison with Kazakhstan-20. Different salt concentrations (NaCl) also influenced the growth of individual plant organisms and the concentration of dry biomass of individual plant organisms.

25-32 489

The need to update the content of geographical education in higher education is due to the need to take into account new criteria for evaluating education. At present, the results of education are not the knowledge and skills, but the levels of students' abilities to solve educational and life tasks (life skills and competences). In the study, the basis for the formation of the content of geographical education is considered from the position of the following principles and provisions: scientific nature; interdisciplinary nature; humanization of education; globality and regionality; ecological approach; problem solving; consistency and integrity. In the above-mentioned aspect, the mission of the Department of Geography and Tourism of the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University is to create a complex of scientific, pedagogical and organizational and methodological conditions that provide students with geographical education based on the unity of educational, scientific, educative and innovative processes taking into account international experience. In this regard, the goal of the department of geography and tourism is associated with the training of qualified geographers with dynamic professionalism, socio-professional competencies and capable of effective implementation of innovations in the field of geographical education, science and production.

33-40 531

One of the economic and social indicators of the population is the standard of living. In modern society, the main dominant of socio-economic development is the quality of life of the population. In the city of Almaty, there are still problems in terms of health and longevity, income, comfortable living, housing, science, improving knowledge. Therefore, in increasing the socio-economic potential of the country there is the relevance of a comprehensive qualitative description of the population not only in the country or region, but also at the urban level.

41-45 440

In this article, we found a favorable condition for the removal of inulin from the root of a Cichorium Intybus L plant. The melting temperature of the studied inulin was determined by the optical spectroscopic method of the PTA (M) grade TU-92. The melting point of inulin obtained in the course of the experiment is 178 ° C. It is: within 60 minutes, when the ratio K: C to 1: 75-1: 100, at a temperature of 80-85 ° C, the yield of inulin is 58%. The sorbent was chosen for the purification of inulin. Cation KU-2-8, silica gel and sand proved to be effective as a catalyst. This information corresponds to the literature data. Chicory plant root has the ability to regenerate the bloodstream, which gives the full energy of fatigue of the human body. The root of the Cichorium plant is used to treat nephritis, previous diseases and diseases of the spleen, the initial stage of hemorrhoids and diabetes.

53-57 490

This paper presents the results of pedagogical research with the introduction of the educational process of the elective course "Chemistry in our life". The aim of the study is to increase motivation to study chemistry and academic performance, help in choosing a future profession. During the study the goal of the training experiment was achieved: an elective course for the interest of students of the 8th grade was developed and tested. The use of elective courses in the learning process promotes a school motivation by developing cognitive and self-realization motives. A high level of motivation of educational and research activities needed to achieve in learning outcomes and in overall academic excellences of the student. This is confirmed by the fact that students engaged in elective courses take an active part during the lessons. The level of formation of students's motivation is revealed.

58-61 808

This article discusses the possibility of using game technology of teaching chemistry, allowing to solve one or more problems as a result of independent cognitive activity through the model of educational material in chemistry in a renewed education. Conducting a lesson in a playful way increases the motivation of students to knowledge. Classes organized through the game become easy, attractive and understandable for children. The ultimate goal of training is the quality of training, that is, strengthening methodological cognitive, educational, educational activities and practical focus on improving the content, types and methods of the lesson. In this regard, we consider several ways and methods of teaching chemistry using gaming technologies.

62-68 472

The development of creative abilities in students in teaching chemistry is mainly associated with the use of the research method, which is characterized by almost complete independence of the students in the implementation of educational tasks; student research is considered as a process that systematically unfolds in clearly defined, student-aware stages. The article describes the methods of formation and development of creative activity among students in teaching chemistry in secondary school and the possibility of using creative tasks as the main means of developing students' experience of creative activity. The effectiveness of the formation of creative activity among students in teaching chemistry through creative tasks has been proven by a pedagogical experiment.


70-79 405

From the point of view of synergy, the concept of information and informational entropy of the most universal statistical characteristics of nonequilibrium phenomena accompanying the stochastization of a dynamic system is introduced. In synergy information is the main object of research. Informational entropy determines the average probability of knowing the information. The article discusses the possibilities for determining entropy, which depends on time and coordinates in non-equilibrium processes, namely questions of the equation of entropy balance, entropy production, as well as the principles of minimum entropy and maximum information.

80-85 435

The processes of silicon wafer formation of its oxides at different temperatures and annealing time and subsequent continuous exposure to the laser beam were investigated. Laser annealing of surface layers is one of the most effective methods of such materials as Si . As the advantages of such processing methods is the possibility of annealing in atmospheric conditions. The conditions for the appearance of its oxides on the surface of the sample are established. Continuous laser irradiation after thermal ignition of the sample affects the oxidation processes. The observed increase SiO2  in the time of thermal ignition temperature, as well as the subsequent laser irradiation is a consequence of the increase in the oxidation rate, and its increase is associated with the decomposition SiO2 and subsequent evaporation of the products of its reproduction.

86-91 779

The article presents the results of our research related to some aspects of the formation of mathematical literacy of students. Providing a working definition of mathematical literacy, the study identifies four components of mathematical literacy. The formation of each component of mathematical literacy is determined by its structural features. Signs of the first component are possession of program special and general educational cognitive knowledge, abilities, skills and ways of educational activity, methods of the doctrine. The second component is determined by the ability to quickly and broadly generalize mathematical objects, relations, actions, free adjustment of the thought process, switching from direct to reverse thoughts, consistent, correct, dissected logical reasoning, formalized perception of mathematical material, the structure of the problem. Features of the third component - the ability to formulate and write problems in the language of mathematics, the results of solutions and others. The fourth component is expressed in the implementation of the previous components in life situations.

92-98 510

The article is devoted to the question of the updated curriculum in "Mathematics" in the secondary school. The author describes the ways of the teacher professional development in the conditions of updated content of education. In his practice, the teacher through the use of innovative approaches in teaching creates the conditions for the formation of a competitive personality. The article includes examples of tasks for the development of functional literacy, the approaches used in the implementation of the updated educational program on the subject "Mathematics", the approaches to evaluating the results of the achievements of students, criteria-based assessment system. The article also presents a meaningful difference in the updated educational program and the current one. The questions addressed in the article will help interest school teachers, college teachers and specialists of other educational organizations.

99-104 452

The facial recognition system is used to provide identification and authentication during functional testing. It can also be used to identify people in different situations. This article presents a comparative study of the algorithms used for facial isolation and recognition. Algorithms are general algorithms that match a recognizable face. The concept of each algorithm is explained and a corresponding description is given. In addition, the results of the algorithms are evaluated in a data set and are displayed as graphs for evaluating the effectiveness of each algorithm. Algorithms work with a common data set and display the percentage of functions obtained.


106-114 493

The article deals with the study of Kazakh graphics in connection with the change from Cyrillic graphics to the Latin alphabet. Due to the rapid development of modern technology, almost all teaching experience will be in electronic form. The electronic textbook includes theoretical and practical classes. With the help of an electronic textbook, students can train and test themselves. The authors discuss the different types of teaching methods prepared for children in preschool and primary school. The main challenge in modern education is to ensure continuous improvement of the context of education, and the study of Latin script will continue.

115-121 465

The work poses the problem of teaching Russian and Kazakh language foreign-language students. The authors believe that it is first necessary to give a speech, and not to teach grammar. For this, it is necessary to pay more attention to phonetics, namely, issues of sound use, stress / sinharmonism, intonation. Here is a system of work on these key problems. An innovative method of teaching Russian accent in the Kazakh audience is proposed using of Russian poetic speech, which is built according to the laws of Russian rhythmics. A feature of the article is an attempt to find points of convergence between the methods of the Russian and Kazakh languages, since without comparative and comparative-typological approaches to teaching a non-native language one cannot expect success.

122-126 536

Article is devoted to poetry, advantage, the verses and word force. The poet of children's literature M. Alimbayev's place in children's literature and works of the poet were widely adopted in his works on education of children. Poems of M.Alimbaev take a worthy place in the golden fund of Kazakh literature. The problem of morality is one of the major and eternal themes in literature of any nation. The poet, contributed to the topic of morality, raised not only moral and ethical problems, not only praised the spiritual wealth and spiritual beauty of children, but also criticized the negative actions opposing them and the philistine characters, aspirations of people.

127-132 545

The article discusses some interpretation types and methods of artistic works as well as their origin. The scholarly work considers various techniques and kinds of interpretation in understanding the literary texts. Referring to the derived conclusions of the scholars in the area, the author demonstrates the relationship between acquisition and understanding of the belles-lettres style, some degrees and methods of understanding the artistic works, and the functions of interpretation techniques. The article also states some core problems of the theory of interpretation and the reasons of their origin.

133-138 733

The idioms of Kazakh and English literature were under the consideration in this article. The aim of this research work is to demonstrate the features of idioms of two languages. According to author, one of the successful example of translation of Kazakh idioms was presented by Shynar Kelimbetova in the novel ―I don‘t want to lose hope‖. The methods of observation, experiments, modeling and generalization were used in this article. The article is based on idioms which have their own peculiarities.

139-144 414

The article emphasizes the fact that in the comedies and dramas of K. Mukhamedzhanov, the unity of artistic integrity and ideological content preserves the data of the national consciousness.In the article were taken into account the views of researchers, viewers and colleagues of the playwright Mukhamedzhanov, who produced an attractive comedy. To determine the relationship between the playwright and the life material of K. Mukhamedzhanov, interesting information was taken from the play "In a foreign country" and "We are not angels" . As a vital material, he in all three of his dramas approached from a national point of view. One distinguishing feature is that the three types of vital material in these three dramas are different.

145-148 478

The article considers some aspects of the formation of competence components in the process of educating future teachers of languages. The relevance of the topic is dictated by the urgent need in society to reform a number of educational positions in the direction of practical use. Emerging new requirements concern changes in methodology and teaching methods. First of all, they rely on intellectual potential and interpersonal skills. Innovations concerning trainees depend on a variety of conditions at the subjective and objective level, without which neither work with information nor the process of self-identification are possible. Competences are still dependent on the results of joint activities of the teacher and the student, subject to implementation by each of them clearly defined goals and objectives.

149-153 557

The article provides information regarding communication strategies, as well as the usage of tactics and techniques used in the posts of travel blogs. Some definitions of strategies are given and analyzed from communicative point of view. The relation between the strategy type and the information reference to different participants of communication is determined. Article also mentions the importance of investigating the language usage in tourist discourse in Kazakhstan. The article represents the basic components of communicative strategy regarded as cognitive process planned by the sender to achieve the communicative purpose.

151-161 960

In this article, innovative forms of education in teaching Russian as a foreign language in the initial stage, methods of new technologies, and the use and practice of training of Russian as a non-native language are considered. This analysis of the advantages and short-comings of using new multimedia educational systems in the practice of teaching RAF are provided. The authors give examples of this technology as used during their work with new lexicon and the creation of new grammatical constructions. The assimilation of a system of linguistic concepts, the stage-by-stage mastering all types of speech activity, and the mastering of language skills as well as their application in communicative activity are analyzed. In working with information technologies in learning Russian it is expedient to use various multimedia sources.

162-168 534

This article discusses the goals and main strategic guidelines of modern higher education in the education system in order to form a competent, professionally-comprehensive, spiritually rich creative personality of a developed competitive state. New paradigms in education are presented, the need to form the professional competence of a foreign language teacher, the replacement of substantive competence, focused on knowledge, by the content of education, i.e. result oriented. The basic principle is the training of foreign language teachers to improve learning outcomes through the external components of the educational system under consideration. At the same time, the problem of teaching foreign languages in educational institutions is considered to be the main task of today. In general, a competent foreign language expert critically assesses his actions, enhances professional competence and builds good relations with students.

169-174 519

This article discusses the сontent and language integrated learning in higher medical education. Joining the Bloom taxonomy process gives the right to modernize higher professional education, opens up additional opportunities to participate in conferences, projects, and students and teachers of higher education institutions in academic exchanges with universities in foreign countries. CLIL technique allows to realize the main goal of learning a foreign language in higher education. It helps to develop practical skills of using a foreign language in everyday communication situations to master General language, educational and professional communicative competences. CLIL provides students with the opportunity to use their knowledge of a foreign language in the process of studying University subjects. This approach to learning integrates learning content while developing language skills and contributing to effective motivational learning. thus, it increases their confidence in the knowledge of a foreign language, removes the language barrier in communication and contributes to the growth of motivation in mastering foreign language competencies. We study the need for medical students to have a certain level of English and maintaining the acquired level, to improve the acquired skills.


176-180 454

The article deals with issues related to the history of bibliography of sources on the pre-Soviet history of Kazakhstan. The role of Russian scientists, turkologists, orientalists and bibliographers in creating pointers on Kazakhstan is noted. The characteristic is given to some of the indexes published in Russia on local history of Kazakhstan. A list of bibliographic indexes for the pre-Soviet period of the history of Kazakhstan is given. Annotated modern bio-bibliography to study the culture of our country, which is included in the encyclopedic publication.

181-187 490

The article discusses the daily lives of residents during the period of the national liberation uprising in Zhetysu region of the Turkestan general governorship of 1916. Special attention was paid to the Kazakhs and Kyrgyz, who suffered most during the uprising. They are not able to resist the royal armed troops were forced to flee the country. The impact of emergencies during the uprising on the daily life of indigenous people (including adults and children) is compared with official data, manuscripts, historical and literary works, memories of witnesses. The article also describes the impact of new changes in extreme situations on the mood of residents and its phenomenon in everyday life, the consequences of the colonial policy of tsarism in the life of the Kazakh and Kyrgyz people.


189-193 403

In this article, on the basis of theoretical analysis, the macrostructure of the student‘s subjectivity is considered. The composition of this macrostructure is proposed. At the same time, the components of the macrostructure of the student‘s subjectivity were divided into two types: the structural representation of the student‘s subjectivity and the functional representation of the student‘s subjectivity. The motivational-value, emotional-volitional, cognitive-competence, reflexive-regulatory components were referred to the structural representation of the student‘s subjectivity. The content of the functional representation of the student‘s subjectivity includes personality-creative, activity-prognostic, organizational-communicative components.

194-202 583

The article presents a study on the problem of improving education management through the implementation of corporate governance and the preparation of future teachers for corporate governance in the education system. The purpose of the article is to analyze and substantiate the role of corporate governance in the education system. The authors reveal the essence of corporate governance as an important part of the education system, and also generalize the content of the Standard curriculum and the Standard academic program in terms of preparing future teachers for corporate governance in the education system. The authors come to the conclusion that insufficient coverage of the problem of corporate governance in the education system in the research literature, this problem more considered in the field of economics. They also point to the need to train future teachers for corporate governance in the education system.

203-207 595

The article discusses the features of training the future teachers to the implementation of pedagogical management, their role in the professional development of specialists. On the basis of the works of foreign and Kazakh researchers, pedagogical, cognitive, cultural, personal-centered, competence-oriented approaches to the content of education are described. The substantive structure of various aspects of pedagogical management is highlighted, namely: cognitive-informative, activity-based, reflective, and value-based – motivational aspects.

208-213 583

The problem of the theory of professional competence is a significant factor shaping the conditions for the economic and social development of the country. Professional competence is the ability to base professional decisions on previous experiences with specific situations. In this article researched the essence and basic principles of professional competence. In the research work considered the formed concepts in pedagogical and psychological science. Practical significance of the work was as follows: structured and systematized the concepts of professional competence, special attention was directed to pedagogical and socio-psychological concepts.

214-220 546

The article dealt with the actual problem of the formation of communicative competence of junior school children. The author reveals the relevance of the methodological foundation and the experiment on formation of communicative competence of primary school children. The essence is revealed and the scope of the term ―communicative competence‖ is dealt with. Qualitative criteria and levels of communication competence of junior schoolchildren are provided. Time-tested system of work in the primary school on the formation of communication skills is described.

221-227 523

The presence of a person's socially positive characteristics, activity, creative thinking, ability to solve social problems are dictated by the demands of modern society. This is one of the main tasks of educating a future competitive personality. Therefore, you should pay attention to the formation of the nature of the child in social conditions. Such a social demand of society leads to giving special attention to the self-realization of the individual, independent maturing, the formation and development of the social skills of primary school students as the basis for effective socialization. Through the development of social skills and creative activity of primary school students, we bring up an individual who meets the needs of society and the process of interaction with the environment. A creative person with highly developed social skills can fight back in times of crisis and in the period of rethinking values and direct their behavior for the benefit of their own and social values.

228-231 632

In this article authors talks about the importance of accounting the age and individual feature characteristics of primary school students on educational process. One of the most important factors of personal development is the consideration of the age and individual features of pupil. Author reveal the psycho-physiological development of primary school pupils and analyze the works of famous teachers and psychologists of Kazakhstan and foreign countries. It is mentioned that the importance of taking into account the pupil's age and individual features on educational process was noted in the works of such Kazakh educators as Zh.Aymautov, A.Baitursynov, M.Zhumabaev, Sh. Kudaiberdiev, M.Dulatov, K. Zharykbaeyv.

232-237 422

The authors consider the problem of formation of skills of correct behavior in extreme situations in preschool children. The characteristic of age features of 5-6 years old children is given, their curiosity and naivety of thinking, desire to learn and try everything is noted. There is a need to organize special classes for the formation of children's clear understanding of the dangers encountered on the street, in kindergarten and at home. Such effective methods of work with children as dramatizations of plot and role-playing games, discussion of situations, reading of fiction and other are revealed. The necessity of close cooperation between the kindergarten and the family is emphasized, and not just the amount of knowledge, but using the skills of correct behavior in various life situations is important.

238-243 570

The article reveals the research activity of primary school students and the effective of teaching research students from primary school. At this age, they have a special interest in learning new things. Research work in primary school is carried out in each subject of the school curriculum. The authors believe that for the proper organization of the research work of students the teacher should be comprehensive, with a high degree of research qualification. In the organization of research activities of students, considering the ways of their development and skills necessary for their research, determined the conditions for the formation of research skills of younger students. In addition, research skills developed from primary school age contribute to the functional literacy of students and serve them throughout their lives.

244-249 912

The article deals with the development of inclusive education in USA, Great Britain, Russia and Kazakhstan, its problems and trends. The main part of the article raises questions of a the educational assessment of students with special educational needs in the conditions of the implementation of inclusive education. The authors reveal the basic principles that teachers must adhere to when assessment students' learning achievements in an inclusive education environment. The article assumes that correct assessment in the presence of a rigid state educational standard is impossible. The main conclusions of the article provide for the need to expand and supplement educational and methodological recommendations on the system of assessing the educational achievements of students with special educational needs.

250-255 620

The article discusses various approaches to the preparation of a special teacher to work in an inclusive education; highlighted the existing problems in this process; the concept of ―training teachers for work in an inclusive education‖ is revealed. One of the key in this regard is the problem of staffing the education system, which is solved through the training of teachers, providing the educational process, psychological and pedagogical support of subjects of education and the socio-cultural integration of individuals with special educational needs in modern society.

256-260 444

This article deals with the problem of the development of coherent speech of children with general speech underdevelopment, which is currently one of the most important tasks of the special education. The authors describe the features of speech of children with speech disorders, the specificity of working with the coherent speech of children with a general speech underdevelopment. Particular emphasis in the article is made on the use of mnemonics in speech therapy practice, as one of the methods for optimizing correctional work with children with general speech underdevelopment.

The article defines "mnemonics" from the perspective of different authors and features of this technique in the correctional work. The stages of work with mnemotables are described in details. By an example of working with a poem, described the main stages and methods of work using mnemonic tables with children with a general underdevelopment of speech of preschool and school age.

261-265 646

Early intervention in the development of children with special educational needs is a priority worldwide. The interdependence of negative factors associated with impaired psychophysical development indicates the need to include the child and parents in the program of early correctional care. This provision is relevant in work with young children after cochlear implantation. Currently, cochlear implantation is the most effective method of hearing and speech rehabilitation of deaf children. The success of the pedagogical habilitation of such children is largely determined by the observance of two basic conditions: the constant presence of children and adults among normal hearing and speaking and the provision of systematic remedial education. The article presents the stages and methods of hearing speech on the experience of foreign and domestic remedial work, as well as the possibility of their implementation in relation to children with a cochlear implant of an early age.

266-273 446

The article reveals the main factors influencing the development of professional identification of future social teachers in the period of study at the university. These include: educational environment, society, vocational education and professional education. The educational environment is considered as one of the integral and important factors in the training of social educators. Society is considered from the point of view of the process of inclusion of the future social teacher in it and integration through the nearest social environment into society as a whole. Based on the general pedagogical ideas of educators and psychologists about the specifics and the relationship of the processes of training and education in a single educational process, the author gives their brief description.

274-278 402

The problem of selection at the initial stage of sports training in complex technical sports, to which the judo wrestling concerns does not lose its relevance to the present day.Modern sports of higher achievements, develops in conditions of acute competitive struggle. The struggle for medals at the Olympics and World Championships is led by about 180 federations of various countries around the world. Achievement of high sport‘s results largely depends on the degree of development of physical and mental abilities of a person, which implies the possibility of sports selection of people with the maximum level of importance for this sport. To assess the effectiveness for combating judo in the initial stage of sports training is the improvement of the system of sports selection that will systematize the process and, based on the criteria developed, significantly increase the efficiency of the initial sports selection in judo for the formation of training groups, preparation for their further successful sport development.

279-284 469

The relevance of the study is due to the lack of coverage of questions about the reaction of the functional system to the exercise of a pregnant woman. The article presents statistical data of the demographic situation in Kazakhstan. The authors presented material in which research was conducted for the first time involving a group of pregnant women. On the basis of the conducted research, methodological recommendations have been developed for the introduction of physical culture into the everyday life of the family for girls - future mothers and the development of physical literacy of the female mother. A system of improving the formation of physical culture of girls is proposed, consisting in the methodical development of targeted measures to inculcate physical culture in students and their preparation for the future period of motherhood.

285-291 1170

The article discusses the theoretical foundations of the psychological characteristics of the emotional- volitional sphere of the individual in the management process. The authors, considering emotion as a subjective experience of satisfying a person‘s needs, described its three main components. At the same time, information is given on various phenomena of a person‘s emotional life, on affects, emotions, feelings, attitude and stress. The psychological health of the leader, his main directions, energy sources, consequences, will, as a conscious regulator of behavior and activities in overcoming internal and external conflicts are considered.


293-298 767

The article is devoted to the content, character and performance of the Kazakh national dance art. It was considered that the art of choreography, including the history of Kazakh dance, all dances stem from popular folk art. Nowadays it has become a very valuable source, rich in choreographic tradition, which marks the development of Kazakh dance.

299-303 466

The article presents an analysis of the lesson «Stretch Plastic». This is a subject, whose purpose is to stretch the muscles of the body, developing the plastic abilities of the dancer's body. The subject «Stretch Plastic» is included in the training of choreography teachers at the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University. The main purpose of this article is to identify the features, tasks of individual exercises included in the curriculum of the subject ―Stretch Plastic‖ and their influence on the dance skills of performers by an analytical method. In conclusion, we have highlighted the basic rules of stretch plastics. Observing them can achieve a positive result in the classroom. The authors also noted the effect of stretching on the dancers' movement skills.

304-309 552

At present, the links between academic performance and traditional culture have increased. This is largely due to socio-economic reasons. In addition, ideological attitudes play a significant role in this process. In traditional performance today the most important installation is the preservation of already established traditions, and in this one can also note the influence of historical, social and political factors. Outstanding performers of academic direction in their work show the impact of the traditional philosophy of creativity, which is manifested in the choice of repertoire and features of interpretation. Thus, the connection between academic performance is so strong that traditional culture influences the formation of unique parameters of the national performing style.

310-314 488

This article explores the history of one of the oldest first children's music schools of the republic, which is located in Uralsk city. Information about graduates who later became famous musicians is given. It will be told about former and present directors. The author will tell about each department of the school of that time, about the teachers working to this day, about cooperation with the Kazakhstan and foreign musical educational institutions. Attention is also paid to various circles at school. The stages of development and prospects of the educational process are analyzed.

315-320 560

The article discusses the contribution of Asanali Ashimov to the development of the culture of Kazakhstan. Description of A.Ashimov‘s phenomenon in the Kazakh theater and cinema is given through the analysis of his acting work in cinema and theater. The author provides reviews of famous artists of A.Ashimov‘s work. Describes other forms of creativity of A.Ashimov in art. The analysis of A.Ashimov as acting master teacher is given as well.

321-324 512

The article examines the actual problem of the functioning in the modern Kazakh variety of the richest traditions of song performance, existence in the repertoire of well-known vocal groups, ensembles, trio-duets, and other collectives of ethno-folklore tendencies. As a result of creative search there was a synthesis of stage art with ethnic music as well as European folk songs. Such genres as terme, zheldіrme enriched with expressive colors, enhancing the emotional impact on the audience, deepening the national color, revealing the tembral potential of the music, found a new stage life.

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ISSN 2306-5079 (Print)